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Primary Security Domain COBIT 4.

0 Control Objective ISO 27001/17799 ISO 20000/ITIL Reference

Question (Control Objective) Business Staff
I. Security Policy PO6 Communicate Management Aims and Direction
PO4.14 Contracted Staff Policies and Procedures
3.1 Information Security Policy
4.1 Information Security Infrastructure
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls c)
1 Are you and members of your department aware of information
security policies and have you been provided with any type of
awareness training or ongoing communications?
I. Security Policy PO6 Communicate Management Aims and Direction
PO4.14 Contracted Staff Policies and Procedures
3.1 Information Security Policy
4.1 Information Security Infrastructure
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls c)
2 For policies that have been provided, are the supported and
enforced by your department's leadership?
I. Security Policy M1 Monitor the Processes
1.1 Collecting Monitoring Data
1.2 Assessing Performance
1.3 Assessing Customer Satisfaction
1.4 Management Reporting
M2 Assess Control Adequacy
2.1 Internal Control Monitoring
12.2 Reviews of Security Policy and
Technical Compliance
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls (a,c,e)
3 Is there a process in place to review employee compliance with
organizational policies?
I. Security Policy M1 Monitor the Processes
1.1 Collecting Monitoring Data
1.2 Assessing Performance
1.3 Assessing Customer Satisfaction
1.4 Management Reporting
M2 Assess Control Adequacy
12.2 Reviews of Security Policy and
Technical Compliance
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls (a,c,e)
I. Security Policy M1 Monitor the Processes
1.1 Collecting Monitoring Data
1.2 Assessing Performance
1.3 Assessing Customer Satisfaction
1.4 Management Reporting
M2 Assess Control Adequacy
2.1 Internal Control Monitoring
12.2 Reviews of Security Policy and
Technical Compliance
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls (a,c,e)
4 Has your department or employees ever requested an exception
from policy items?
I. Security Policy M1 Monitor the Processes
1.1 Collecting Monitoring Data
1.2 Assessing Performance
1.3 Assessing Customer Satisfaction
1.4 Management Reporting
M2 Assess Control Adequacy
2.1 Internal Control Monitoring
12.2 Reviews of Security Policy and
Technical Compliance
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls (a,c,e)
4.1 Are you familiar with the University's Risk Acceptance Process? 4.1
I. Security Policy 11.18 Protection of Disposed Sensitive Information,
11.26 Archiving
5.2.2 Information labeling and handling 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
5 Do policies and procedures exist for the handling of paper copy
I. Security Policy 11.27 Protection of Sensitive Messages 3 Security Policy
6.2.1 Information security education
and training
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.6 Controls (a,c,e)
6 Are you aware of email and Internet acceptable usage policies?
II. Organizational Security PO1 Define a Strategic IT Plan
PO4.11 IT Staffing
4.1 Information Security Infrastructure 4 Planning and Implementing Service
7 Does your department collaborate with the IT department for
purposes of strategic planning?
II. Organizational Security 4.2 Organizational Placement of the IT Function
4.4 Roles and Responsibilities
4.6 Responsibility for Logical and Physical Security
4.1 Information Security Infrastructure
6.11 Including Security in
8.1 Operational procedures and
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls (a,c,d)
8 Are members of your department assigned responsibilities for
information security and if so do they have specific directives for
protecting critical information?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 1
Primary Security Domain COBIT 4.0 Control Objective ISO 27001/17799 ISO 20000/ITIL Reference
Question (Control Objective) Business Staff
II. Organizational Security PO7 Manage Human Resources
7.1 Personnel Recruitment and Promotion
7.2 Personnel Qualifications
7.5 Cross-training or Staff Backup
7.6 Personnel Clearance Procedures
6.1 Personnel Security 3.3.2 Professional Development a)
9 Are background and reference checks performed and verified
during the recruiting hiring and processes?
II. Organizational Security PO7 Manage Human Resources
7.1 Personnel Recruitment and Promotion
7.2 Personnel Qualifications
7.5 Cross-training or Staff Backup
7.6 Personnel Clearance Procedures
6.1 Personnel Security 3.3 Competence, Awareness, and Training 8
II. Organizational Security PO7 Manage Human Resources
7.1 Personnel Recruitment and Promotion
7.2 Personnel Qualifications
7.5 Cross-training or Staff Backup
6.1 Personnel Security 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
II. Organizational Security DS2 Manage Third-party Services
2.4 Third-party Qualifications
2.5 Outsourcing Contracts
4.3 Outsourcing
4.3.1 Security requirements in
outsourcing contracts
7.3 Supplier Management (See ISO 27001
mapping for additional details)
II. Organizational Security DS2 Manage Third-party Services
2.6 Continuity of Services
2.7 Security Relationships
4.3 Outsourcing
4.3.1 Security requirements in
outsourcing contracts
4.2, 4.3, 6.1, 6.3, 8.1, 8.7, 10.5
7.3 Supplier Management
6.6.3 Security Risk Assessment Practices
10 Does your department include information security requirements
in contracts with third parties that handle or change sensitive data
or systems?
