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Association of Mechanical

Engineers- PSIT Kanpur

Time- 45 min No of Questions- 4!
Instructions-" #nl$ one option is correct
%orrect Ans&er- '(
No Negati)e Mar*ing
Technical Section
+(, In a con-enser of a po&er plant. the steam con-enses at a temperature of /!
% The cooling &ater enters
at ! 0! % an- lea)es at ! 45 % The logarithmic mean
temperature -ifference 12MT34 of the con-enser is
1A4 (/5
% 164 5(/
% 1%4 0!
% 134 075
% Ans -3
+5, 8reen san- moul- in-icates that
1A4 Pol$meric moul- has 9een cure- 164 Moul- has 9een totall$ -rie-1%4 Moul- is green in colour 134
Moul- contains moisture Ans :3
+0, A spherical steel 9all of (5mm -iameter is initiall$ at (!!!K It is slo&l$ coole- in
a surroun-ing of 0!!K The heat transfer coefficient 9et&een the steel 9all an-
the surroun-ing is 5 5; <m K The thermal con-ucti)it$ of steel is 5!; <mK The
temperature -ifference 9et&een the centre an- the surface of the steel 9all is
1A4 2arge 9ecause con-uction resistance is far higher than the con)ecti)e
164 2arge 9ecause con-uction resistance is far less than the con)ecti)e resistance
1%4 Small 9ecause con-uction resistance is far higher than the con)ecti)e
=esistance 134 Small 9ecause con-uction resistance is far less than the con)ecti)e resistance Ans- 3
+4, %onsi-er the follo&ing s$stem of e>uations
This s$stem has
1A4 A uni>ue solution 164 No solution
1%4 Infinite num9er of solutions 134 Ai)e solutions Ans :%
+5, A pipe of 55mm outer -iameter carries steam The heat transfer coefficient 9et&een the c$lin-er an-
surroun-ings is 5 5;<m K It is propose- to re-uce the
heat loss from the pipe 9$ a--ing insulation ha)ing a thermal con-ucti)it$ of
!!5;<mK ;hich one of the follo&ing statements is T=BEC
1A4 The outer ra-ius of the pipe is e>ual to the critical ra-ius
164 The outer ra-ius of the pipe is less than the critical ra-ius
1%4 A--ing the insulation &ill re-uce the heat loss
134 A--ing the insulation &ill increase the heat loss AnsD%
+/, The pressure. -r$ 9ul9 temperature. an- relati)e humi-it$ of air in a room are
(9ar. 0!E% an- 7!F respecti)el$ If the saturate- steam pressure at 0!E% is
455*Pa. the specific humi-it$ of the room air in *g &ater )apour < *g -r$ air is
1A4 !!!G0 164 !!(!( 1%4 !!(H( 134 !!505 Ans : %
+7, In a rolling process. the state of stress of the material un-ergoing -eformation is
1A4 Pure compression 164 Pure shear
1%4 %ompression an- shear 134 Tension an- shear Ans : %
+G, A metric threa- of pitch 5mm an- threa- angle /!E is inspecte- for its pitch
-iameter using 0-&ire metho- The -iameter of the 9est size &ire in mm is
1A4 !G// 164 (!!! 1%4 ((54 134 5!!! AnsD%
+H, A steel 9ar 5!! mm in -iameter is turne- at a fee- of !55 mm<re) &ith a -epth of cut of 4 mm The
rotational spee- of the &or*piece is (/! rpm The material remo)al rate in 0 mm
< s is
1A4 (/! 164 (/7/ 1%4 (/!! 134 (/755 AnsD3
+(!, Specific enthalp$ an- )elocit$ of steam at inlet an- e?it of a steam tur9ine.
running un-er stea-$ state. are as gi)en 9elo&"
Specific enthalp$ 1*I<*g4 Jelocit$1m<s4
Inlet steam con-ition 055! (G!
E?it steam con-ition 50/! 5
The rate of heat loss from the tur9ine per *g of steam flo& rate is 5 *;
Neglecting changes in potential energ$ of steam. the po&er -e)elope- in *; 9$
the steam tur9ine per *g of steam flo& rate. is
1A4 H!(5 164 H((5 1%4 (7!755 134 (7!G55 Ans :%
+((, A compoun- gear train &ith gears P. Q. = an- S has num9er of teeth 5!. 4!.
(5 an- 5!. respecti)el$ 8ears Q an- = are mounte- on the same shaft as
sho&n in the figure 9elo& The -iameter of the gear Q is t&ice that of the gear
= If the mo-ule of the gear = is 5 mm. the center -istance in mm 9et&een
gears P an- S is
1A4 4!
