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Evolution versus Creationism has been a controversial issue for many years.

Both sides have

convincing arguments and good reasons why the other side's opinion is not correct, but which
theory is the more probable one? Both theories have very di!erent ideas. Creationists believe that
concept and design require a creator, while evolutionists think that life started from single celled
organisms such as bacteria, then evolved into complex organisms, changing over time, some even
into di!erent, distinct animals through evolution.
Source: (Jane, 2013)

Evolution is the theory where di!erent kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and
diversied from earlier forms during the history of the earth. There is a lot of evidence that supports
evolution. One of the most important pieces of evidence is the fossil record. Sedimentary rock
allows scientists to study fossils in di!erent layers of the rock, each layer holding fossils millions of
years apart. Another reason evolution could be the correct theory are the similarities in all organisms
on the planet, both chemically and anatomically. For example, amino acids are an example of how
every living thing on earth is related. An important theory evolutionists use for evidence is the Big
Bang. This theory claims that the Earth exploded from nothing. In my opinion, I don't believe it took
millions of years to evolve.
Source: (Jane, 2013)

Creation is the theory that the universe and living organisms had a creator. One main argument that
creationists make against evolutionists is that there are gaps in our theory, most specically in the
fossil record. But studies have shown that the gaps in the fossil record have only been due to
incomplete data collection.Creationists believe the universe was designed to be complex by an
intelligent designer. The designer that many creationists believe made the Earth is God.
Source: (Ford, 2013)

Creationists believe the universe needed a creator for all things, while evolutionists believe it took
millions of years for everything to. The reason many evolutionists don't believe in creationism is
because of the time it took. Many people think it is illogical that someone could create the entire
universe in six days. Another reason is because we cannot see the creator, we cannot hear the
creator, and we cannot touch, taste, or smell the creator. The origins of the universe is the main
reason this is a heated, and controversial debate. At the moment, 40 percent of our population is in
favor of evolution. Creation is very close at 39 percent. The other 21 percent is undecided. People
are more convinced with evolution because of it's proofs and evidence backing it up. But, unless
evolutionists can show more pieces of evidence surrounding their evolution beliefs, Christianity is
the default.
Source: (Ford, 2013)

In conclusion, many points can be made on either side of the debate, and of course there are still
gaps on both sides of the argument. Both sides have good pieces of evidence with them. So far,
evolution has drawn more votes due to the scientic evidence. Of course, everyone has their own
religious beliefs, so that plays an important role in this argument. This debate will continue as the
years go on.
Source: (Strandenberg, 2013)
These two pictures are pictures of creation and evolution. The picture on the left shows a creator
(God) holding the Earth and checking o! what he has done every day of the week. This image
represents creationism. On the right is a picture of a monkey evolving into a man as time goes by. It
starts o! with an ape, and as time goes on, the monkey evolves into a man. This image shows
1. "The Creation vs Evolution Debate." Http:// The Papyrus, 2013. Web. 28
May 2014.
2. Jane, Jessica. "Evolution vs Creation." Emerson Media, n.d. Web. 28 May 2014.
3. Strandenberg, Todd. "Evolutionism vs Creationism: A Pointless Debate." N.p.,
n.d. Web. 28 May 2014.

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