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52 december 2013/ january 2014 For more information and a sample copy of LPB visit: www.icheme.

A new series of articles inspired by IChemEs Loss Prevention Bulletin and
the BP Process Safety Series: sharing lessons learned from accidents.
N any facility that processes hazardous
materials, any intrusive activity
could allow the escape of hazardous
substances. Implementing adequate
isolation practices is critical to avoiding loss
of containment.
Some of industries most serious accidents
have been as a result of inadequate isolation.
The primary cause of the Piper Alpha disaster
was due to switching on a pump which had
been taken out of service for maintenance
and had not been adequately isolated. The
BP Texas City disaster happened because
operatives started up a raffinate splitter tower,
while ignoring open maintenance orders on
the towers instrumentation system (an alarm
meant to warn about the quantity of liquid in
the unit was disabled).
Alongside these headline-making incidents
there are many more that have caused injury
or death because safety management systems
for isolating plant are either inadequate
or, even where they are robust, poorly
the nature of inadequate
isolation accidents
When remedial or maintenance work needs
to be done on plant or equipment, the
question of safe isolation invariably arises.
Tony Fishwicks article on recurring accidents
from confined spaces (tce 854) highlighted
some of the tragic consequences which
can arise from inadequate awareness and
isolation of confined space hazards. The need
for robust isolation procedures and practice
in industry is generally well established and
understood. However, regardless of whether it
is due to a combination of inadequate, and/or
poorly-implemented procedures, or possibly
lack of training and/or supervision, accidents
continue to occur.
Geoff Gill examines the
lessons we should be
Isolation may be needed from any of the
hazards routinely encountered in industry,
namely electrical; pressurised systems;
suspended loads; chemical/radiological/
biological; and mechanical.
The list is, of course, easy to compile.
However, a trawl through the history of
accidents where inadequate isolation played
a part reveals that, even though the presence
of a hazard was often recognised, an accident
still occurred due to shortcomings including:
an inadequate understanding of the system
being worked on;
operators and/or supervisors not being
suitably qualified or experienced;
plant not being adequately decontaminated;
lack of supervision to ensure permits to work
(PTWs) are correctly followed;
deviations from work plans not being
adequately risk assessed;
the work area not being closely inspected
prior to the job;
workers inadequately briefed prior to work;
failing to carry out checks to ensure all
required safeguards are in place prior to job;
precise nature of work, status of plant and
referencing of plant components not clearly
specified on permits;
other plant personnel not fully aware of work
being carried out;
plant inadequately labelled;
workers not personally checking that
isolations are in place;
contingency plans not available
operators working under PTW not reading
and understanding the permit conditions;
inadequate control of contractors;
inadequate communication between all
involved in work;
inadequate justification and safeguards for
work on live systems; and
Recurring accidents:
inadequate isolations
Free to share
IN the spirit of this series, you are
permitted to print, photocopy
and redistribute this article as
many times as you like. Feel
free to share it with your boss,
colleagues and reports.
Together we can help to
reduce the number of
workplace accidents.
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A new series of articles inspired by IChemEs Loss Prevention Bulletin and
the BP Process Safety Series: sharing lessons learned from accidents.
long delays between atmosphere testing and
work beginning.
the legal section
Countries with extensive, well-regulated
industries all have legislation that is similar
in principle to that in the UK
. Factors to
be considered include the nature of plant
to be worked on together with associated
hazards that require isolation, contingency
arrangements, and the need to define safe
systems of work.
In the UK there are no specific regulations
relating to isolation of plant and equipment,
but, as is the case with all UK health
and safety legislation, the underpinning
legal requirements are enshrined in the
Management of Health and safety at Work
Regulations 1999. Practical guidance on safe
process isolations is given in HSG253 The
Safe isolation of Plant and Equipment
. For
electrical isolations, guidance can be found
in HSG85 Electricity at Work Safe Working
The following practical guidance is based
on HSG253.
the detailed legal requirements
Using the UK as an example, a suitable and
sufficient assessment of all the risks for all
work activities for the purpose of deciding
what means are necessary for safety must be
carried out in accordance with regulation
Case study 1
Phenol burns during maintenance (LPB 129)
An engineering fitter was badly burned by phenol spilling from a pipe attached
to a valve that he was removing.
A phenol transfer system consisted of two pumps, overhead pipework and a
drainage system from the pump bodies as shown in the above figure.
Number 2 pump was removed for overhaul three weeks prior to the incident
because of a leaking gland assembly. The resulting open pipework was blanked off.
Maintenance work was planned to coincide with the annual holiday shutdown
when various pieces of plant were being overhauled. The discharge valve of
number 2 pump (number 5 ball valve) required overhauling as it was passing.