II. Organizational Security DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.13 Counterparty Trust
4.2.2 Security requirements in third
party contracts
4.3 Outsourcing
4.3.1 Security requirements in
7 Relationship Process
7.3 Supplier Management
7.3.2 Contract Management
III. Asset Classification and
PO2.3 Data Classification Scheme
PO4.7 Ownership and Custodianship
PO4.8 Data and System Ownership
5.2 Information Classification 6.62 Identifying and Classifying Information
11 Do you know which of the data items in your department need
protected? Do you have a way of identifying this data that is
different than the words and vocabulary you use to identify data
that does not need secured?
III. Asset Classification and
PO2.3 Data Classification Scheme 5.2 Information Classification 6.62 Identifying and Classifying Information
12 Do you know which computer systems in your department are
used to process or store critical or private data? Are you aware of
any mechanism to document any such systems?
III. Asset Classification and
PO4.8 Data and System Ownership 3 Security Policy
7.2.5 Security of equipment off-
8.7.2 Security of media in transit
9.8.1 Mobile computing
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
13 Have you worked with members of the IT department to map out
information flows into and out of the organization?
III. Asset Classification and
PO8 Ensure Compliance with External Requirements
8.4 Privacy, Intellectual Property and Data Flow
3 Security Policy
7.2.5 Security of equipment off-
8.7.2 Security of media in transit
9.8.1 Mobile computing
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
13.1 Have you worked with members of the IT department to map out
systems movement (such as mobile devices) into and out of the
III. Asset Classification and
PO7 Manage Human Resources
7.8 Job Change and Termination
PO4.8 Data and System Ownership
7.2.5 Security of equipment off-
8.7.2 Security of media in transit
9.8.1 Mobile computing
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
14 Do you have the ability to track information, mobile or storage
devices in the possession of employees and ensure safe return of
those items upon employee termination?
III. Asset Classification and
DS9 Manage the Configuration
9.1 Configuration Recording
9.3 Status Accounting
9.4 Configuration Control
9.8 Software Accountability
10.4.1 Control of operational software
10.5.2 Technical review of operating
system changes
7.2 Equipment Security
9.1 Configuration Management
9.1.4 Configuration Status Accounting and
IX. Access Control DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.3 Security of Online Access to Data
5.4 User Account Management
9.1 Business Requirement for Access
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.7 Documents and Records d) control over
access to information, assets, and systems
15 Do you provide IT with access requirements to information, data,
and applications in use by your department?
IX. Access Control DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.4 User Account Management
5.5 Management Review of User Accounts
5.21 Protection of Electronic Value
9.2 User Access Management
9.2.1 User registration
9.2.4 Review of user access rights
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.7 Documents and Records d) control over
access to information, assets, and systems
16 Is a new employee or terminated employee process in place to
add or remove employees access to key systems and data?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 2
Primary Security Domain COBIT 4.0 Control Objective ISO 27001/17799 ISO 20000/ITIL Reference
Question (Control Objective) Business Staff
IX. Access Control DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.2 Identification, Authentication and Access
5.4 User Account Management
5.5 Management Review of User Accounts
5.6 User Control of User Accounts
9.2.3 User password management 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.7 Documents and Records
d) control over access to information,
assets, and systems
17 Are you aware of requirements for the complexity or length of
your password?
IX. Access Control DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.2 Identification, Authentication and Access
5.4 User Account Management
5.5 Management Review of User Accounts
5.6 User Control of User Accounts
9.2.3 User password management 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.7 Documents and Records
d) control over access to information,
assets, and systems
18 Do you change you password often?
IX. Access Control DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.2 Identification, Authentication and Access
5.4 User Account Management
5.5 Management Review of User Accounts
5.6 User Control of User Accounts
5.2.2 Information labeling and handling
9.2 User Access Management
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.7 Documents and Records
d) control over access to information,
19 Do you ever utilize a password or userID that is shared between
multiple employees?
IX. Access Control DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.2 Identification, Authentication and Access
5.4 User Account Management
5.5 Management Review of User Accounts
5.6 User Control of User Accounts
5.2.2 Information labeling and handling
9.2 User Access Management
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.7 Documents and Records
d) control over access to information,
assets, and systems
20 Use accounts that have system administrator rights only in
special situations, such as when installing software or configuring
your system?
