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Mock CAT – 6

Answers and Explanations

1 1 2 4 3 4 4 1 5 3 6 4 7 3 8 1 9 4 10 3

11 5 12 2 13 4 14 5 15 5 16 1 17 3 18 3 19 2 20 5

21 4 22 1 23 3 24 5 25 2 26 4 27 2 28 5 29 2 30 2

31 4 32 1 33 5 34 3 35 4 36 1 37 5 38 2 39 2 40 1

41 4 42 1 43 4 44 4 45 3 46 3 47 4 48 2 49 4 50 1

51 1 52 4 53 1 54 3 55 2 56 4 57 3 58 5 59 4 60 2

Total Time Taken Total Correct Incorrect Net
Questions (Min) Attempts Attempts Attempts Score
Language Comprehension
Section I 20
and English Usage
Logical Reasoning based
Section II 20
Data Interpretation
Quantitative Ability Section III 20
TOTAL 60 150

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006 1
1. 1 C introduces women who are the subject of the paragraph. writing. The author highlights the importance of the narrator’s
CE forms a mandatory pair with the description of the condition role in storytelling. In the last two lines of the paragraph, the
interlinked, B takes it forward, and D forms the conclusion. author tells us what kind of stories invoke our imagination,
however he says there is something more which is required
2. 4 E forms a pair with A. A provides the background of the start to get completely into the novel. Option 1 falls out of the scope
and E traces the rise. B & D describe Barbie’s iconization and of the argument as it talks of the search of certain individuals
C marks the conclusion. who may not even be reading the novel, this makes option 1
incorrect. Option 2 cannot be a part of the incomplete sentence
3. 4 AABBA as it starts with a present continuous tense whereas the
‘Borough’ means a town, area, or constituency represented given part of the sentence is in simple present tense; moreover
by a Member of Parliament, ‘burrow’ means a rabbit hole. it talks of ‘political aspirations’ which do not match the theme
‘Foul’ means something unfavourable, ‘fowl’ is a type of a of the passage. Option 3 moves away from the theme and
bird. ‘At’ is the correct preposition used to indicate location. has a admonishing tone that doesn’t match the tone in the first
‘Islet’ means a very small island and ‘eyelet’ means a small part of the sentence. Option 4 points towards multiple
hole, usually round and finished along the edge. characters who are storytellers and suggests that the reader
‘Meed’ means reward or to recompense and ‘mead’ means should ‘identify’ with them, which aptly fulfills the requirements
alcoholic liquor made by fermenting honey and water. for a reader to ‘engage’ with the novel. This makes Option 4
the correct answer choice. Option 5 is merely a repetition of
4. 1 BBAAB the last two sentences; hence it cannot be the answer.
‘Sashay’ means to glide, move, or proceed easily or
nonchalantly, ‘sachet’ means a small bag, case, or pad 10. 3 The paragraph starts by the author describing the ‘art of
containing perfuming powder. ‘Calender’ means a machine in reading the novel’. Then it draws similarities between the
which cloth, paper, or the like, is smoothed, glazed and novel and essay. The paragraph progresses further by
‘calendar’ means a table or register with the days of each establishing the superiority of the essay over the novel. In the
month and week in a year. ‘Claque’ means a group of last line the author talks of the novel aspiring to the ‘condition
sycophants and ‘clack’ is to make a quick, sharp sound, or a of the essay’, hence it would require an answer option that
succession of such sounds. ‘Its’ is the possessive form and continues the discussion further and also relates it to the next
‘it’s’ is the contraction of it is. ‘Bridal’ means pertaining to a paragraph. Option 1 does not fulfill the requirement as it
bride or a wedding and ‘bridle’ means part of the tack or suggests a regression rather than a progression, moreover
