Biome in A Bag Activity

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Biome in a Bag Activity

Materials Required:
6 paper bags
Index Cards
!" #abel t$e paper bags %it$ t$e names o& t$e six ma'or biomes" (ou can
include more or less biomes depending on $o% many %ere introduced
to t$e students"
)" *rite do%n t$e names o& plants+ animals+ &un &acts+ and c$aracteristics
o& eac$ biome onto index cards"
," -at$er all t$e cards and distribute among t$e students"
." C$allenge t$em to sort t$e cards correctly by putting t$em into t$e
proper bag"
/" (ou can also divide t$e class into teams and give eac$ team a set o&
bags and cards to sort" 0$e &irst to &inis$ %ins t$e game"
1ound at $ttp:22%%%"'umpstart"com2common2biome3in3a3bag Modi&ied by Angela idlaoan

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