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Kaiden Akerman

Animal Report
Red-tailed Hawk
The Red-tailed hawk is an awesome bird of prey. It also has many different
colorful features If you want to learn some of these ama!in" features read this article.
A Red-tailed hawk is a bird. It is also has a si!e of ## inches in len"th and a
win"span of $# inches. Red-tailed hawks also can be identified by a sharp beak a red
and brown tail and black feathers.
Red-tailed hawks are found in %re"on located in &orth America. Red-tailed
hawks habitat is in open areas also. A Red-tailed hawk also li'es in "rasslands. Also
a"riculture and both the male and female help build the nest in tall crowns of trees.
The diet of a Red-tailed hawk consists of many different food sources. They will
eat small (ammals. Another food source for the Red-tailed hawk is other birds. They
also may "et seen eatin" Amphibians. The Red )tailed hawk also can eat a Reptile.
A Red-tailed hawk do not ha'e 'ery many known predators. %ne known predator
is a Red-tailed hawk is a raccoon. The other predator is a *reat-horned owl. These
predators only eat e""s and youn" birds.

Life cycle
The Red-tailed hawk be"ins to reproduce at the a"e of three years old. The female
lays two to three e""s per breed. They also "row up in nests on a cliff or in crowns of tall
trees. A Red-tailed hawk can also li'e up to #+ years old.
3 interesting facts
A Red-tailed hawk is one of the birds of prey. Also Red-tailed hawks population
increased throu"hout much of their ran"e between ,-.. and #/,/. %ne more interestin"
fact is that sometimes Red-tailed hawks hunt to"ether.
&ow you know all about the Red-tailed hawk "o tell all you family and friends
about this ama!in" bird. Also remember all the ma0estic features this bird has when you
tell your family about this ma0estic bird of prey.

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