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View Formulas/Functions by Category

Alphabetical Listing of Formulas/Functions:

Abs Exp PercentRank
ACos Fact Permut
ACosh False Pi
Address FileDateime (VBA) Pmt
And File!en (VBA) Power
Areas Find PPmt
Asc (VBA) Fix (VBA) Product
A"in Fixed Proper
A"inh Floor PV
Aan Forecast #uartile
Aan$ Format Dates (VBA) Radians
Aanh Format %umbers (VBA) Rand
Atn (VBA) Format "trings (VBA) Rank
A&eDe& FV Rate
A&erage 'etAttr (VBA) Replace
A&erageA 'etPi&otData (Ex )*+ Rept
,etaDist 'etPi&otData (Ex )$+ Right
,eta-n& 'rowth Rnd (VBA)
,inomDist .!ookup Roman
C,ool (VBA) .our Round
C,yte (VBA) .yperlink RoundDown
CCur (VBA) -/ Round0p
CDate (VBA) %ested -/s (up to 7) Row
CDbl (VBA) %ested -/s (more than 7) Rows
CDec (VBA) -ndex Rrim (VBA)
Ceiling -ndirect "earch
Cell -n/o "econd
Char -n"tr (VBA) "etAttr (VBA)
ChDir (VBA) -nt "gn (VBA)
ChDri&e (VBA) -ntercept "ign
Choose -Pmt "in
Chr (VBA) -rr "inh
C-nt (VBA) -s,lank "!n
Clean -sDate (VBA) "mall
C!ng (VBA) -sErr "pace (VBA)
Code -sError "1rt
Column -s!ogical "tDe&
Columns -s%A "tDe&A
Combin -s%onext "tDe&P
Concatenate -s%ull (VBA) "tDe&PA
Concatenate with 2 -s%umber "tr (VBA)
Cos -s%umeric (VBA) "trCon& (VBA)
Cosh -"Pmt "ubstitute
Count -sRe/ "ubtotal
CountA -sext "um
Count,lank !arge "um-/
Count-/ !Case (VBA) "umProduct
Co&ar !e/t "um"1
C"ng (VBA) !en "um3$m4$
C"tr (VBA) !n "um3$p4$
CurDir (VBA) !og "um3m4$
CVar (VBA) !og*5 "witch (VBA)
Date !ookup "yd
Date (VBA) !ower
DateAdd (VBA) !rim (VBA) an
DateDi/ 6atch anh
DateDi// (VBA) 6ax ext
DatePart (VBA) 6axA ime
Date"erial (VBA) 6determ ime"erial (VBA)
DateValue 6edian imeValue
DA&erage 6id oday
Day 6in ranspose
Days785 6inA rim
Db 6inute rue
DCount 6in&erse runc
DCountA 6kDir (VBA) ype
DDb 6mult 0Case (VBA)
Degrees 6irr 0pper
D'et 6od Val (VBA)
D6ax 6onth Value
D6in 6onth%ame (VBA) Var
Dollar % VarA
DProduct %A VarP
D"tDe& %ot VarPA
D"tDe&P %ow Vdb
D"um %Per V!ookup
DVar %p& 9eekday
DVarP :dd 9eekday%ame (VBA)
Error;ype ://set 4ear
E&en :r
Exact Percentile

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