harness of a horse. the last word in the sentence ‘You might even say…..’ is ‘and’
which would not suggest any dramatic turn in the tone of the
5. 3 B is incorrect as it should be ‘structure to that of the original sentence. This makes option 1 incorrect. Similarly,
traditional…..’ C is incorrect should be ‘drawn between’, options 2, 4 and 5 talk of the novel whereas the next paragraph
E is incorrect as ‘the’ is missing before “climactic”, options A, starts with the names of renowned essay-writing novelists.
B & D are correct. Option 3 mentions both novelists and essayists; it carries the
theme mentioned in this paragraph and even relates to the
next paragraph, thus it is the right answer.
6. 4 B is incorrect, should be ‘changes’ instead of the singular
‘change’, E is incorrect, should be ‘at’ instead of ‘on’. A, C and 11. 5 The paragraph focuses on “prosaic beauty” where there is
D are correct. an amalgamation of opposites- ‘ugliness flirts with beauty,
and reason courts the absurd’. Towards the end of the
7. 3 A is incorrect, use the singular form of ‘step’ here, E is incorrect, paragraph the author talks of a positive attribute while
should be increasing consumption ‘of ’ meat. B, C and D are discussing the technique of Henry Fielding. We have to provide
correct. an answer choice that describes the completion of the
development by Laurence Sterne. Keeping in view the
8. 1 Since the paragraphs are a part of the same passage, we structure of the paragraph we have to pick an answer choice
have to consider the theme of the whole passage while which talks of a negative development. Option 5 does this
choosing the answer options. In this paragraph the author aptly. Option 1 is contradictory to the theme of the paragraph.
discusses the changes that happened in the genre of Options 2, 3 and 4 would be applicable in case of a person;
European Literature. The author talks about a ‘new kind of they do not pertain to the ‘story’.
writing was born’. He further illustrates that the old forms of
storytelling would have to compete against a ‘young rival’. 12. 2 Refer to paras 1 to 3 where Option 2 is said to be one of the
Therefore, we have to pick up an answer option which factors which adequately account for functional autonomy.
introduces the ‘young rival’. Option 1 accomplishes this, hence The other options are either incorrect or part of objections to
it is the correct answer. The reader is not a ‘literary force’ as functional autonomy.
it is mentioned in option 2, this makes option 2 incorrect. Option
3 revolves around the expectations of the reader which are 13. 4 Option 1 would meet with agreement from the behaviorist. It is
his personal expectations and show no relevance to the not the author’s opinion. Options 2 and 3 are distorted. Option
passage, this makes option 3 incorrect. In Option 4 the word 4 is stated by the author at the end of Para 3. Hence option 4
‘similar’ tends to compare the reader with someone/something, is correct.
which is ironical, serious and has a principled reticence. The
paragraph does not mention any of these attributes anywhere, 14. 5 austere: “with his celebration of austere and productive
which makes option 4 incorrect. Option 5 does not follow the virtues, and recommendations for”
theme of the paragraph, hence it is incorrect.
15. 5 denying: “worked for the sake of work, denying himself the
9. 4 This paragraph discusses the reasons for the ‘novelty of the fruits of his labour.” The pre-modern
novel’ and why the readers “identify” with the novel. Towards
the end of the paragraph the author gives the unique reason 16. 1 light: “time is money; the light purse means a heavy
which makes the novel different from any other genre of heart-were by now ringing hollow”.