164 G!
1%4 (5!
134 (/! Ans- 6
+(5, T&o large -iffuse gra$ parallel plates. separate- 9$ a small -istance. ha)e
surface temperatures of 4!! K an- 0!! K If the emissi)ities of the surfaces are
!G an- the Stefan-6oltzmann constant is 5/7?(!
; <m
. the net ra-iation
heat e?change rate in *; <m
9et&een the t&o plates is
1A4 !// 164 !7H 1%4 !HH 134 0H/ AnsDA
+(0, The follo&ing remar*s pertain to the properties of gases an- )apours"
( The e>uation of state is not 9$ itself sufficient for the calculation of properties such as
u. h an- s
5 Throttling process is an a-ia9atic stea-$ flo& process
0 Increase in entrop$ in &et region is -irectl$ proportional to the increase in enthalp$
;hich of these remar*s are correctC
1a4 (. 5 an- 0 194 ( an- 5 onl$ 1c4 ( an- 0 onl$ 1-4 5 an- 0 onl$ AnsD6
+(4, A gas tur9ine operating on 6ra$ton c$cle has the ma?imum temperature of (5!!K an- the
minimum temperature of 0!!K The c$cle efficienc$ for the ma?imum &or* capacit$
&ill 9e
1a4 75F 194 /!F 1c4 5!F 1-4 55F AnsD%
+(5, In a petrol engine. the ten-enc$ for -etonation increases &ith
1a4 retar-e- spar* timing 194 running the engine at high spee-
1c4 supercharging 1-4 increasing the cooling rate Ans : %
+(/, %onsi-er the follo&ing statements
( An ammonia a9sorption refrigerator has a %#P more than 0 an- is superior to )apour
compression s$stem
5 Ammonia a9sorption machines are prefera9le &here &aste heat is a)aila9le from an
e?isting source
0 A9sorption refrigerator has no mo)ing part an- hence nee-s little maintenance
4 The partial pressure of ammonia )apour )aries. 9eing high in the con-enser an- lo& in
the e)aporator
;hich of these statements are correctC
1a4 (.5.0 an- 4 194 (. 5 an- 0 onl$ 1c4 5. 0 an- 4 onl$ 1-4 ( an- 4 onl$ AnsD%
+(7, ;hich of the follo&ing scre& threa-s is a-opte- for po&er transmission in either
1a4 Acme threa-s 194 S>uare threa-s
1c4 6uttress threa-s 1-4 Multiple threa-s AnsD6
+(G, ;hen steel containing less than !G5F car9on is coole- slo&l$ 9elo& the lo&er critical
point. it contains
1a4 Aerrite mainl$ 194 Pearlite mainl$
1c4 Aerrite an- pearlite 1-4 Pearlite an- cementite AnsD%
+(H, If 9oth the mean coil -iameter an- &ire -iameter of a helical compression or tension
spring 9e -ou9le-. then the -eflection of the spring close coile- un-er same applie-
loa- &ill
1a4 9e -ou9le- 194 9e hal)e-
1c4 increase four times 1-4 get re-uce- to one : fourth AnsDA
+5!, %onsi-er the follo&ing profiles of mating gear teeth"
( In)olute profiles
5 %$cloi-al profiles
0 %onKugate profiles
;hich of these satisf$ the la& of gearingC
1a4 ( an- 5 onl$ 194 ( an- 0 onl$ 1c4 5 an- 0 onl$ 1-4 (. 5 an- 0 AnsD3
8eneral Stu-ies Section
+5(, The climate of In-ia is mainl$ tropical 9ecause of the"
1a4 Seasonal influence of Ket streams
194 2ocation of the Limala$as in its north
1c4 #)er-po&ering influence of In-ian #cean
1-4 %ountr$ 9eing a part of Asian lan-mass AnsD9
+55, Argemone oil is use- to a-ulterate"
1a4 6utter 194 %oconut oil
1c4 3iesel 1-4 Mustar- oil Ans : -
+50, A t$pe of foo- poisoning calle- 9otulism is cause- 9$ a 9acterium -ue to a to?in
pro-uce- 9$ a 9acterium This to?in is e?tensi)el$ use-"
1a4 As anaesthetic agent -uring surger$
194 In remo)ing facial &rin*les
1c4 In treating cancer
1-4 In pre)enting 9acterial infections AnsD9
+54, Arom the e)olutionar$ point of )ie&. &hich one of the follo&ing is closer to manC
1a4 3olphin 194 Shar* 1c4 Tortoise 1-4 ;olf AnsD-