V. Physical and Environmental
DS12 Manage Facilities
12.1 Physical Security
7.1 Secure Areas
7.2 Equipment Security
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
21 Is access controlled, monitored, and recorded to your work areas
or facilities?
VI. Equipment Security PO6 Communicate Management Aims and Direction
6.3 Communication of Organization Policies
6.6 Compliance with Policies, Procedures and
6.11 Communication of IT Security Awareness
PO8 Ensure Compliance with External Requirements
8.4 Privacy, Intellectual Property and Data Flow
DS7 Educate and Train Users
9.8.1 Mobile computing 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
22 Do employees in your department understand requirements to
protect mobile devices that contain sensitive or critical data?
VII. General Controls PO9 Assess Risks
9.1 Business Risk Assessment
9.3 Risk Identification
DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.8 Data Classification
4.2.1 Identification of risks from third
party access
12.3 System Audit Considerations
12.3.1 System audit controls
6.6.3 Security Risk Assessment Practices
6.6.4 Risks to Information Assets
23 Has your department worked with the IT or Information Security
department to identify risks to key systems and data for your
VII. General Controls PO9 Assess Risks
9.5 Risk Action Plan
AI1 Identify Automated Solutions
1.9 Cost-effective Security Controls
DS7 Educate and Train Users
4.2.1 Identification of risks from third
party access
12.3 System Audit Considerations
12.3.1 System audit controls
6.6.3 Security Risk Assessment Practices
6.6.4 Risks to Information Assets
VII. General Controls AI1 Identify Automated Solutions
1.1 Definition of Information Requirements
No direct mapping (See COBIT
mapping for additional details)
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See COBIT Mapping for
additional details)
VII. General Controls DS11 Manage Data
11.1 Data Preparation Procedures
11.2 Source Document Authorization Procedures
11.3 Source Document Data Collection
11.4 Source Document Error Handling
11.7 Accuracy, Completeness and Authorization Checks
11.8 Data Input Error Handling
11.9 Data Processing Integrity
11.10 Data Processing Validation and Editing
11.11 Data Processing Error Handling
11.14 Output Balancing and Reconciliation
11.15 Output Review and Error Handling
11.27 Protection of Sensitive Messages
11.29 Electronic Transaction Integrity
8.7.3 Electronic commerce security
10.2 Security in Application Systems
10.3 Cryptographic Controls
9.1.3 Configuration Control
10.1.5 Design, Build and Configure Release
b) ensure the integrity is maintained during
build, installation, packaging, and delivery
24 Are automated or manual processes in place to ensure the
accuracy, validity, and non-repudiation of transactions in your
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 3
Primary Security Domain COBIT 4.0 Control Objective ISO 27001/17799 ISO 20000/ITIL Reference
Question (Control Objective) Business Staff
VII. General Controls M1 Monitor the Processes
1.1 Collecting Monitoring Data
1.2 Assessing Performance
1.3 Assessing Customer Satisfaction
1.4 Management Reporting
M2 Assess Control Adequacy
2.1 Internal Control Monitoring
12.2 Reviews of Security Policy and
Technical Compliance
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.3 Security Risk Assessment Practices
VII. General Controls M3 Obtain Independent Assurance
3.3 Independent Effectiveness Evaluation of IT Services
3.4 Independent Effectiveness Evaluation of Third-party
Service Providers
3.5 Independent Assurance of Compliance with Laws
and Regulatory Requirements and Contractual
3.6 Independent Assurance of Compliance with Laws
and Regulatory Requirements by Third-party Service
3.7 Competence of Independent Assurance Function
No relevant mapping 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.6 Controls
f) Expert help on risk assessment and control
VII. General Controls 11.18 Protection of Disposed Sensitive Information 5.2.2 Information labeling and handling 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
25 Does your organization have a secure disposal process for
dispose of paper copy documents containing sensitive
VII. General Controls 11.18 Protection of Disposed Sensitive Information 5.2.2 Information labeling and handling 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
6.6.5 Security and Availability of Information
a) disclosure of sensitive information to
unauthorized parties
6.6.6 Controls
f) Expert help on risk assessment and
control implementation
26 Have you ever had to disclose a loss or leak of sensitive
information to a student?
VII. General Controls 11.26 Archiving, 11.27 Protection of Sensitive Messages 8.7.4 Security of electronic mail 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
27 Do you know how long your email is retained?
VII. General Controls 11.26 Archiving, 11.27 Protection of Sensitive Messages 8.7.4 Security of electronic mail 6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
28 Do you archive email and if so, where do you store the archive?
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
PO9 Assess Risks
AI3-3.6 Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure
PO11 Manage Quality
10 Systems Development and
8.1.5 Separation of development and
operational facilities
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
AI4 Develop and Maintain Procedures
4.2 User Procedures Manual
4.3 Operations Manual
4.4 Training Materials
DS7 Educate and Train Users
7.1 Identification of Training Needs
6.2 User Training 3.3 Competence, Awareness, and Training
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Professional Development
29 Are information security related procedures integrated into work
procedures and are employees in your department provided any
security awareness training?
