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Name:_____Annette Stapleton____

Lesson Title: Book vs. Movie

Subject Area: English/Language Arts
Grade Level: 5

Unit itle: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
GL!Es/ !ommon
!ore Standard
CSS. English Language Arts & Literacy: RL. 5.3: !ompare and contrast t"o or more
characters# settings# or events in a stor$ or drama# dra"ing on speci%ic details in the te&t
'e(g(# ho" characters interact)(
*ES+S/NES+ METS. 35!.CC.3. use a variet$ o% media and %ormats to create and edit products 'e(g(#
presentations# ne"sletters# brochures# "eb pages) to communicate in%ormation and ideas to
various audiences(
+!an $ou match up the the boo- moments to the movie moments.
+!an $ou identi%$ the similarities and di%%erences bet"een the boo- and the movie.
/bjectives: Students "ill create a video blog comparing and contrasting the movie and boo-( he blog
must include: 0 di%%erent moments that match up bet"een the boo- and the movie# a
description o% the similarities and the di%%erences bet"een them(
ools and
+2oo-: Diary of a Wimpy Kid# b$ 3e%% 4inne$
+Laptops "ith pre+loaded 5iar$ o% a 6imp$ 4id *ovie
+7+8ads# 9 per student
+1ubric: 2oo- vs( *ovie
+8re+*ade E&ample on $outube: https://"""($outube(com/"atch.
+Short Stor$ Sample =andout: >8rotecto># http://%reedrama(net/protecto(html
1ationale: According to the !ommon !ore Standards# students must learn ho" to compare and
contrast t"o or more characters# settings# or events in a stor$ or drama# dra"ing on
speci%ic details in the te&t( his lesson %ocuses on the similarities and di%%erences bet"een
a boo- and the movie# dra"ing on speci%ic details "ithin both(
Se"uence o# Activities:
+8ass out the >Short Stor$ Sample# 8rotecto># as a class read the drama out loud(
+Now I am going to act out the drama that we just read and I want you to use
your detective skills to see if you notice anything between the paper drama and
the acted drama.
Enact the drama "ith a change o% "ords/phrases:
para# ?
Line+ *icro"ave /ven++@ A+1a$ *achine
para# B
< C
Line++@ $An% & got in trou'le #or (essing u) so (any
)atient *Rays +ith (y 'ones 'eing in their )ictures. But, & co(#orte% the(
through their )ain %uring the *Ray. So, & +as a hero that %ay. So & guesse% it
+orke% that %ay.-
para# ?
Line+ Egreen hot dogs and bro"n -etchupF++@ $sli(y slo))y .oes
an% car%'oar% )i//a-
para# 9
Line+ Egonna smoosh me a baddieF++@ $here co(es ra%ioactive
As- the class What did your detective skills notice in comparison to the drama
that we read as a class and the drama I acted out? id I act out the paper drama
Stu%ent 0ossi'le Ans+er E1a()les: EGou changed some "ords(F Ehe paper pla$
"as the correct version(F Ehe acted out drama made more sense(F
urn on the Smart+2oard and create the %ollo"ing chart:
0a)er 2ra(a Acte% 2ra(a
Who can tell me what they noticed that was similar between the paper and the
act? "imilar meaning that the moments where they were the same and the story
was not altered# meaning changed.
Stu%ent 0ossi'le Ans+er E1a()les to #ill in the chart +ith:
Si(ilarities: E2oth "ere about someone tr$ing to become a hero(F E2oth
tal-ed about radiation giving super po"ers(F E2oth tried to get super po"ers %rom a
spider(F E2oth spo-e o% school %ood that "as possibl$ radioactive(F E2oth spo-e o%
a bull$ that "as a major problem(F E2oth spo-e o% having a catch phrase(F E2oth
came up "ith the hero name o%+ 8rotecto(F# etc(
2i##erences: E8aper+ tried to get super po"ers %rom a micro"ave# Act+ tried to
get super po"ers %rom an A+1a$ machine(F E8aper+ school lunches o% green hot
dogs and bro"n -etchup# Act+ school lunches o% slim$ slopp$ joes and cardboard
piHHa(F E8aper+ catch phrase: >gonna smoosh me a baddie># Act+ catch phrase: >here
comes radioactive justice>(F
Sca%%old# *odel# and reenact bits i% and "hen necessar$( 8raise them %or the correct
8ost+5iscussion: Wow# you were able to use your detective skills to match up and
compare every instance in both the paper drama and the acting drama.
$ost movies are based on a book. %his means that the book story comes before
the movie story. What you will all notice as you continue to read throughout your
life and then watch the movie# is that the movie is not always e!actly like the
book. In fact# most prefer the book story to the movie story for the book story
tends to have too much information within it that can not be contain within a
&'minute timeframe. %herefore movie creators have to hack and adjust the book
story in order for the story to fit within the &'minutes.
(ut now I have another mission...We finished reading the book) iary of a
Wimpy *id by +eff *inney and we just finished watching the movie) iary of a
