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1). Anna Garcia died due to Ketoacidosis and Diabetic shock. The Ketoacidosis was
caused by having sickle cell anemia which is when the erythrocytes in Annas blood were in the
shape of a sickle and they would crystallize forming sharp points to which acid would be present
in her blood which can lead to extreme pain and other complications eventually leading to death.
The type one diabetes that she had was a problem from birth which is where her body did not
produce insulin at all so she had to treat it and eventually she had diabetic shock which is when
the body basically goes into shock from the diabetes. When this happened the combination of
sickle cell and diabetic shock caused edema or swelling in her brain leading to her death.\

2). The malfunction of two other systems would be her nervous system from the shock of
diabetic shock leading to her pain and swelling in the body. The circulatory system was affected
by the sickle cell disease that she had which caused pain and ketoacidosis.

3). If I were to have a conversation with Anna before she died I would tell her shes about
to die, but in all seriousness she would have most likely told me she felt overall pain, possible
swelling in her body. With pain in her kidneys and possible blood in her urine.

4). Innovations that would have saved her life or helped prolonged her life a better diet
throughout her life with moderate exercise. Possible medications would have also helped prolong
her life.

5). Two career areas that I am more interested in learning about would be an exercise
physiologist and Physicians assistant. Both of these careers interest me because I have interest in
the medical field and Im going to college for being a Exercise physiologist.

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