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.19 Malicious Software Prevention, Detection and
8.3 Protection against Malicious
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
30 Do your systems all have antivirus and antispyware software and
do employees ever disable or remove the software?
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.19 Malicious Software Prevention, Detection and
8.3 Protection against Malicious
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
30.1 If you answered yes to question 30, do employees ever disable or
remove the software?
X. Systems Development and
AI3 Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure
3.1 Assessment of New Hardware and Software
DS8 Assist and Advise Customers
PO11 Manage Quality
11.9 Acquisition and Maintenance Framework for the
Technology Infrastructure
10.1 Security Requirements of
10.1.1 Security requirements analysis
and specification
7.3 Supplier Management 32
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 4
Primary Security Domain COBIT 4.0 Control Objective ISO 27001/17799 ISO 20000/ITIL Reference
Question (Control Objective) Business Staff
X. Systems Development and
PO9 Assess Risks
9.1 Business Risk Assessment
9.3 Risk Identification
AI3-3.6 Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure
11.9 Acquisition and Maintenance Framework for the
Technology Infrastructure
8.1.2 Operational change control
10.5.1 Change control procedures
10.1 Security Requirements of
10.1.1 Security requirements analysis
and specification
12.3.1 System audit controls
6.6.3 Security Risk Assessment Practices 33
X. Systems Development and
PO9 Assess Risks
AI3-3.6 Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure
PO11 Manage Quality
10 Systems Development and
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
X. Systems Development and
AI5 Install and Accredit Systems
5.7 Testing of Changes
5.11 Operational Test
5.12 Promotion to Production
8.2 System Planning and Acceptance
8.1.5 Separation of development and
operational facilities
10 Release Process
10.1.2 Release Policy c) authority of release
into acceptance test and production
X. Systems Development and
AI5 Install and Accredit Systems
5.9 Final Acceptance Test
5.13 Evaluation of Meeting User Requirements
5.14 Managements Post-implementation Review
8.2.2 System acceptance 10 Release Process
10.1.2 Release Policy g) verification and
acceptance of release
32 Does you department review and accept new technology system
functionality and is information security a component of the review
and acceptance process?
X. Systems Development and
AI5 Install and Accredit Systems
5.7 Testing of Changes
AI6 Manage Changes
6.4 Emergency Changes
8.1.2 Operational change control
10.5 Security in Development and
Support Processes
10.5.1 Change control procedures
10.5.2 Technical review of operating
system changes
10.5.3 Restrictions on changes to
software packages
10 Release Process
10.1.2 Release Policy c) authority of release
into acceptance test and production
environments g) verification and acceptance
of release
9.2 Change Management
33 Do you review or test any changes to your systems and
applications prior to the IT department implementing those
X. Systems Development and
AI5 Install and Accredit Systems
5.7 Testing of Changes
AI6 Manage Changes
6.4 Emergency Changes
8.1.2 Operational change control
10.5 Security in Development and
Support Processes
10.5.1 Change control procedures
10.5.2 Technical review of operating
system changes
10.5.3 Restrictions on changes to
software packages
9.2 Change Management
9.2.4 Change management reporting,
analysis, and actions
XI. Business Continuity DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.2 IT Continuity Plan Strategy and Philosophy
4.4 Minimizing IT Continuity Requirements
4.10 Critical IT Resources
DS10 Manage Problems and Incidents
10.1 Problem Management System
10.2 Problem Escalation
DS12 Manage Facilities
12.6 Uninterruptible Power Supply
11 Business Continuity Management
11.1.2 Business continuity and impact
6.3 Service Continuity and Availability
6.3.4 Service Continuity Planning and Testing
34 Has your department worked with the IT or Information Security
department to identify the core systems, applications, and
information in order to determine the impact to the department in
the event of un-availability, loss, theft, or disclosure?
XI. Business Continuity DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.2 IT Continuity Plan Strategy and Philosophy
4.4 Minimizing IT Continuity Requirements
4.10 Critical IT Resources
DS10 Manage Problems and Incidents
10.1 Problem Management System
10.2 Problem Escalation
DS12 Manage Facilities
12.6 Uninterruptible Power Supply
11 Business Continuity Management
11.1.3 Writing and implementing
continuity plans
11.1.4 Business continuity planning
6.3 Service Continuity and Availability
6.3.4 Service Continuity Planning and Testing
XI. Business Continuity DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.3 IT Continuity Plan Contents
4.9 User Department Alternative Processing Backup
11 Business Continuity Management
11.1.3 Writing and implementing
continuity plans
6.3 Service Continuity and Availability
6.3.3 Service Continuity Strategy a) maximum
acceptable period of lost service
35 Does your department have requirements for timeframes to
recover each of the core systems, applications, or information
that affect the departments operations?