Wimpy *id. %he book was created first and the movie was created based on the
book. id you notice all the similarities and differences between the book and the
movie? Was the movie e!actly like the book? ,an you match up the moments
within the book to the movie? id the differences change the story?
2od$ o% Lesson
345 6sing the S(artBoar%, create the #ollo+ing chart:
Book Movie
-sing your memory of the book and the movie# match up the book story line to
the movie and compare them. Who can give me an e!ample of either a similarity
or a difference between the book and movie?
Stu%ent 0ossi'le Ans+er E1a()les to #ill in the chart +ith:
Si(ilarities: E2oth "ere about Greg in middle school(F E2oth had the !heese
ouch(F E2oth had characters "ith the same characteristics(F E2oth "ere about
Greg tr$ing to become popular(F E2oth had Greg "restling# in the 6iHard o% /H
pla$# and on service sIuad(F E2oth had teenagers coming a%ter Greg and 1o"le$
during =allo"een and a%ter school(F# etc
2i##erences: Ehe movie added in a couple o% characters that "ere not in the
boo-+ %or e&ample+ !hiraI(F Ehe movie has a mom dance at school# the boo- does
not have this dance(F Ehe g$m teacher >s name changes %rom the boo- to the
movie(F EGreg onl$ "restles Jregle$ in the boo-# but in the movie he also "restles
8att$(F# etc(
3!5 -sing our knowledge of the similarities and the differences between the book
and the movie# your mission is to find . different moments within the book and
line up with that moment within the movie. %his is achieved by using your book
and the uploaded movie on your laptops. When these moments are found#
compare the written moment to the acted moment and e!plain the similarities and
the differences between the two.
8ass out the laptops and the 2oo- vs *ovie 1ubrics(
335 %his is one e!ample of / of what I am looking for you to create.
8la$ the Gouube video on the Smart+2oard(
0ll the video blog re1uires is)
2a3 your voice
2b3 your chosen moment within the book to be shown and read
2c3 the same chosen moment within the movie
2d3 your e!planation of their similarities and differences.
0fter creating your video blog# you will then upload it to 4ou%ube inorder to
share it with the class.
375 8ass out the 7pads and the Lapops# 9 per person( -sing your Ipads# you are
going to use the 0pp 5I$ovie5 to record yourself reading from the book#
recording clips from the movie# and e!plaining their similarities and differences.
6n your 7aptops# the movie iary of a Wimpy *id is already uploaded so it
makes it 1uite easy to fast forward to specific spots.
355 -se your detective skills to match up book moments and movie moments.
8ind . different moments and I suggest writing down their similarities and
differences. %hese notes will help you verbally deliver the information in the
video. 0lso# I strongly suggest to have a couple of practice run throughs and you
will have a couple of redos. No one will be able to create a perfect video blog on
the first shot without being well practiced. If you are ready to practice recording#
think of a 1uiet place within school boundaries to practice and let me know
where you will be going to practice. I need everyone back in their seats in
9:minutes no matter where they are at. 4ou will have time tomorrow to finish the
385 As- the students to begin "or-ing on their project. As the class "or-s# "al-
around to monitor their progress and to assist "ith an$ Iuestions# issues# and or
concerns( Sca##ol%, Mo%el, 9uestion as nee%e%, an% Assess their )rogress.
!onclusion 0resentation on a later %ate:
=ave each student come up# introduce the 0 moments that the$ video blogged# and
pla$ their Gouube video blog project onto the Smart+2oard(
A%ter each Kideo 2log# as- the class :
$2i% they (atch u) the the 'ook (o(ents to the (ovie (o(ents:-
id they identify the similarities and differences between the book and the
id anyone notice any other similarities or differences within these .
Assess the video blog projects according to the 1ubric and grade(
Lesson 2i##erentiations:
Simpli%ications: 7% major di%%iculties are %ound in using the video# pair up students into groups o%
E&tensions: (1) Students can video blog as to "h$ the$ thin- that movies do not %ollo" the
boo- it is based upon# i% the$ pre%er the boo- o% the movie# and "h$(
(2) Students can respond to the other Greg>s vie" o% *iddle School and the
concern "ith being popular( =o" important is it to be popular in school( 6hat
characteristics and or abilities ma-es a student popular.
Assessment 8iece: Kideo 2log 8resentations and 1ubric
eacher !reated
1ubric: 2oo- vs *ovie
5rama 1ead: >8rotecto>
,ualit$ Student
8re+*ade E&ample on $outube: https://"""($outube(com/"atch.

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