+55, ;hich one of the follo&ing is not re>uire- for the formation of photochemical smogC
1a4 #?$gen 194 #?i-es of nitrogen
1c4 %ar9on mono?i-e 1-4 Sunlight AnsD%
+5/, The National 3e)elopment %ouncil is presi-e- o)er 9$"
1a4 The Prime Minister
194 The 3eput$ %hairman of Planning %ommission
1c4 The Bnion Ainance Minister
1-4 The Bnion Minister of Planning AnsDa
+57, Mero Lour in the Parliament procee-ings in In-ia is"
1a4 The time &hen the procee-ings of the Louse are not recor-e-
194 The time imme-iatel$ after the Question Lour &hen an$ liste- 9usiness is ta*en up
1c4 The time reser)e- for the a--ress 9$ the Presi-ent of In-ia or an$ -istinguishe-
8uest of the State
1-4 The time &hen no 9usiness is carrie- out AnsD9
+5G, %onsi-er the follo&ing statements"
( The Mal&a region is -raine- 9$ the tri9utaries of Sone ri)er
5 The %hotanagpur region is -raine- 9$ the tri9utaries of Mahana-i ri)er
;hich of the statements gi)en a9o)e is<are correctC
1a4 ( onl$ 194 5 onl$
1c4 6oth ( an- 5 1-4 Neither ( nor 5 AnsD9
+5H, ;hich one among the follo&ing
ra-ioacti)e su9stances has ma?imum
half life perio-C
1a4 %ar9on-(4
194 Plutonium-50H
1c4 =a-ium-55/
1-4 Branium-50G AnsD-
+0!, ;hich one of the follo&ing is the
communit$ from &hich the presi-ent
of In-ia can nominate t&o mem9ers
to 2oc* Sa9haC
1a4 Anglo-In-ians194 6u--hists
1c4 Iains 1-4 Parsis AnsDa
+0(, Mahatma 8an-hi National =ural
Emplo$ment 8uarantee Act ma*es a
para-ign shift from the pre)ious
&age emplo$ment programmes 9$"
1a4 focusing on all-roun-
-e)elopment of the rural people
194 pro)i-ing &age emplo$ment in
rural areas a legal 9in-ing for the
state 8o)ernments
1c4 pro)i-ing a statutor$ guarantee of
&age emplo$ment
1-4 None of the a9o)e is correct in
this conte?t Ans : c
+05, ;hich of the follo&ing can help in
re-ucing the car9on footprintC
( Bsing fl$-ash 9ase- cement in
9uil-ing construction
5 Bsing 2E3 9ase- electric lamps
instea- of incan-escent lamps
Select the correct ans&er using the
co-e gi)en 9elo&"
1a4 ( onl$ 194 5 onl$
1c4 6oth ( an- 5 1-4 Neither ( nor 5 AnsDc
+00, ;hich one of the follo&ing countries
-oes not ha)e a 9or-er &ith %hinaC
1a4 Afghanistan
194 Kaza*hstan
1c4 M$anmar
1-4 Thailan- AnsD-
+04, The N6orlaug A&ar-O in In-ia is
gi)en in recognition of outstan-ing
research an- contri9ution in the fiel-
1a4 material science an- architecture
194 agriculture. en)ironment an-
1c4 conser)ation an- restoration of
ancient monuments an- artifacts
1-4 alternati)e or non-con)entional
sources of energ$ AnsD9
+05, The strait &hich connects the
Ara9ian Sea an- the 6a$ of 6engal is
*no&n as"
1a4 6ering 194 Lormuz
1c4 Pal* 1-4 Malacca AnsDc
+0/, TAPI gas pipeline is mean to go
1a4 Tur*e$-Azer9aiKan-Pa*istan-Iron
194 Tur*menstan-Afghanistan-
1c4 TaKi*istan-Afghanistan-Pa*istan-
1-4 Tur*menistan-Azer9aiKan-
Pa*istan-In-ia Ans : 9
+07, In &hich one of the follo&ing regions
of In-ia &oul- one fin- )egetation
t$pes ranging from tropical to alpine
1a4 Eastern 8hats
194 3eccan Plateau
1c4 Limala$an range
1-4 Mai*ala range AnsDc
+0G, The term Pfourth estateQ refers to"
1a4 E?ectuti)e 194 Iu-iciar$
1c4 Parliament 1-4 Press Ans : -
+0H, ;hich one of the follo&ing
chemicals is use- 9$ farmers to
-estro$ &ee-sC
1a4 33T
194 Malathion
1c4 Meth$l 9romi-e
1-4 5. 4-3 AnsD-
+4!, ;hich one of the follo&ing is not a
mem9er of ASEANC
1a4 6runei 3arussalam
194 %am9o-ia
1c4 In-ia
1-4 Jietnam AnsDc

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