XI. Business Continuity DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.2 IT Continuity Plan Strategy and Philosophy
4.10 Critical IT Resources
DS10 Manage Problems and Incidents
10.1 Problem Management System
10.2 Problem Escalation
11.1 Aspects of Business Continuity
11.1.3 Writing and implementing
continuity plans
6.3 Service Continuity and Availability
6.3.4 Service Continuity Planning and Testing
36 Are you aware of procedures or contact listings in the event of a
disaster involving your facility and IT systems?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 5
Primary Security Domain COBIT 4.0 Control Objective ISO 27001/17799 ISO 20000/ITIL Reference
Question (Control Objective) Business Staff
XI. Business Continuity DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.3 IT Continuity Plan Contents
4.9 User Department Alternative Processing Backup
11.1 Aspects of Business Continuity
11.1.5 Testing, maintaining and re-
assessing business continuity plans
6.3 Service Continuity and Availability
6.3.4 Service Continuity Planning and Testing
37 Has your department been involved with any testing of disaster
XI. Business Continuity DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.6 Testing the IT Continuity Plan
4.12 Offsite Backup Storage
DS11 Manage Data
11.23 Backup and Restoration
11.24 Backup Jobs
11.25 Backup Storage
8.4 Housekeeping
8.4.1 Information back-up
11.1 Aspects of Business Continuity
6.3 Service Continuity and Availability
6.3.4 Service Continuity Planning and Testing
38 Do employees in your department have access to store files on
network folders that are backed up on a daily basis? If so, have
you been able to successfully restore data when required?
XII. Compliance PO8 Ensure Compliance with External Requirements
8.1 External Requirements Review
8.2 Practices and Procedures for Complying with
External Requirements
8.3 Safety and Ergonomic Compliance
8.4 Privacy, Intellectual Property and Data Flow
8.5 Electronic Commerce
8.6 Compliance With Insurance Contracts
12.1 Compliance With Legal
6.6.5 Security and Availability of Information 39 Are any regulatory requirements relevant to information your
department creates or stores? Examples of potential legal or
regulatory requirements are; PCI Compliance (Visa, MasterCard),
HIPAA (Healthcare), GLB (Insurance, Financial), software
licensing, intellectual property rights, contractual obligations, etc.
XII. Compliance DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.7 Security Surveillance
5.11 Incident Handling
12.1 Compliance with Legal
12.3 System Audit Considerations
9.7 Monitoring System Access and
12.2.1 Compliance with security policy
12.2.2 Technical compliance checking
6.3 Responding to Security Incidents
and Malfunctions
6.6.6 Controls c) See ISO 27001 mapping for
additional detail
40 Does your department have the ability to monitor employee
behavior with regard to compliance to organizational policies
and/or identify illegal activities?
XII. Compliance DS9 Manage the Configuration
9.5 Unauthorized Software
9.8 Software Accountability
5.1.1 Inventory of assets
12.1 Compliance with Legal
12.1.2 Intellectual property rights
9.1 Configuration Management
9.1.2 Configuration Identification e) licenses
9.1.4 Configuration Status Accounting and
XII. Compliance DS11 Manage Data
11.5 Source Document Retention
11.19 Storage Management
11.20 Retention Periods and Storage Terms
11.26 Archiving
8.6 Media Handling and Security
12 Compliance
12.1.3 Safeguarding of organizational
12.1.4 Data protection and privacy of
personal information
6.6 Information Security Management
6.6.1 General (See ISO Mapping for additional
41 Are you aware of legal or organization policy or requirements to
retain data? (note: Examples could include financial, health, or
transaction history / information)
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 6
Question (Control Objective) IT Staff
Has an information security policy framework been developed including who is
responsible for development, review, and approval of policies?
Has the policy framework been implemented resulting in creation of information
security policies that are supported in the highest levels of the organization?
Does internal staff regularly monitor security controls to measure performance
and adequacy?
If you answered yes to question 3, is effectiveness measured against security
policy, regulatory/contract compliance?
Is there a current process for defining and ongoing review of policy exceptions?
Are you familiar with the University's Risk Acceptance Process?
Is strategic IT planning performed to determine business requirements that
could have an impact on technologies, staffing, and information security
Has a security organizational structure been created that defines information
security roles and responsibilities?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 7
Question (Control Objective) IT Staff
Are background and reference checks performed and verified during the
recruiting and hiring and processes?