2 006
17. 3 century: “The question of what is the contemporary, If “Jersey 6” is not included in the loop, he will not get any
twenty-first century ethic of capitalism is one” chance to pass the ball to any of his team members and
hence the minimum number of passes that he can make is 0.
18. 3 The passage largely focuses on the fact that sensation and When he is included in the loop, he gets to pass the ball back
perception are separable. after every fifth pass made by his team.Given that “Jersey 6”
is in the loop, the minimum number of passes that he can
19. 2 According to the passage the body was initially bound by the
make, out of the given 1001 is 
sensory phase, which was a very stiff stage, perception had  = 200 and the maximum
subsequently followed.  5 

20. 5 According to the passage the process gets enclosed and is number of passes that he can make is   +1 = 201.
now more personal and private, making option 5 correct.  5 

21. 4 If we compare Selection I and Selection III, we can conclude 6

that Tim is definitely not the child that has a sibling amongst the
given ten children. 9
Following the same logic if we compare Selection II and
Selection IV, we can conclude that Bob is definitely not the 12
child that has a sibling amongst the given ten children.
Now, in selection III we can conclude that Ian and Emy are 24. 5 The alphabets selected by Professor Chaurasia are
siblings. A(1), B(2), C(3), E(5), G(7), I(9), K(11), M(13), O(15), Q(17),
S(19), U(21) and W(23).
The other two pairs of siblings could be (Sam and Den); (Den Therefore, OGVUE is definitely not a word formed by him, as
and May); (Sam and May); (Ken and Ron); (Ken and Joe) and it contains V.
(Joe and Ron). Hence, option (5) is the correct choice.
Option (1): Possible if the other two pairs of siblings are 25. 2 As per the information given in the question, the following
(Sam and May) and (Joe and Ron) table can be drawn.
Option (2): Possible if the other two pairs of siblings are
Containers C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
(Sam and Den) and (Ken and Joe)
Liquids F A E C
Option (3): Possible as along with Tim one out of the remaining
three children does not have any sibling. Now, since C7 is neither filled with B nor D, therefore, it has to
Option (5): Possible if the other two pairs of siblings are be filled with G.
(Sam and Den) and (Joe and Ron).
For questions 26 to 29:
Option (4): Is not possible because if Ron and Joe are siblings,
For questions 26 and 27:
then both Sam and May do not have any sibling which is not
For Gaurav to earn minimum possible number of points in each of the
possible, same way if Sam and May are siblings, then both
weeks, the substitutions made by Gaurav have to be made in such a
Ron and Joe do not have any sibling, which is not possible.
way that the number of points is minimized in each of the weeks
Hence, option (4) is the correct choice.
keeping in mind that at most three substitutions could be made each
22. 1 As per the information given in the question, the following
table can be drawn.
The following table provides information about the substitutions made
by Gaurav to meet the desired scenario.
Amar Bhuvan Chirag Dhruv Elan
A × × × Note that in weeks 2, 3, 4 and 6 the teams selected by Gaurav are the
B × × × five players who have earned the five lowest points for that week.
For example in week 2, the least five points for that week are earned
C × × ×
by H, C, F, D and I. The same holds true for weeks 3, 4 and 6 also.
D × But in week 5 since only three substitutions can be made and also
E × × × because each of D, F and I have earned more points than B in week 5,
the players who were substituted by Gaurav for week 5 were D, F
Given that the code assigned to Amar is D. and I.
This implies that code assigned to Elan is B and code assigned
to Dhruv is E. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Also, the code assigned to Chirag is A.
Therefore, the code assigned to Bhuvan is C.
23. 3 When “Jersey 1” begins the chains of passes, some of the F F A F C H
players repeatedly get the ball, making a loop while others I I I I E E
never recieve the ball as illustrated in the figure below:
13 26. 4 Hence the number of points earned by Gaurav in week 5 is
100 + 25 + 40 + 20 + 25 = 210.
27. 2 The number of weeks in which B, J and E are together in the
same team is 1, i.e. in week 6.

006 3
For questions 28 and 29: Maximum possible selling price of Shirt-2 will be in January,
Since Sanjay did not substitute any player at the end of weeks 1 and i.e. 1.05 × 400 = Rs.420.
2, therefore the team selected by Sanjay in week 2 and week 3 is
same as the team selected by him in week 1. For Trouser-1:
At the end of week 3: Sanjay substituted F with E because E and F Minimum possible percentage decrease in the selling price of
earned 140 and 40 points respectively in week 4. He also substituted Trouser-1in any of the given months
G with H because G and H earned 60 and 110 points respectively in  500 – 425 
week 4. =  × 100 = 15%
 500 
Since the number of points earned by E in weeks 5 and 6 is 20 and 60 Maximum possible percentage decrease in the selling price of
respectively and that by F in weeks 5 and 6 is 180 and 150 respectively,
Sanjay substituted E with F at the end of week 4.  575 – 500 
Trouser-1 in any of the given months =   = 15%
For the same reason as stated above Sanjay substituted C with D at  500 
the end of week 4. The different possibilities are

January February March

The following table provides information about the teams and the
number of points earned by Sanjay. 1 + 8% – 12% + 10%
2 + 8% – 12% – 10%
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 3 – 8% + 12% + 10%
A A A A A A 4 – 8% + 12% – 10%
C C C C D D Maximum possible price of Trouser-1 will be in the month of

F F F E F F march when the possibility that is stated in (3) in the table

G G G H H H given above holds true.
Maximum possible price of Trouser-1
= Rs. (500 × 0.92 × 1.12 × 1.1) = Rs.567
Total 310 345 660 615 590 625
Therefore, the maximum possible amount paid by Rahim for
28. 5 Number of points earned by Sanjay in week 5 is 590. the purchase given in the question = Rs.420 + Rs.567
= Rs.987.
29. 2 G and H are the two players that were present in the team
selected by Sanjay for three consecutive weeks, i.e. G in 32. 1 For Shoe-1:
weeks 1, 2 and 3 and H in weeks 4, 5 and 6. The different possibilities are

