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Section 65

65. (2) In the case of every lease or sale of land under

Sub-section (1) of Section 146 and of a lease of
immovable property for a term exceeding ten years
and of every sale or other transfer of such immovable
property, the market value of which exceeds one lakh
of rupees, the previous permission of the State
Government is required:
[Provided that in the case of a lease or sale of land
under Sub-section (1) of Section 146 no such
permission shall be granted if such land forms a street
or part of a street which has been declared to be a
public street under Section 148 ]

Section 146
146. (1) It shall be lawful for a municipality to lay out
and make new public streets;
to construct tunnels and other works subsidiary to
public street;
to widen, open, enlarge or otherwise improve, and to
turn, divert, extend, discontinue or stop up any public
and, subject to the provisions of Sub-section (2) of
Section 65 to lease or sell any such land, theretofore
used or acquired by the municipality for the purposes
of such streets, as may not be required for any public
street or for any other purposes of this Act:
Provided that no proposal for permanently
discontinuing any public street shall be sanctioned by a
municipality unless one month at least before the
meeting at which the proposal is decided, a notice
signed by the chief officer has been put up on the
notice board in the office of the municipality and in the
street or part of a street which is proposed to be so
discontinued informing the residents of the said
proposal nor until the objections, if any, to the said
proposal made in writing at any time before the day of
the said meeting have been received and considered by
the municipality.

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