Are security skill requirements reviewed and mapped to current security staff
capabilities and evaluated against organizational security requirements?
Are security skills redundant within staff members so that no critical security
functions are dependent on a single employee?
Are there specific criteria that a business partner or vendor must meet for
security requirements?
When partnering with a third party or contracting services, is a risk review
performed to determine risks such as handling sensitive data and sharing
proprietary information or intellectual property?
Are business associate agreements or similar contracts required for third party
partners that contain expected levels of security? Are those contracts typically
included and signed for all partner access to systems?
Has a data and/or asset classification scheme been developed and
implemented and does it map handling requirements to the classification levels?
Has an asset inventory system been implemented that includes asset criticality
and/or classification ratings?
Have information flows and systems moves into and out of systems and
facilities been identified? Is there a policy that defines this flow of data, systems,
and information?
Is there a policy that defines acceptable flow of data, systems, and information
between third parties?
Is there a document or system that contains hardware, software, application, or
operating system configurations for your department?
Are there defined procedures for granting access levels to staff and third parties
based on there job requirement to access the information?
Have employees been identified that add/remove user accounts and is account
creation/removal logged so that information can be audited or reviewed?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 8
Question (Control Objective) IT Staff
Are physical security controls implemented for key IT systems such as the data
center and has a third party assessed those controls for the level of
Has a policy been defined and implemented that outlines security for mobile
devices such as laptops and PDA's, and mobile storage such as flash drives?
Have you worked with departments in the organization to assess risks to critical
data or systems and the resulting impact to the business should those risks be
Have high risk areas identified through risk assessment activities been
prioritized and a plan to prioritize the remediation of these risks been
Does automation of businesses processes through IT systems cause additional
risk to the security of information and have you worked to the identify automated
processes that might contain those risks?
Have integrity controls been implemented in systems that process transactions
to verify accuracy, validity, and non-repudiation?
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Question (Control Objective) IT Staff
Is regular security assessment and testing performed that includes things such
as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, policy and configuration review?
Does your organization provision the services of a trusted advisor to assess
information security controls and provide guidance for areas of weakness or
If you answered yes to question 17, do you prioritize patches and perform
testing to determine suitability to be implemented on production systems?
Are specific work procedures either documented or provided verbally? If so, is
security integrated into the procedures?
Do all systems in your department have current anti-virus software installed and
are definition files updated on a regular basis (preferably every day)?
If you answered yes to question 32, are definition files updated on a regular
basis (preferably every day)?
Is security an integrated component of the evaluation and selection of
Information Technology solutions?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 10
Question (Control Objective) IT Staff
Is a risk review performed prior to the implementation of new infrastructure
(routers, switches, servers, firewalls, etc)?
Is there a defined process for monitoring vendors for software patches or
vulnerabilities that impact the infrastructure systems in production?
Are changes to existing systems or new implementations performed in a test
environment separate from production systems?
Is acceptance testing a part of the pre-production testing process and does
acceptance include both key IT and Business personnel?
Is a formal or informal change management function practiced for changes to
systems? Does it include changes to configuration including patching and
Is there a log or document that outlines all changes including who reviewed the
changes, testing performed, back out plans, acceptance/denial, and who
performed the changes?
Has a business impact analysis been performed with regard to identifying
critical or sensitive information?
If you answered yes to question 26, have provisions been made to ensure
critical information is available for mission critical business processes in the
event of a security incident?
Does your department have the ability to identify and resolve such incidents in a
timeframe consistent with business operational requirements?
Has your department developed business continuity or disaster recovery plans
that include maintaining or restoring basic IT resources during a disaster or
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 11
Question (Control Objective) IT Staff
Are these plans tested on a recurring basis and updated as required depending
on the outcome of tests?
Has the IT staff collaborated with key business users to make sure that
business critical information is backed up and available offsite? If so, have
restore operations been tested successfully?
Does an employee responsible for information security review requirements for
regulatory compliance and legal obligations and collaborate with executive
leadership and legal counsel to determine which issues are relevant to the
organization? Examples include PCI Compliance (Visa, MasterCard), HIPAA (Healthcare), GLB
(Insurance, Financial), software licensing, intellectual property rights, contractual obligations, etc.
Have you deployed processes and/or automated alerts so that policy violations
and intrusive behavior can be identified? This includes things such as account
lockout alerts, intrusion detections systems, virus alerting, intellectual property
violations, etc.
Is there a software licensing inventory that provides the ability to effectively
review and manage for license compliance and is there an ongoing process to
review licenses?
Is there a policy and/or standard that defines data retention requirements?
