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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev.

Teacher Candidate: Grace Creech Lesson # 4
Subject/Grade: Montessori 3-6 Date and Time of Lesson: 11-7-13

Learning Objective: Students will be able to recall facts about the American flag.
SC.K-3. Children as Citizens: An Introduction to Social Studies: The student will demonstrate an understanding
of key American figures and symbols.
K-3.1. Recognize the significance of things that exemplify the values and principles of American
democracy, including the Pledge of Allegiance, songs such as 'The Star-Spangled Banner' (our national
anthem) and 'America the Beautiful,' and the American flag.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:
The student will have been introduced to various flags from other countries. The student will also be writing
which brings in ELA along with Social Studies.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Pre- Assessment Ask students what they know about the American flag.

During Assessment Students will color the American flag the correct colors.

Post- Assessment Students will fill write the following in their writing journal today: There are ____ stripes
on the American flag. There are ______stars on the American flag. When checking writing journals, I will ask
the children what the stripes and stars stand for.

Accommodations: When following the Montessori method, each child works at their own pace and are given
lessons based on individual need. There will be no early or late finishers because each child moves to another
lesson whenever they are finished with the current lesson. In this case, the child will move onto another lesson
after coloring their flag. The journal and post-assessment will be done during writing time after lunch.

Materials: American flag, Coloring sheets of the American flag, tray, writing journals, pencils, and glue.

1. While at line time, I will tell the students that I would like to show them a lesson.
2. I will get a mat and unroll it.
3. Students will be introduced to the American flag.
4. I will tell students facts about the American flag.
5. We will discuss why the flag has 13 stripes and why the flag has 50 stars.
6. Next we will discuss flag etiquette.
7. I will go to shelf and retrieve the lesson for coloring the American flag.
8. I will color an American flag to show them how it is done.
9. I will tell children that they may choose this work during work time.
10. I will ask the five year olds to bring their flag to me once they complete it because we are going to use it
in their journals.
11. I will dismiss children to work.
12. During 5-year-old journal time, we will continue the lesson. I will give the students the writing prompt.
There are ____ stripes on the American flag. There are ______stars on the American flag.
Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013
13. When checking writing journals, I will ask the children what the stripes and stars stand for.
14. The children will glue their American flag into their journals, if completed.

Activity Analysis:
Students will do this activity as a whole group. Every student will be writing the same thing in their journals;
however, each students sentence will vary based on how they fill in the blanks. The technology in this lesson
will be the Smart Board. The Smart Board will be used for the writing prompt.

Candace Kirby and

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