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Questions for the game

1. Where did the king live? – He lived in heaven.

2. Did he have any children? – He had a son.

3. What was his name? – His name was 환웅.

4. The king sent 환웅 to the land with 3 men. What

were their names? – Their names were Cloud,

Rain & Wind.

5. Who lived in the cave? – A bear and a tiger.

6. What did the bear and tiger want? – They

wanted to be human.

7. What did 환웅 give them? - He gave them garlic

and herb.

8. What did the bear and tiger do everyday? – They

ate and prayed.

9. What did the tiger do? – It left.

10. What did the bear do? – It cried and suffered.

11. What happened to the bear after 100 days? – It

became a woman.
12. What was her name? - Her name was 웅녀.

13. What did 환웅 and 웅녀 do? – They got married.

14. What did they have after 9 months? – They had

a son.

15. What was their son’s name? – His name was 단군.

16. What did 단군 do? – He founded Korea.

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