January February March

For questions 30 to 32:
1 – 15% + 10% + 10%
30. 2 Minimum possible percentage decrease in the selling price of 2 – 15% + 10% – 10%

 300 − 275  25 For Shoe-2:

Shirt-1 in any of the given months =   × 100 = 3 %
 300  The different possibilities are
Maximum possible percentage increase in the selling price of January February March
 335 − 300  35 1 – 10% + 10% – 10%
Shirt-1 in any of the given months =   × 100 = %
 300  3 Minimum possible difference between the selling price of
So the only possible combination of the percentage changes Shoe-1 and Shoe-2 at any point of time in the given three
in the selling price of Shirt-1 is +10%(in January), months will be in March.
–5%(in February) and –10%(in March). This will be possible when possibility stated in (2) holds true
Therefore, the selling price of Shirt-1 in the month of March for Shoe-1.
Required difference = Rs.757.35 – Rs.712.8 = Rs.44.55.
= Rs. (300 × 1.1× 0.95 × 0.9 ) = Rs.282.15
For questions 33 to 36:
31. 4 Since, we need to calculate the maximum possible amount It is given that out of the 15 representatives, three representatives
paid by Rahim for his mentioned purchase, we can easily speak two languages each; two representatives speak three
conclude that he bought Shirt-2 and Trouser-1. languages each; five representatives speak five languages each;
one representative speaks one language and four representatives
For Shirt-2: speak four languages each.
Minimum possible percentage decrease in the selling price of Let the number of representatives that speak Language 1,
Language 2, Language 3, Language 4, Language 5, Language 6 and
 400 − 345  55
Shirt-2 in any of the given months =   × 100 = % Language 7 be A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
 400  4
A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H = 3 × 2 + 2 × 3 + 5 × 5 + 1× 1 + 4 × 4
Maximum possible percentage increase in the selling price of
= 6 + 6 + 25 + 1 + 16 = 54
 450 − 400  25 A + B + C = 9 + 7 + 10 = 26.
Shirt-2 in any of the given months =   × 100 = 2 %
 400  Therefore, D + E + F + G + H = 54 – 26 = 28.
The different possibilities are
33. 5 Since we need to maximize the number of representatives
January February March that speak a particular language, we will assume that three
languages (let it be language 4, language 5 and language 6)
1 + 5% – 10% + 8%
are spoken by 5 representatives each.
2 + 5% – 10% – 8% Therefore, at most 28 – (5 + 5 + 5) = 13 representatives speak
3 – 5% + 10% – 8% a particular language.

4 006
34. 3 It is given that the minimum possible number of representa- Therefore, Aamna and Alice bought 2 diaries and 1 diary respectively
tives that speak a particular language is 7. from shop II.

So, for each of the languages other than the language 1, Aamna: 2 Diaries (Shop II); Alice: 1 Diary (Shop II); Anisha:
language 2 and language 3, the number of representatives 1 Diary (Shop I or Shop III)
who speak it cannot be less than 7. Arjun: 1 Diary (Shop I or Shop III)
Since the pens sold from shop I and shop II are bought by Alice and
Since, there are four other languages and the aggregate Ajay respectively, therefore Arjun and Anisha bought 1 and 2 pens
number of representatives remaining is 28, therefore the other respectively from shop III.
four languages are spoken by = 7 representatives each. Arjun: 1 Pen (Shop III); Anisha: 2 Pens (Shop III)
4 Since, Alice has already bought three articles from shop I (1 Pencil and
So, the number of languages that are spoken by seven 2 Pens); therefore Alice bought 2 Erasers from shop II. So, Aamna and
representatives each is 5. Anisha bought 1 eraser each from shop I.