Process operators had blown the line clear with inert gas and drained the lines
to the draindown tank via number 1 pump. Steam was turned off the valve once
the lines had been blown out and electrical heating turned off. The plant was then
handed over from production to maintenance staff and on the following day the full
plant shutdown started.
A fitter was instructed to remove the number 5 ball valve. The bobbin below the
valve was removed and six of eight bolts removed from the top flange of the valve.
At this moment the joint broke and around 510 l of phenol ran out of the pipework
causing burns to the fitters shoulder, body, hands and legs. The fitter was, at one
stage, unconscious and critically ill.
The investigation found that:
the plant had not been handed over to maintenance staff using any formal hand-
over procedure;
the maintenance supervisor lacked knowledge of the precise state of the plant
and his subsequent verbal instruction to the fitter was inadequate;
the line in question had not been drained. The relevant engineering personnel did
not recognise that blowing down of this system would be ineffective when number
2 pump was removed;
there was no PTW for the job and therefore the possible hazards and risks had
not been recognised;
only gloves and goggles had been provided and it is not clear if these had been
worn by the fitter; and
no formal general training on hazard awareness, nor on the hazards of phenol
was provided for employees.
An example
An operator was carrying out a routine
pigging operation. On conclusion of
the interlock sequence he opened
the telltale bleed valve to ensure that
the launcher was free of toxic and
flammable gases. The gas test was
negative. He then realised that he had
omitted part of the procedure, requiring
the interspace between the kicker
line isolation valve and the pipeline
isolation valves to be vented to flare.
This procedure is normally carried
out at the beginning of the operation.
He opened the kicker line isolation
valves and the pipeline isolation valves
without closing the telltale door. This
caused a gas release from the telltale
bleed valve.
If a process isolation deviates
from the plan, whether controlled
by PTW or operating procedure,
then STOP! Re-evaluate the
task. In this case, the interlock
arrangements which permitted
the human error to occur should
then have been reviewed with a
view to modification.
To charge rooms
To phenol tank
and tank area
Pump no.1
Pump no.2
which had
been removed
Transition pipe
which had
been removed
Ball valve
being removed
10 cm phenol pipe
5 4 2 3
Layout of phenol pumps, main pipes and valves
54 december 2013/ january 2014 For more information and a sample copy of LPB visit:
A new series of articles inspired by IChemEs Loss Prevention Bulletin and
the BP Process Safety Series: sharing lessons learned from accidents.
used to control work which is identified as
potentially hazardous. For defined categories
of less hazardous work of a routine nature,
authorisation via operating procedures/
work instructions may be acceptable.
Comprehensive guidance has been published
by HSE in Guidance on Permit-to-Work Systems
HSG 250 (ISBN 9780717629435).
2. Documentation
Accurate up-to-date reference information on
all plant modifications should be accessible
to all relevant workers (including short-
term contractors) involved in planning and
conducting the work. This includes:
piping and instrumentation diagrams
process system schematics unlike a P&ID
these provide an overall view of the plant;
piping general arrangements and/or piping
cause-and-effect diagrams; and
loop diagrams.
Separate isolation certificates can be used
as part of a PTW system, for example, where
the isolation required is not detailed on
the PTW. It is good practice to use separate
isolation certificates for separate disciplines
such as electrical, mechanical, process and
inhibits of control and safety systems. The key
issue is to enable effective communication,
avoiding miss-understanding and confusion.
Certificates and permits should be cross
3. Controlling interactions with
other work/systems
Adequate control, security, monitoring and
communication are needed, particularly:
at shift handovers
where support groups rely on the same
in areas where there is multiple
responsibility for plant.
4. Controlling changes
It is vital that any changes to the planned
isolation scheme are both recognised and
fully assessed. Changes to an isolation scheme
could arise for a variety of reasons such as:
changes imposed by the condition of the
changes to the scope of intrusive work as the
work proceeds; and
inability to complete a job (eg due to an
increase in the scope of work once it is under
way, or the non-availability of spares).
Any change to isolation arrangements
should be reviewed, reassessed and
authorised. The modified scheme should be
captured in the work control documents (eg
isolation certificates and P&IDs) to ensure full
reinstatement at the end of the job.
3 of the Management of Health and Safety
at Work regulations
. For intrusive work on
hazardous plant and equipment this means
the identification of all the hazards which
are likely to be present, and implementing
adequate means of isolating them.
Key stages of process isolation are:
hazard identification;
risk assessment and selection of isolation
planning and preparation of equipment;
installation of the isolation;
draining, venting, purging and flushing;
testing and monitoring effectiveness of the
isolation; and
reinstatement of plant.
safe systems of work for
isolation activities
The following safe systems are required to
ensure that isolation activities deliver the
appropriate protection to workers.
1. Work control systems
Control of isolations for higher hazard
activities is normally part of a PTW system.