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 12
ot Applicable
Describe Existing Key Security
Controls Supporting This
Describe Key Weaknesses
Relative to This Question
Describe any Current Projects
Relative to This Question
Current Maturity Rating
(Please read FAQ for definitions)
0 - Non Existent
1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc
2 - Repeatable but Intuitive
Primary Security Domain
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
I. Security Policy
II. Organizational Security
II. Organizational Security
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 13
ot Applicable
Describe Existing Key Security
Controls Supporting This
Describe Key Weaknesses
Relative to This Question
Describe any Current Projects
Relative to This Question
Current Maturity Rating
(Please read FAQ for definitions)
0 - Non Existent
1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc
2 - Repeatable but Intuitive
Primary Security Domain
II. Organizational Security
II. Organizational Security
II. Organizational Security
II. Organizational Security
II. Organizational Security
II. Organizational Security
III. Asset Classification and
III. Asset Classification and
III. Asset Classification and
III. Asset Classification and
III. Asset Classification and
III. Asset Classification and
IX. Access Control
IX. Access Control
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 14
ot Applicable
Describe Existing Key Security
Controls Supporting This
Describe Key Weaknesses
Relative to This Question
Describe any Current Projects
Relative to This Question
Current Maturity Rating
(Please read FAQ for definitions)
0 - Non Existent
1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc
2 - Repeatable but Intuitive
Primary Security Domain
IX. Access Control
IX. Access Control
IX. Access Control
IX. Access Control
V. Physical and Environmental
VI. Equipment Security
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 15
ot Applicable
Describe Existing Key Security
Controls Supporting This
Describe Key Weaknesses
Relative to This Question
Describe any Current Projects
Relative to This Question
Current Maturity Rating
(Please read FAQ for definitions)
0 - Non Existent
1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc
2 - Repeatable but Intuitive
Primary Security Domain
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VII. General Controls
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
VIII. Communications &
Operations Management
X. Systems Development and
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 16
ot Applicable
Describe Existing Key Security
Controls Supporting This
Describe Key Weaknesses
Relative to This Question
Describe any Current Projects
Relative to This Question
Current Maturity Rating
(Please read FAQ for definitions)
0 - Non Existent
1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc
2 - Repeatable but Intuitive
Primary Security Domain
X. Systems Development and
X. Systems Development and
X. Systems Development and
X. Systems Development and
X. Systems Development and
X. Systems Development and
XI. Business Continuity
XI. Business Continuity
XI. Business Continuity
XI. Business Continuity
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 17
ot Applicable
Describe Existing Key Security
Controls Supporting This
Describe Key Weaknesses
Relative to This Question
Describe any Current Projects
Relative to This Question
Current Maturity Rating
(Please read FAQ for definitions)
0 - Non Existent
1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc
2 - Repeatable but Intuitive
Primary Security Domain
XI. Business Continuity
XI. Business Continuity
XII. Compliance
XII. Compliance
XII. Compliance
XII. Compliance
Fusion Alliance, Inc. , University of Cincinnati Confidential 6/5/2014 Page 18
0 - Non Existent 1 - Initial / Ad-Hoc 2 - Repeatable but Intuitive 3 - Defined Process 4 - Managed and Measurable 5 - Optimized
I. Security Policy
II. Organizational Security
III. Asset Classification and Control
IV. Personnel Security
V. Physical and Environmental Security
VI. Equipment Security
VII. General Controls
VIII. Communications & Operations Management
IX. Access Control
X. Systems Development and Maintenance
XI. Business Continuity
XII. Compliance
Information Security Domains
Security Control Maturity Rating
0 - Non-existent Complete lack of any recognizable processes. The enterprise has not even recognized that there is an issue to be addressed.
1 - Initial
There is evidence that the enterprise has recognized that the issues exist and need to be addressed. There are, however, no standardized processes;
instead there are ad hoc approaches that tend to be applied on an individual or case-by-case basis. The overall approach to management is disorganized.
2 - Repeatable
Processes have developed to the stage where similar procedures are followed by different people undertaking the same task. There is no formal training or
communication of standard procedures, and responsibility is left to the individual. There is a high degree of reliance on the knowledge of individuals and,
therefore, errors are likely.
3 - Defined
Procedures have been standardized and documented, and communicated through training. It is, however, left to the individual to follow these processes,
and it is unlikely that deviations will be detected. The procedures themselves are not sophisticated but are the formalization of existing practices.
4 - Managed
It is possible to monitor and measure compliance with procedures and to take action where processes appear not to be working effectively. Processes are
under constant improvement and provide good practice. Automation and tools are used in a limited or fragmented way.