35. 4 Option (1) can be true. Let’s assume that Language 1 is Alice: 2 Erasers (Shop II); Aamna 1 Eraser (Shop I); Anisha 1
German, therefore the aggregate number of representatives Eraser (Shop I)
that speak French, Spanish and English is 9 + 9 + 9 = 27. Since, Alice has bought 1 pencil from shop I, therefore Aamna bought
So, the remaining one language is spoken by 28 – 27 = 1 2 pencils from shop III.
Aamna: 2 Pencils (Shop III)
Option (2) can be true. Now, since Anisha has bought 1 eraser and 1 sharpener from shop I,
Let the number of representatives that speak English and therefore Anisha bought 1 Diary from Shop III and Arjun bought 1 Diary
Arabic be X and Y respectively. from Shop I.
Now, the following table can be made.
X + Y 15 + 11 = 26.
So there will be two languages spoken by one representative
each. Pencils Erasers Pens Sharpeners Diaries
Option (3) can be true. There could be one representative Aamna 2 (Shop III) 1 (Shop I) 0 1 (Shop II) 2 (Shop II)
speaking Portuguese. (Logic explained for options (1) and
Arjun 0 0 1 (Shop III) 0 1 (Shop I)
Option (4) cannot be true. Since Hindi, English and Portuguese Alice 1 (Shop I) 2 (Shop II) 2 (Shop I) 0 1 (Shop II)
are spoken by 8 representatives each, therefore these Anisha 0 1 (Shop I) 2 (Shop III) 1 (Shop I) 1 (Shop III)
languages cannot be either of language 1 or language 2 or
language 3. Ajay 0 1 (Shop III) 1 (Shop II) 0 0

Let the number of representatives that speak Hindi, English 37. 5 For each friend it can be exactly determined which article
and Portuguese be M, N and P respectively. they bought from which shop.
M + N + P = 8 + 8 + 8 = 24.
Hence, Spanish can only be spoken by 28 – 24 = 4 38. 2 Aamna bought both the pencils from shop III.
representatives and not 5.
39. 2 Total amount spent by Alice = 1 × 5 + 2 × 10 + 2 × 3 + 1 × 45
36. 1 Number of representatives speaking Language 1 is 9. = Rs. 76
Out of the 28 representatives, 10 representatives each can
possibly speak at most two languages. 40. 1 Amount spent by Aamna = 2 × 3 + 1 × 1 + 1 × 1 + 2 × 45
Hence, for at most 3 languages, the number of representative = Rs. 98
speaking it can be greater than the number of representatives Amount spent by Arjun = 1 × 40 + 1 × 16 = Rs. 56
speaking Language 1. Amount spent by Alice = 1 × 5 + 2 × 10 + 2 × 3 + 1 × 45
= Rs. 76
For questions 37 to 40: Amount spent by Anisha = 1 × 1 + 2 × 16 + 1 × 2 + 1 × 60
Given that Ajay did not buy a eraser from Shop II, which means that = Rs. 95
Ajay bought 1 eraser from Shop III and 1 pen from Shop II. Amount spent by Ajay = 1 × 4 + 1 × 20 = Rs. 24
Ajay: 1 Eraser (Shop III) and 1 Pen (Shop II).
For questions 41 and 42:
Since, Anisha did not buy any article from shop II, therefore Anisha
bought 1 sharpener from shop I. Also, since Anisha bought 1 sharpener A A
from shop I, therefore Aamna bought 1 sharpener from shop II

Anisha: 1 Sharpener (Shop I); Aamna 1 Sharpener (Shop II). C B

Since, Alice did not buy any article from shop III and there is no pencil
sold from shop II, therefore Alice bought 1 pencil from shop I. For the
same reason Alice bought 2 pens from Shop I as the pen sold from
shop II is bought by Ajay.
Alice: 1 Pencil (Shop I); 2 Pens (Shop I)
Anisha and Arjun did not buy any article from shop II. Case I Case II
Since, each of Anisha and Arjun bought 1 diary each, therefore they
bought it either from shop I or shop III. Let Anil, Biswas and Chandra be denoted by A, B and C.

