Work History: 5603 Carter Dr. House Springs, MO 63051 Phone: (573) 705-2710

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5603 Carter Dr. House Springs, MO 63051 Phone: (573) 705!710 "iss#$1%7%&g'ai(.)o'
Work History
United Healthcare Maryland Heights, MO Provider Phone Rep 02/2011 - 10/2011 Accept inbond calls !ro" clients Resolve client proble"s/isses or assigns to senior technician or "anager Recover clai"s !ro" the archives as needed by senior technicians or "anager Recreate and repost reports as directed by senior technicians or "anager #$plain the i"portance o! #M% agree"ents to clients as needed &rans!er inco"ing calls to other depart"ents as needed %all clients to re'est print !iles, provider in!or"ation, !or"ats and !a$ o! re(ection/denial data !or resoltion o! client isses or !or senior technicians or "anager &al) clients throgh the process o! sending #*+ the above re'ested data %o""nicate ,ith provider o!!ices, payers, and corporate partners as directed via phone, !a$, or e"ail -oc"ent actions ta)en and steps !ollo,ed in #+P Assist in bilding the )no,ledge database %o"plete all (ob dties in accordance ,ith established schedles ,hile "aintaining and adhering to prodction and 'ality standards Maintain crrent )no,ledge o! corporate policies and procedres Other csto"er service related dties as assigned
+tivers sta!!ing service +t .ois, MO Ad"inistrative assistant 0//2000 - 01/2002 clai"s, doc"ent processing
3ss 4 Associates %hester!ield, MO -ental Assistant 0//2000 - 0//2001 veri!y insrance, sb"it clai"s, schedling, greet patients, !iling, acconts receivable
3erger Ato Upholstery 5alley Par), MO +ecretary 0//1226 - 02/2000 csto"ers, ans,er 'estions abot service and pricing
Study Area
+t7 .ois %ollege o! Health %areers , 8enton, MO 9radated: 0;/2000 Ma(or: Pro!essional Medical %oding and 3illing
Study Area
Allied Medical %ollege, 8enton, MO 9radated: 0;/2000 Ma(or: -ental Assisting
High School Diploma
*orth,est High, %edar Hill , MO 9radated: 0;/122/ Ma(or: #dcation, 9eneral

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