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*[] *[]


: , , , ,

, , , , , ,


: ) (: )


] []
] []


[] <> <>


( )
<> [pta]
sapta [a] []



The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011

[p] [t]



+ []
+ +

[] [] []




[] ,
, , , , ,
[] []

. (neutral vowel)

[a] []

(point of articulation)

(manner of articulation)
(affricates) (nasals)
(unaspirated) (aspirated)
. (tongue

[rksa], [pksin]

, , , ,
, , .
[] []
*[/thtsthan] [/thtthan] [phtsthan]
[prdtsthan] [/ps n]
[] .



<> [] []

[] []
[] [/ppakaar]


[] ( .

[#] [#]
[] []

(vowel lengthening)
[ ]

[] []
[] []
[ ]
(word rhythm)


(point of

(manner of articulation)

[ / ppas k], [ / ppah at],


[ / ppamaa],





[kanlayaa], [phanlawan],

., . .

[a] [sppadaa]

[] []
[/ps n] ( .) []


The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011


[] [a]

: ()






: -)

(neutral vowel)

[sppak], [sppadon],
[s ppad ok], [s ppar t],
[s ppar ],


[spppathon] []

[] []
(consonantal strength)



, , ,
, , , [, ], [, ]




[/ppamaa] []

[] [a]

(Professor Peter Ladefoged) (Ian Maddieson)

. ,
(Jackson T. Gandour, Jr.)

[, , , ]
[, , ]
[(), (), (), (, )]
[, ]
[, , ]
[, ]
[, ]

, [], <>
[], <>
[], , <>
[], , <>
[] [], , <>
[], , <>

[], , <> [],

, , <>
[], , <> [],
, <> [],
, <> [],
, <>
[], , <, , >
[], , , <>
. <>


[skkaprk], [prkkat],
[skkarin], [sakkay],
[c kkraw t]



[], [], []
[skkawan] [] []


The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011


[] [kankkaan]

[] [rksa],
[sksa], [/ks n]
. ,

<> )
. <>, <>,


[] [sunk], [mk],

[] []
[samkkhayaa caan],

. <>

[] [aa],
[ o]

[masa], [lakaa],
[wawon], [iha],
[hsa], [haawadii],
<> []
[] [] (
, : )
[] [
], [],
[], [],
[], []
. <>

[caaw], [cn]

[] [k t]

[] <>
[], [/pptchaa] <>


[a] []
[stcar t], [k tcakaan]
. <>, <>,
[] [chaw], [chaaw],
[chom], [ch]

[] [rat],

<>, <>, <>,<>


[a] [] [] []

<> , , ()
., . .



[ra tchuu] <>

[] <>
. <>

[] [saaw]
. <>

[] [yaanii],
[yaadaa], [y ]
[sun], [bun]

[] [/anyamanii],

[] [kunc],



[kaancanaa], [kanyaa],
[snyaa] [wanchaa],

[] <>

. <>, <>

[] [diikaa], [duu]

[] [kt], [kt]

[ktkh i]
. <>, <>

[] [phuutaan],
[patk], [taan]

[] [praakt],
[pran it]


[] [wttack]

[wtti ]


[setth i], [chettha]


[w tthan], [/tth],
[/ tth ], [httha], [wtth]

. <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>, <>

[] [] [than],
[monthoo], [thw],
[tham], [thaan], [tho]

[] [/ t], [st], [ph t],

[rt], [bt], [/aawt]

[] []


[] []
[] [] [] [ratna]
[ratana] [] [] []


The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011

[a] [rtthabaan],
[wtthanaa], [wtth ],
[rtthayaa] [ktthalii],
. <>

[das], [band t]
. <>


[kunthii], [band t]
[snthan], [snthit ],
[kanh a]
<> ,
<> <>
[boraans p],


. <>,
[saai], [s m] <>
[mtsii], [phtsaa]
. <>

[] [bon],

[kaandaa], [sndaan],
[sntht], [snti ],
[snthet], [kanyaa]


. <>

[kp], [prp], [php]

. <>

[] [piin]

[] [thup], [thw ip]
. <>,
<>, <>

[] [ ]
[pha], [phin], [phuu]


[] [np], [lap]

[] -

[sphannbrii] [sphabrii] <> <> [n]

<> () :
(, ) , , , , , ,





[n pphak aw], [s pphachai]

[ / ppay t], [ / ppal k],
[w ppyok]
[/ps n]

. <>,

[] [fy], [fay]
[/ pffi t]

. <>

[] [mm]

[] [a]

[krommawa], [krommam n],


[smmkaan], [thammasat],
[yommarat], [rommanii]

[], [], []
[a] [smp],
[khomsn], [smchaay]
. <>,

[] [yaay]

<> (glide)


[] []
<> []
[chayyaphr k],
[chayyabuun], [chayyaphuum]


[] []
[] [chayyaphuum]



[chaynat] [chayyanat] [] [] []
[chays i] [] [chayrot] []
[] [chayyanaam]
, , .


