Human Nature Nature Reflection Paper w2014

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Nature Reflection Paper

DUE: Tuesday, Jan. 28

Paper Lenth: ! to " paes dou#le spaced$%2 font
Using Pollans writing as a model, explore your own understanding of
nature. Reminisce on at least two key experiences that you have had in your
upbringing that helped developed your own particularly ideology of nature.
These experiences should reveal a si&ilar understanding or outlook on
nature so that the paper holds together!. These could have been ones
associated with family or mentors or ones you experienced on your own.
"ake sure to recreate these experiences through descriptive language as
Pollan does so that your reader can experience the natural world as you
have. #our thesis should develop the key metaphor$s that emerge for you in
terms of your relationship with nature and its associated manifestations%
&re these metaphor$s in agreement or conflict with one another% &re you
satisfied with viewing the natural world through these metaphors%
The goal of this paper is to
Use descriptive writing effectively so the reader experiences the
natural world as you did.
'xplore through specific experiences the meanings and sentiments
you attach to nature.
(dentify the metaphors )as the thesis and guiding organi*ations+
you live by in association with these terms and how these
metaphors potentially conflict or are incomplete.

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