006 5
Since the time taken by A, B and C to complete one lap of the circular Case III: 153 – 3x = 310 – 10y ⇒ 10y – 3x = 157
track is 4, 6 and 12 minutes respectively, therefore the ratio of speeds The minimum positive integral value of (x + y) for which x and y
of A, B and C is 3:2:1. satisfy the above equation, is obtained when y = 16 and x = 1.
Now, it is given that at time t = T the positions of A, B and C is at the ⇒ (x + y)min = (16 + 1) = 17.
positions of B, C and A respectively at time t = 0.
Hence, the required minimum number is 17.
Therefore, case II is not possible as the ratio of the distances covered
by A, B and C in the same time is 3:2:1. 45. 3 w(y) = Daily wage of a skilled worker = Rs. 200
Let the distances covered by A, B and C at time t = T be 3x, 2x and x ⇒ max (120, 310 − 10y) = 200 ⇒ 310 − 10y = 200
⇒ y = 11
Length of the circular track = 3x + 2x + x = 6x.
⇒ A total of 11 Skilled workers were hired that day.
Time taken by A to cover 6x = 4 minutes, therefore time taken by A to The number of supervisors = 3
cover 3x will be equal to 2 minutes.
 x + y x + y
41. 4 Minimum possible value of T = 2 minutes = 120 seconds. ⇒ max  1,    = 3 ⇒  10  = 3
  10    
42. 1 It is given that 6x = 240 metres. x+y
⇒3≤ < 4 ⇒ 30 ≤ (x + y) < 40
LCM of 4, 6 and 12 is 12. 10
Therefore, after 720 seconds, each of A, B and C will be at ⇒ 19 ≤ x < 29
their respective initial positions. Let w denote the total amount of daily wages paid to all the
Initial shortest distance between A and C is ‘x’. workers, including the supervisors.
So, we can say that after 720 seconds the shortest distance w = x × max(75, 153 – 3x)] + 200 × 11
between A and C will be ‘x’. +3 [2 × max (75,153 − 3x) + 200]
In the remaining 180 seconds, the distance covered by A will
or w = (6 + x)[max (75,153 − 3x)] + 2800
be × (6x ) = 4.5x. In other words, A is 6x – 4.5x = 1.5x
4 We have to find, at which value of x (such that 19 ≤ x ≤ 28 )
metres behind the initial position of A.
is the value of w, the maximum.
In the remaining 180 seconds, the distance covered by C will
If x = 28
1 w = 34 × 75 + 2800 = 2550 + 2800 = Rs.5350
be × (6x ) = 1.5x. In other words, C is 1.5x – x = 0.5x metres
4 If x = 27
ahead the initial position of A. w = 33 × 75 + 2800 = Rs.5275
If x = 24
Therefore, the required answer is 1.5x + 0.5x=2x = 80 metres. w = 30 × 81 + 2800 = Rs.5230
Checking for few more values
For questions 43 to 45: The maximum value of w is found at x = 28. The maximum
value is Rs.5350.
43. 4 Given, x + y = 30
⇒ Number of supervisor(s) = max (1, 3) = 3 For questions 46 and 47:
w(s) = 2w(x) + w(y) AA
= 2 max(75, 153 – 3x) + max(120, 310 –10y) BB
y = 30 – x Given that
w(s) = 2 max(75, 153 – 3x) + max(120, 10 + 10x)
As y ≠ 0 , therefore the range of values of x is 0 ≤ x ≤ 29. DD0
Since A, B and C are distinct digits greater than 1, therefore the base
As the value of x increases, the difference between
in which these numbers are written cannot be less than 4.
(153 – 3x) and 75, becomes smaller.
For example, let us assume that the numbers are in base 6.
Similarly the difference between 120 and (10 + 10x) also Therefore, two cases are possible.
becomes smaller, with the increase in the value of x. Case I: A + B + C = 6
At x = 10: Case II: A + B + C = 12
w(s) = 2 max (75, 123) + max (120, 110) = Rs.366 Similarly, for base 7, base 8 and base 9, the possible values of A, B
and C not necessarily in that particular order can be found out.
At x = 11:
w(s) = 2 max (75, 120) + max (120, 120) = Rs. 360
Base 4 Base 5 Base 6 Base 7 Base 8 Base 9
At x = 12:
No No
w(s) = 2 max (75, 117) + max (120, 130) = Rs.364 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2
Possible values of A, B and C

values values
Hence for the daily wage of the supervisor to be the minimum, and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6
x must be 11, y must be 19 and the daily wage of one possible possible
supervisor will be Rs.360. 3, 4 3, 5 1, 3 1, 3
Hence, the daily wage of all three supervisors, together, will and 5 and 6 and 4 and 5
be Rs.1080. 4, 5 2, 3
and 7 and 4
44. 4 For this, we must have w(x) = w(y). 3, 6 5, 6
or, max (75, 153 – 3x) = max (120, 310 – 10y) and 7 and 7
As 75 ≠ 120, only three possibilities are there 4, 6
and 8
Case I: 75 = 310 – 10y 3, 7
⇒ y = 23.5; not a relevant solution as y must be an integer. and 8