A PTW system is a formal recorded process
It is good practice to
use separate isolation
certificates for separate
disciplines such as
electrical, mechanical,
process and inhibits of
control and safety systems.
The key issue is to enable
effective communication,
avoiding miss-understanding
and confusion.
Case study 2
release kills two contractors (LPB 200)
Two contractors died while carrying out an inspection of the level
measurement device of a titanium tetrachloride (TiCl
) evaporator. On
disconnecting the signal wiring of the level measurement device, the process
computer responded to this signal as empty and opened the control valve to fill
the evaporator. The evaporator was not isolated prior to the start of the work, so
it started to fill with TiCl
, without anyone noticing. Meanwhile the work continued
and the level measurement device was removed. At this moment the evaporator
overflowed releasing TiCl
on the first and second level of the reactor building.
The high level alarm was silenced by the panel operator. On contact with water
(including air humidity), TiCl
produces hydrogen chloride and TiO
, so a thick toxic
white cloud was rapidly formed inside the reactor building. Two contractors working
on the first floor could not locate an emergency ladder. Both were new to the
installation and were trapped with very little visibility due to the thick white cloud.
Both were later found dead. The main lessons to be learned from this accident are:
the PTW system has to be used strictly. The installation was not properly isolated
prior to the work;
adequate training and supervision are necessary. This must include adequate
information for contractor workers about safety in the installation, such as the use
of safe evacuation routes;
contractors cannot be relied upon to inform their personnel about the on-site
safety information; a strict control system is necessary;
improvement of control and alarm systems. There should be a clear difference
between no signal and zero signals in the process computer. Also, an interlock
system should be used to prevent overflow of the evaporator, and a better
management of alarms should be introduced, to avoid neglecting critical alarms;
a management crisis team is necessary to ensure communications with external
emergency services. A prompt alert for these services is also necessary.
For more information and a sample copy of LPB visit: december 2013/ january 2014 55
A new series of articles inspired by IChemEs Loss Prevention Bulletin and
the BP Process Safety Series: sharing lessons learned from accidents.
so why do accidents recur?
Safety guru Trevor Kletz examined this
subject in detail and provided a number of
reasons. Principal amongst these are:
organisations fail to record and circulate
the lessons learned from past accidents, and
fail to encourage a search for past relevant
accidents either for design purposes or for
operator training;
experience and skills are lost when staffing
is reduced, long-term employees retain
memories of abnormal plant behaviour,
near misses and, most importantly, why
modifications were made;
hazards are not reassessed often enough.
What was safe in the past is not necessarily
safe now. Plant modifications may have
affected the plant capacity to handle
excursions safely;
supervisors are overloaded. They are
the interface between management and
workforce, ensuring that work flows
smoothly. They should not be distracted
with unnecessary tasks and detail, diverting
attention away from safety;
change of design can lead to fatal
conditions. There should be a formal system
for assessment of proposed changes to plant
and they should only be implemented after
they have met the appropriate criteria. This
should be enforced for field modifications;
taking short cuts is a readily recognisable
human behaviour but will result in unsafe
Case study 3
Explosion at the Phillips Houston Chemical Complex,
Pasadena, 23 October 1989 (LPB 97)
On 23 October 1989, the
Phillips 66 Petroleum
Chemical Plant near
Pasadena, Texas, then
producing approximately
6.8m t/y of high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) plastic,
suffered a massive series of
explosions.23 people died
and hundreds were injured in
an explosion that measured at
least 3.5 on the Richter scale
and destroyed much of the
The subsequent OSHA
investigation highlighted
numerous errors.Firstly, the air
hoses used to pneumatically
activate the valve (see Figure,
right) were left near the
maintenance site. When the
air hoses were connected
backwards, this automatically
opened the valve, releasing a
huge volatile gas cloud into the
atmosphere.It is unknown why
the air hoses were reconnected
at all.Secondly, a lockout
device had been installed by
Phillips personnel the previous
evening, but was removed at
some point prior to the accident.A lockout device physically prevents someone
from opening a valve.Finally, in accordance with local plant policy but not Phillips
policy, no blind flange insert was used as a backup.The insert would have stopped
the flow of gas into the atmosphere if the valve had been opened.Had any of those
three procedures been executed properly, there would not have been an explosion
that day.According to the investigation, contract workers had not been adequately
trained in the procedures they were charged with performing.
Organisations fail to
record and circulate
the lessons learned
from past accidents,
and fail to encourage
a search for past relevant
accidents either for
design purposes or for
operator training.
An example
A fatal accident occurred when
contract workers were installing pipe
from two production tanks to a third.
Welding sparks ignited flammable
vapour escaping from an open-ended
pipe about 1.2 m from the contractors
welding activity on tank 4. The
explosion killed three workers who
were standing on top of tanks 3 and 4.
A fourth worker was seriously injured.
