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Search Engine Death Match

Solr (Lucene) vs. Verity

Kevin Penny, Jobs2eb, !nc

"ale o# the "a$e

Sr. eb %rchitect &

Jobs2eb, !nc
(' years)

(arlson Mar)eting
Ply+outh, M,

(o+Mar), !nc &

,orth Da)ota

! a+ (ana-ian

(.ML Develo$er
since /001

%l$ha "ester #or 2olt

((ol-.usion 2uil-er)

(.Pro$erty !ns$ector

%l$ha "ester #or

(entaur ((.0)

2logger 3

Strength o# Search4

Search 5ules %ll

*oogle has +a-e a living (6uite a nice one)

7ith Search

Everyone nee-s it

8ar- to get right

!nternet 7oul- be -i##icult to use 7ithout it

Please "y$e 9our :5L 8ere...

%n- in this corner...

Solr (Lucene;s (hil-)

Searching <n Lucene

7=5e$lication (S<L5)

>ML=8""P !nter#ace

<$en Source Pro?ect

Java 2ase- (Lucene)

>ML = 8""P = D2 = Docs


Verity (<EM 7=(.)


Stan- alone
!nstallation (/ !P)

(#search @able

Docs = D2



Solr (Lucene;s (hil-)

Many o$tions +ean +ore


Multi$le (ollections re6uire

+ulti$le Solr (ores

,ot (. !ntegate- (A)

More -i##icult to get $er#ect

5elevancy -i##ers #ro+ Verity

A <r is it4

Verity (<EM 7=(.)

,ot (ross Plat#or+ (+ac)

Li+ite- to

(ollection Li+itations

5ecor- Li+itations

(olu+n Li+itations

ED$ensive i# you outgro7


Solr .eatures

Ste++ing Su$$ort i.e.


Phonetic Search

Sche+a De#ine-


.iel- searching

>ML 5esult

(hoice o# Servlet
(ontainer (i.e. Jetty,
"o+cat, 5esin)

.a+iliar = Si+$le 6uery

String=htt$ calls (4

Multi$le Sources o# Data

EDtensive (aching

!n-eD 5e$lication

Solr %rchitecture

Solr @ho;s :sing it4
*ol-+an Sachs
%$$le, !nc

Verity @ho;s :sing it4

%r-en 2usiness


:S *ov;t

(,ot Jobs2eb I)

Solr SyntaD

J & Main search $ara+eter

(7hat you 7ill 6uery #or)

.6 & #ilter 6uery & use- to

#urther sub#ilter the
origional resultset

DebugJuery @ (true) i# you

7ant to see 7hat Solr is
-oing un-er the hoo-
+atches=ste++ing etc)

Start & $oint in the

recor-set in 7hich you
7ant to vie7 the -ata

5o7s & ho7 +any ro7s

-o you 7ant to return

!n-ent & on=o## &

co+$act the D+l result

.l & #iel- list & 7hich

#iel-s to you 7ant to
retrieve -ata #or

5ea-y to 5u+ble

P%5" /

!n-eDing >ML Data 5a7

(sa+$le=i"unes Library)


!n-eDing >ML Data in

(#a-+in (ollection

<ut$ut (search syntaD)

Debugging=>ML <ut$ut

P%5" 2

!n-eDing Database Data

Sche+a Design Setu$

Delta=DeletePK Juery

<ut$ut (syntaD)

Debugging=>ML <ut$ut


.acets (-yna+ic clustering)

"he 2loo-y "ruth (Verity)
(ollection Li+it 8it (12@11)
(ollections <##line (5an-o+ly)
(ollection 5an-o+ > (verity bug)
Errors G "hrea- counts (B $er collection)

.inal 5oun-
Solr .%J @ 5elevancy (oo)boo)
Lucene .%J
(. 0 (Solr !ntegrate-)
777.(o-e.usionLL(.co+ 2log
.erret @ 5uby
.acete- Searching 7ith Solr

%n- the inner is...

hat Search Solutions -o you :se4

oul- you use Solr4

oul- you continue to use Verity4

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