The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011



[chayyaa], [chayyt],
[/ayy kaa], [ph chayyat]
[] []
[chays i], [chaysn]

[chayrot] [chayyarot],
[chaywan] [chayyawan]
[] []

. <>

[krakt], [wrakaan],
[thranii] <>
[ra] [c ra],
[maarayat], [srawo]
[thaan], , [maan]
. <>
[banthaw], [/tsacan],
[hnsa] [a]

[wan], [sp] <>
[phanrad k],
[snraphaa], [snras n],
[phanrayaa], [banrayaay]
. <>, <>

[laa], [chulaa]

[kaan], [thamin]


[kanlabk], [kunlamaa],
[kanlayaa], [/onlawon],
[kabinlaph t],
[kaanlawat], [wanlayaa],
[monlaph t], [kaanla in],
[kaanlark] <>
<> [w runhk]

. <>

[] [won]

[] [waaw]
<> <>
[awwa] [chawwanii],
[swwaphaa], [yawwaphaa]
. <>, <>,


<>, <> <> [ciiranan], [buuran], [kaalas n],

[sernii], [kaalack], [/aasalah] [/aasanh] [maanyaa]
[maarayaa] [/aarayaa] [maaratii], [maarayat], [maaras i]

[banrayaay] [banyaay] [banyo] *[banrayo]

.. , [kanww]
. [] <>



[in], [iin]
[th t], [thot], [that]

[] [a]

[a] []

[thr tsadii], [ph tsadaan],
[stsadii], [htsadin],
[/tsanii] [/ tsatrii],
[/tsacan], [phtsachaa],
[rtsam i], [watsana],
[/tsanii], [ketsaraa],
[mtsalin], [/tsawin],
[ph tsaya]

<>, <>

[/tsuchon], [ptsaw]
. <>, <>

[] [ham], [haa]

[h tth a], [b pph ],
<> <>
[stth i]
<> [/unh]
[k, c. t, p] <, , , >
[] <, >

, , ,

[] []
., .

[skkabp] [b]



[chayyaa], [ytt ],
[ptcay], [mtcrat],
[/ttaa], [/atsm]
. []

[ma s a], [la kaa],
[wa won], [ i h a],
[hsa], [makn],
[sakhan] .

[miinburi] [suphanburii],
[kanyaa], [cintanaa]


[/p] [/pp]


The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011

[] [a]
[cunnas i], [channasa], [channasut],
[/unhaphuum], [chunhapk]

[, ]
[wannayk], [phannaraay],
[chinnawn] []

[] [] []

[sntaroo], [sntapaapaa],

[] [] []

[] []

, [] [
], []

[] []

[smr dii] []
<> []
. (prominence)

, , ,

. (syllable
break and rhythm)

.. ,
, ,



, , ,

, , ,



, , ,
/ [rat/burii]

/, /, /,
/, /, /
[prawtsat], /, /,

[raat/cha#buurii] [] [] [pt/ch#buurii], [sar#buurii]
, , , ,



, ,


... /

/, /,
/ , /, /,



[khommanaa/ khom],
[w riya/w t], [wchiraa/

/ [/antara/thaan],
/ [wanthaya/ht],

/ [chay/
sam raphuum], / [r t/
wishak t]

[/ttar /

/ [phtthamaa/
mk], / [paramaa/ph thai],

/ [wtchar/paanii]
[kr daa/ph n h an], /
[s enaa /kh n k n], /
[sahprachaa/chat], / [/ariyast/s i]

(neutral vowel)

[a] []

(manner of articulation)


[prawtsat] ... [prawt/t sat]
[prawt/t sat] ...


The Journal of the Royal lnstitute of Thailand

Volume 36 No. 2 Apr.-Jun. 2011

(consonantal strength)

. .
, ; .
. .


, .
. .

; .

. ,

; .
. .

. ,

; .

. .

. ,

; .
. .


; .
.. .

. ,
; .

. ,

; .

. ,

; .
, . .

, ;


. ,

; .

. (: -).


; .
, ;


. .
, ;

, ;




, ; .

.. ,

. ( : -).

, ;


. (

: -); .


(.. -)( :

-) ,

; .


. (: -).
, ;

, ,

, ,




; .
Gandour, Jackson T. and Ian Maddieson.

Measuring larynx movement in

Standard Thai using the Cricothy
rometer, Phonetica. 3 :241-267; 1976.
Goldsmith, John, ed. The Handbook of

Phonological Theory. Cambridge,

MA, Blackwell; 1995

Ladefoged, P. A Course in Phonetics. 2nd

edition. Toronto, Harcourt, Brace,

Jovanovich; 1982.
Ladefoged. P., and I. Maddieson. The Sounds

of the Worlds Languages. Cambridge,

MA, Blackwell; 1995.


Lehmann. Winfred P. Historical Linguistics.

3rd edition. New York: Routledge;

OGrady, William, John Archibald, Mark

Aronoff, Janie Reese-Miller.

Contemporary Linguistics: An

Introduction, 4th edition. Boston,

New York, Bedford/St. Martin; 2001.

Warotamasikkhadit, Udom. The accentual

system of Thai polysyllabic words,

Manusaya 3.2 (September 2000:

32-44.); 2000.

A Phonological Theory in Pronouncing Thai Words

Udom Warotamasikkhadit
Fellow of the Academy of Arts, The Royal Institute, Thailand

Some Thai words and word combinations uttered in radio and television media are often pronounced with
an extra linking [a] in the wrong position, such as [/tsahkam] which is often mispronounced as
*[/ttsahkam], [tanaaws i] as *[tanaawws i], [rtw sahk t] as *[rtthw sahk t].
A linguistic axiom propagates that a forward movement of the tongue in the oral cavity is easier than a retracting
movement of the tongue. The intrusive sound occurs when the tongue is in the neutral position in the center
of the oral cavity. The addition of a linking [a] within a word or a word combination depends upon several
features: differences in the points of articulation of the two contiguous consonants; the manner of articulation of the
adjacent consonants; voicedness or voicelessness of the adjacent consonants; aspiratedness or unaspiratednee of
the two contiguous consonants; and finally, the consonantal strength of the adjacent sounds.

Key words : glottal stop at word final, consonantal strength, voiced and voiceless, point of articulation, aspirated,

manner of articulation, neutral vowel, prominence, cessation, conjunctive consonant, unaspirated,
vowel lengthening


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