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Free Vimshottari dasha

prediction life Report

Hindu astrology has solved the vexed question of the timing of events to a great
extent with the help of the Dasha system.
The Hindus take the exact position of the oon at the time of !irth" find out in which
#akshatra" the star oon and after calculation" find out the order of the dashas that
will !e followed. The planet for calculating the Vimshottari dasha is the oon and its
position at the time of the !irth of a child. Vimshottari dashas have !een found to !e
very simple" most accurate and scientific as well. The $stro%age Vimshottari Dasha
software calculates your Vimshottari Dasha and also explains the effect of the same.
Dasha system does yield very useful and satisfactory results. The position of the
oon at the time of !irth is very important in the calculation of the Dashas. &se this
free software to understand the various influences that will prevail during the
periods of rule of the different planets affecting your health" your finances and your

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