The contract workers did not
isolate tanks 2 and 3, which contained
flammable vapour, prior to beginning
the welding operation. Additionally, the
open-ended pipe of tank 3 was left
uncapped and provided the source
of hydrocarbon vapour. Workers
did not clean tanks 2 and 3 prior to
beginning the welding job on tank
4. If the residual oil in tank 2 had
been removed and both tanks
flushed with water, the flammable
vapour source could have been
eliminated. LPB 213
easy steps to help avoid
To prevent repetitions, consider the following:
describe accidents in safety bulletins,
emphasising reasons why they happened;
follow up accident recommendations to
ensure that they have been put into effect;
never change a procedure until the reason for
it is fully approved and understood;
learn from accidents in other organisations,
particularly those with similar processes;
emphasise the importance of risk
assessments and make sure that they are
carried out;
put this into effective practice using
techniques such as safety information
notes and emails; committee meetings;
Reactor loop
isobane line
Vent (purge)
Demco valve
Typical piping settling
leg arrangement
Product take off
56 december 2013/ january 2014 For more information and a sample copy of LPB visit:
A new series of articles inspired by IChemEs Loss Prevention Bulletin and
the BP Process Safety Series: sharing lessons learned from accidents.
on- and off-the-job training courses;
formal apprenticeships; computerised
learning modules; and Toolbox Talks.
Designers should be included in these
practical action
Toolbox Talks are an excellent practical way
of reinforcing key messages regarding safe
working practices and hazard awareness.
The IChemEs Loss Prevention Panel has
produced a number which have particular
relevance to safe isolation of plant
. They are
designed to act as a stimulus for generating
discussion about local situations and
accidents. They are generally used as a short
team-based exercise at the beginning of
a shift. However, they can also be used in
safety workshops to generate discussion,
and can be followed up with a plant visit to
understand more fully the circumstances of
events experienced on the plant.
As with any aspect of operating a major
hazard facility, avoiding accidents due to
inadequate isolation of plant equipment
depends upon a number of factors.
It depends upon the plant being well
maintained to ensure hazardous materials
always remain where they should be. It
depends on high quality and up-to-date
processes and procedures being readily
available and understood by the users. It
depends upon all parts of the workforce
executives, managers, supervisors and
operators, each understanding their part in
ensuring safety management systems remain
fit for purpose and rigorously applied. And
last but by no means least, it depends upon a
safety culture where such things as learning,
questioning, reporting and challenging are all
part of the daily routine. tce
Geoff Gill ( is an
independent safety consultant
further reading
1. European Framework Directive 89/391/EEC
2. EU-OSHA (2010), Safe Maintenance in
3. Government of Western Australia,
Department of Commerce. Guidance Note,
Isolation of Plant, 2010
4. The Safe Isolation of Plant and Equipment
HSG 253. ISBN: 9780717661718
5. Electricity at Work: Safe Working Practices
HSG 58 ISBN: 9780717665815
6. The Management of Health and Safety at
Work Regulations 1999
7. IChemE Toolbox Talks: Isolation of
Equipment for Maintenance; Identification
of Equipment for Maintenance; Isolation of
Electricity-Driven Equipment for Maintenance
Case study 4
Multiple fatality incident at the Tosco Avon refinery,
Martinez, California (LPB 167)
On 23 February 1999,
a fire occurred in the
crude unit at Tosco
Corporations Avon oil
refinery in Martinez,
California. Workers
were attempting
to replace piping
attached to a 45 m
tall fractionator tower
while the process
unit was in operation.
During removal of the
piping, naphtha was
released onto the
hot fractionators and
ignited. The flames
engulfed five workers
located at different
heights on the tower.
Four men were killed,
and one sustained
serious injuries.
Among other things,
the subsequent enquiry
found that:
Tosco Avon management did not recognise the hazards presented by sources of
ignition, valve leakage, line plugging, and inability to drain the naphtha piping;
management did not conduct a hazard evaluation of the piping repair during the
job planning stage. This allowed the job to be executed without proper control of
Toscos reliance on individual workers to detect and stop unsafe work was an
ineffective substitute for management supervision of hazardous work activities; and
Toscos procedures and PTW programme did not require that sources of ignition
be controlled prior to opening equipment that might contain flammables, nor did it
specify what actions should be taken when safety requirements such as draining
could not be accomplished.
To overhead accumulator
11.0 psig
draw tray
Flange 2
12.0 psig
drawing not to
Vacuum truck
from pan to
vacuum truck
Elev. 38 1
Second cut C
Elev. 78 7
First cut C
Elev. 104 6
Elev. 112 3
6 Naptha piping
8 Naptha vapour
return line
Layout of the unit
Chemical Engineering Matters
The topics discussed in this article refer to the following lines on the vistas of IChemEs technical strategy
document Chemical Engineering Matters:
Health and wellbeing Lines 1, 1115
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