Case II: 153 – 3x = 120 ⇒ x = 11

⇒ y ≥ 19 ⇒ (x + y)min = 11 + 19 = 30
6 006
46. 3 There are 14 possible values of (A, B and C). Alternate method:
OE = OF + 2r
47. 4 Maximum possible value of (A + B + C) = 18.
OF = FB = 2 2

(4–2 2 ) = (2 −
For questions 48 to 50:
r= 2) units
O 2

For questions 51 and 52:

K 51. 1 A E B
C C1 C2
D 2 3
C3 C4 C5 C6
HC C8 I C9 C 10 F
A B 7

C 11 C 12
3 2
As CD is parallel to AB, therefore ∆AGB ∼ ∆DGC Now, as per the information given in the question the number
filled in the cell C5 has to be 2.
AB = OA 2 + OB2 = 4 2 units, CD = OC2 + OD2 = 3 2 units
Similarly, the number filled in cell C8, C4 and C9 have to be 2, 3
AG AB 4 and 3 respectively.
⇒ = =
GD CD 3 Case I: The numbers filled in the cell C1 and C3 is 1 and 4
Alternate method: Therefore, the numbers filled in the cell C2, C6, C7, C10, C11 and
C12 is 2, 1, 1, 4, 4 and 1 respectively.
As OC:OA = 3:4 and ∆ AGB ~ ∆DGC and ∆OCD ~ ∆OAB

 AG AB  Case II: The numbers filled in the cell C1 and C3 is 4 and 1

⇒ =  respectively.
 GD CD 
Therefore, the numbers filled in the cell C2, C6, C7, C10, C11 and
 AB OA  C12 is 1, 1, 4, 4, 1 and 4 respectively.
 CD = OC  Therefore, there are only 2 ways in which the numbers can
 
be filled in the cells of the matrix.
⇒ AG:CD = OA:OC = 4:3.

48. 2 Required ratio is 4:3. 52. 4 A E B

C1 C2 C3 C4
49. 4 From point G, drop a perpendiculer GK, on OA.
C5 C6 C7 C8
Now, as KG is parallel to OD, therefore ∆AKG ∼ ∆AOD
AG KG  AG  4 3 12 C 10 I C 11 C 12
⇒ = ⇒ KG =   × OD =  7 × 4  × 4 = 7 units

AD OD  AD   
C 13 C 14 C 15 C 16
1 1 12 6
⇒ ∆ AGC = × AC × KG = × 1× = square units G C
2 2 7 7 D

Case I: The numbers filled in the cells C4, C8, C12 and C16 be 1,
50. 1 O 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
The number of ways in which the numbers can be filled in the
cells C3 and C7 is 2, i.e. (C3 = 3, C7 = 4) and (C3 = 4, C7 = 3).
For each of these 2 ways, the number of ways in which the
numbers can be filled in the cells C11 and C15 is 2, i.e.
(C11 = 1, C15 = 2) and (C11 = 2, C15 = 1).
Therefore, the number of ways in which the numbers can be
filled in the cells C3, C7, C11 and C15 = 2 × 2 = 4.
F For each of these 4 ways, the number of ways in which the
numbers can be filled in the cells C1 and C2 is 2, i.e.
r (C1 = 4, C2 = 2) and (C1 = 2, C2 = 4).
For each of these 2 ways, the number of ways in which the
E numbers can be filled in the cells C5 and C6 is 2, i.e.
(C5 = 1, C6 = 3) and (C5 = 3, C6 = 1).
Let the radius of the cirlce be r units. So, the number of ways in which the numbers can be filled in
In the right triangle OAF, OA 2 = AF2 + OF2 the cells C1, C2, C5 and C6 = 2 × 2 = 4.
For each of these 4 ways, there is only 1 way in which the
( )
+ ( 4 − 2r ) ⇒ r 2 − 4r + 2 = 0
2 numbers can be filled in the cells C9, C10, C13 and C14.
⇒ 42 = 2 2
Therefore, the total number of ways is 4 × 4 = 16.

