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Mohammed a mechanic Moonlight Mosey is not porn

You may call it obscure to put me down but by no stretch of imagination Moonlight Mosey is porn.
Sexual undertones dont make porn. Porn is always intended. Invisible Rendition/ Moonlight Mosey is a
story of dimwitted simpleton. His innocuousness makes him a favorite fuck-buddy of the women
tortured by their imperious husbands. It stands out because never in the history of Indian literature
sexuality of a rural woman was touched upon leave aside an attempt on its fair portrayal. Sex was
always a game monopolized by rich and the privileged. Sex, whether in literature or life, was for those
who could pay for it, and had a way with it. The poor always had it and read it with a typical clumsiness.
I have tried to bring it out from their closets for them to read and relish it wherever they want. In
comparison to the dark substance in Moonlight Mosey sex is just a narrow beam of light.

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