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2. Graphical plot of the fourier series of the signal-FREQUENCY
3. Best classification of speech signals/contains information-RANDOM
4. Power with reference with 1-ohm resistance-NORMALIZED POWER
. !he"yshe# filter has stiff roll-off RIPPLE
$. %pecific metho& to plot non-perio&ic signal-FOURIER TRANSFORM
'. %pecific metho& to plot perio&ic signal-FOURIER SERIES
(. )ourier series of o&& transform- SINE FUNCTIONS
*. +atio of pulse wi&th o#er perio&-DUTY CYCLE
1,.- function characteri.e& "y sine change of /0,-SIGNUM FUNCTION a#erge flter is wt flter1(FIR)
12.a sine wa#e has 42 power3wt is the a#e. power1(0) t0,3wt is & amplitu&e of r4t5361(3)
14.& process of &trmining & fre7 content in terms of fre7 p+esent in &
sgnal.(sign! n!"sis)
1$.wt operati,n &sPlays its time w/o changing its shape14#i$% s&i'#ing)
11'.& con#oluti,n of sgnal w/ its fol&e& #ersi,n.((#)*)++%!#i)n)
1(.if & input in & +! flter is a unit step wt is its output1(%,-)n%n#i! +is%)
1*.& perio& analog sgnal is sample8 "y e#ry integer n for &screte sgnal.
4s$-!ing in#%g+!.in#%+/!)
2,.wt symMetry in fourier sgnals c,ntain o9ly o&8 harm,nics1(&!'01/%
21.a sgnal cn "e rep+esente8 "y c,m"inati,n of harm,nics at &screte
fre72(')(+i%+ s%+i%s)
122.fin& & energy:3441/26;n6.(34 5)(!%s),ther term for o&& symmetry in g#en sgnals.(n#i0s"$$%#+i*)
24.unit .ero sPace crossing unit area an& e#en symMetric.(sin* '(n*#i0n)
2.filter in a sgnal p+ocesing system3& inpu/ in soMe !<=+>-.4yn ung
n?alagay3wlang sagot6
2$.n,t perio&ic sgnal.()n%0si6E6)
2(.co9#olu/i,n of a sgnal w/ &ira! of t.(#&% siGn!)
2*.&ri#ati#e of unit ramp.4unit step6
3,.9ot a character of impulse function- 8%+) 9 #:0
31.signal classification that contains information- Rn6)$ Sign!
32.>alue of hea#ysi&e unit step when t0,@3.4
33.Auotient of the pulse wi&th an& perio& of the signal-D(#" *"*!%
34.-ny signal can "e represente& "y a com"ination of harmonics@F)(+i%+
3.system that process the input in some function-- Fi!#%+
3$.the process of &etermining the content of the gi#en signal in terms of the
fre7uency present in the signal-- S-%*#+! n!"sis
3'.a sine wa#e o a signal generation has a P02223what is the a#erage
#alue1 --A/%:0

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