∴ r = 2 − 2 units )
006 7
Possible Cases: Now, the numbers can be filled in the cells
56. 4 E
C4, C8, C12 and C16 in 4! ways.
Therefore, the total number of ways in which the numbers A
can be filled in the cells = 4! × 16 = 384. D
Alternate method:
C1 C2 C3 C4
1 4!
C5 C6 C7 C8 Q
2! 3 2!
HC F With point A as one of the three vertices, 8 distinct isosceles
9 C 10 I C 11 C 12
4 5 6 triangles can be drawn:
C 13 C 14 C 15 C 16 ∆ABC, ∆ABE, ∆ABD, ∆AED, ∆APR, ∆ABP, ∆ACR and ∆ACE.
2! 2! 1 With point B as one of the three vertices, 10 distinct isosceles
D G C triangles including those having A as one of the three vertices.
Following six steps as shown in the figure above the matix The triangles having point B as the vertex and not having point
ABCD can be filled in 4! × 2! × 2! × 2! × 2! × 1 = 384 A as the vertex are 8 in number.
∆BDE, ∆PBC, ∆PBQ, ∆BCR, ∆BQR, ∆BQC, ∆PBD and ∆BCD
For questions 53 and 54: With point C as one of the three vertices, 3 distinct isosceles
triangles(excluding those having one or both of A or B as their
53. 1 Let ‘N’ = AB, where A and B are digits.
AB = 10A + B. vertices) can be drawn: ∆CDE, ∆CRQ and ∆PCQ
Now, since A is a factor of AB, therefore A should divide Therefore, a total of 8 + 8 + 3 = 19 such isosceles triangles
10A + B completely. can be drawn.
This also means that A should divide B completely.
B = 9: The possible values of A are 1, 3 and 9. For questions 57 and 58:
B = 8: The possible values of A are 1, 2, 4 and 8.
Similarly, when the value of B is 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 the values There is more than one way to solve this one of the methods is
of A are the number of factors of each of the possible values f(1) = 1; f(2) = 4(f(1) + 6 = 10
of B. f(3) = f(1 + 2) = f(1) + 12(1) + 12 = 25
B = 0: The possible values of A are 1, 2, 3 ......., 8 and 9. f(5) = f(3 + 2) = f(3) + 12(3) + 12 = 73
Sum of all such two-digit numbers more than 35 = S f(10) = 4(f(5) + 6
S = 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 + 44 + 55 + 36 + 66 + 77 + 48 f(20) = 42f(5) + 24 + 6 = 1198
+ 88 + 39 + 99 = 942. f(22) = 1198 + 12 × 20 + 12 = 1450

54. 3 Let ‘N’ = ABC 57. 3 f(20) = 1198

As per the information given in the question AB should be a
factor of 100A + 10B + C. 58. 5 f(22) – f(5) = 1450 – 73 = 1377
This means that 10A + B should divide 100A + 10B + C completely.
Since 100A + 10B is divisible by 10A + B, therefore C should 59. 4 Let the cost of 1 desk, 1 chair and 1 table be ‘D’, ‘C’ and ‘T’.
be divisible by 10A + B. 6D = 6C + T ...(i)
This is only possible if C = 0. 12C = 6D + 3T ...(ii)
Therefore, number of such three-digit numbers are
9 × 10 = 90. 6
Solving equation (i) and (ii) we get that T = (D)
For questions 55 and 56: 3
⇒T= (C) ⇒ C : T : D = 4 : 6 : 5
55. 2 E 2
Let, the value of C, T and D be 4x, 6x and 5x respectively.
All the options except option (4) are correct.
Hence, option (4) is the correct choice.
60. 2 Just the data that the total number of diamonds is between
P R 500 and 600 is enough to find n. This would mean that there
exists a number between 500 and 600 that can be uniquely
split into 2 factors. This can happen if the number is a product
Q of two prime numbers. But “n” can be uniquely identified. This
By symmetry of the given figure, we can say that the area of must imply that both the prime numbers are equal.
the triangle DBC is equal to the area of the triangle AEC.
Hence look for a square of a prime number between 500 and
Area of the pentagon CAEDB = 1 + square units 600. This happens to be 529. Hence the number of necklaces
4 = n = number of diamonds in each necklace = 23.
1 3
Area of the triangle DEC = 1 +  square units
2  2 

∴ ∆AEC =
( Area (CAEDB ) − Area (DEC)) = 41 square units

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