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Industrialization- Part Oneà

Assignment # 1 - Vocabulary
Use color and ink

1. Enclosure
2. Factory
3. Industrialization Vocabulary Definition
4. Urbanization
5. Utilitarianism
6. Socialism
Drawing Sentence
7. Communism
8. Capitalism (Use word in
Write wordsentence)
six times

Assignment #2 - Biographical Snapshots

Inventors/Philosophers and Ideas

Divide paper into eight squares. The bottom portions of the paper put the
person name and relevant information about the person as it relates to
the industrial revolution. On the top portions put the invention or idea
related to him. (Pick 8 out of the 12) (Use color and ink)

1. James Watt
2. Abraham Darby
3. James Hargreaves
4. Richard Arkwright
5. Edmund Cartwright
6. Robert Fulton
7. Eli Whitney
8. Adam Smith
9. Thomas Malthus
10. John Stuart Mill
11. Karl Marx
Assignment #3 - England leads the way
1. The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution- Worksheet
2. England Map
3. British population moves to the cities worksheet
4. Graphs – British population, mortality and agricultural revolution

Assignment # 4 - Textile Industry

1. Five Inventions - Simulation
2. Inventions of the Textile Industry - Brochure
3. Invention of the future - Brochure
4. Widening spiral of resources - worksheet

Assignment # 6 - Working Conditions

1. Look at the poem, The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake
2. Read the Ashley report or Working Conditions of the Poor
3. Hot Packet – Workshop #2 - Child Labor
4. Look at information of the Working Conditions

Assignment # 7 - Types of Reform

1. Do worksheet on different types of reform

Assignment # 8 - Readings
1. The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
2. Case Study: Manchester
3. Industrial Revolution Spreads
4. Chapter Nine Summary

Assignment # 9 - Notes
1. Finish and do all notes assigned to this unit

Assignment # 10 - Homework and Classwork

1. Do all homework and classwork assigned to this unit

Mr. Thomas 11-02-06

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