Hazardous Products in The American Homes: Business Ethics. Concepts and Cases, 6

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Business Ethics. Concepts and Cases, 6

Hazardous Products in the American Homes
WASHINGTON, D.C. April 2, 2!!" # S$%e $& the h'('rd$)* pr$d)+t* th't +)*t$%er* 're %$*t
li,el- t$ &ind in their h$%e*. Window Blind Cords with Loops th't +'n *tr'n/le +hildren 0. the
US C$n*)%er 1r$d)+t S'&et- C$%%i**i$n 2C1SC3 ,n$4* $& '5$)t 66! *tr'n/)l'ti$n de'th* t$
+hildren in l$$ped 4ind$4 +$7erin/ +$rd* 0. Halogen Torchiere Floor Lamps th't +'n +')*e
&ire* 4hen +$%5)*ti5le* *)+h '* dr'pe* +$%e t$$ +l$*e t$ the 5)l5 0. C1SC ,n$4* $& 2! &ire*
'nd 28 de'th* *in+e 62 rel'ted t$ h'll$/en t$r+hiere &l$$r l'%p*. Cadet Heaters th't +$)ld
+')*e ' &ire. CS1S i* '4're $& %$re th'n "2! rep$rt* $& C'det 'nd En+$re he'ter* th't *%$,ed,
*p'r,ed, +')/ht &ire, e%itted &l'%e*, $r e&e+ted 5)rnin/ p'rti+le* $r %$lten %'teri'l*. The*e
in+ident* h'7e 'lle/edl- re*)lted in &$)r de'th*, t4$ *eri$)* 5)rn in9)rie* 'nd pr$pert- d'%'/e
+l'i%* e:+eedin/ ;<." %illi$n. Disposable and Novelt Lighters That !re Not Child"resistant 0.
in ' re+ent -e'r there 4ere *till 2,<!! &ire* re*)ltin/ in =! de'th* 'nd <>! in9)rie* 5e+')*e $&
+hildren )nder '/e 8 pl'-in/ 4ith li/hter*.

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