5 - Optimized
Processes have been refined to a level of best practice, based on the results of continuous improvement and maturity modeling with other enterprises. IT is
used in an integrated way to automate the workflow, providing tools to improve quality and effectiveness, making the enterprise quick to adapt
PO1 Define a Strategic IT Plan
1.1 IT as Part of the Organizations Long and Short Range Plan
1.2 IT Long-range Plan
1.3 IT Long-range PlanningApproach and Structure
1.4 IT Long-range Plan Changes
1.5 Short-range Planning for the IT Function
1.6 Communication of IT Plans
1.7 Monitoring and Evaluating of IT Plans
1.8 Assessment of Existing Systems
PO2 Define the Information Architecture
2.1 Information Architecture Model
2.2 Corporate Data Dictionary and Data Syntax Rules
2.3 Data Classification Scheme
2.4 Security Levels
PO3 Determine Technological Direction
3.1 Technological Infrastructure Planning
3.2 Monitor Future Trends and Regulations
3.3 Technological Infrastructure Contingency
3.4 Hardware and Software Acquisition Plan
3.5 Technology Standards
PO4 Define the IT Organization and Relationships
4.1 IT Planning or Steering Committee
4.2 Organizational Placement of the IT Function
4.3 Review of Organizational Achievements
4.4 Roles and Responsibilities
4.5 Responsibility for Quality Assurance
4.6 Responsibility for Logical and Physical Security
4.7 Ownership and Custodianship
4.8 Data and System Ownership
4.9 Supervision
4.10 Segregation of Duties
4.11 IT Staffing
4.12 Job or Position Descriptions for IT Staff
4.13 Key IT Personnel
4.14 Contracted Staff Policies and Procedures
4.15 Relationships
PO5 Manage the IT Investment
5.1 Annual IT Operating Budget
5.2 Cost and Benefit Monitoring
5.3 Cost and Benefit Justification
PO6 Communicate Management Aims and Direction
6.1 Positive Information Control Environment
6.2 Managements Responsibility for Policies
6.3 Communication of Organization Policies
6.4 Policy Implementation Resources
6.5 Maintenance of Policies
6.6 Compliance with Policies, Procedures and Standards
6.7 Quality Commitment
6.8 Security and Internal Control Framework Policy
6.9 Intellectual Property Rights
6.10 Issue-specific Policies
6.11 Communication of IT Security Awareness
PO7 Manage Human Resources
7.1 Personnel Recruitment and Promotion
7.2 Personnel Qualifications
7.3 Roles and Responsibilities
7.4 Personnel Training
7.5 Cross-training or Staff Backup
7.6 Personnel Clearance Procedures
7.7 Employee Job Performance Evaluation
7.8 Job Change and Termination
PO8 Ensure Compliance with External Requirements
8.1 External Requirements Review
8.2 Practices and Procedures for Complying with External Requirements
8.3 Safety and Ergonomic Compliance
8.4 Privacy, Intellectual Property and Data Flow
8.5 Electronic Commerce
8.6 Compliance With Insurance Contracts
PO9 Assess Risks
9.1 Business Risk Assessment
9.2 Risk Assessment Approach
9.3 Risk Identification
9.4 Risk Measurement
9.5 Risk Action Plan
9.6 Risk Acceptance
9.7 Safeguard Selection
9.8 Risk Assessment Commitment
PO10 Manage Projects
10.1 Project Management Framework
10.3 Project Team Membership and Responsibilities
10.4 Project Definition
10.5 Project Approval
10.6 Project Phase Approval
10.7 Project Master Plan
10.8 System Quality Assurance Plan
10.9 Planning of Assurance Methods
10.10 Formal Project Risk Management
10.11 Test Plan
10.12 Training Plan
10.13 Post-implementation Review Plan
PO11 Manage Quality
11.1 General Quality Plan
11.2 Quality Assurance Approach
11.3 Quality Assurance Planning
11.4 Quality Assurance Review of Adherence to IT Standards and Procedures
11.5 System Development Life Cycle Methodology
11.6 System Development Life Cycle Methodology for Major Changes to Existing Technology
11.7 Updating of the System Development Life Cycle Methodology
11.8 Coordination and Communication
11.9 Acquisition and Maintenance Framework for the Technology Infrastructure
11.10 Third-party Implementer Relationships
11.11 Program Documentation Standards
11.12 Program Testing Standards
11.13 System Testing Standards
11.14 Parallel/Pilot Testing
11.15 System Testing Documentation
11.16 Quality Assurance Evaluation of Adherence to Development Standards
11.17 Quality Assurance Review of the Achievement of IT Objectives
11.18 Quality Metrics
11.19 Reports of Quality Assurance Reviews
AI1 Identify Automated Solutions
1.1 Definition of Information Requirements
1.2 Formulation of Alternative Courses of Action
1.3 Formulation of Acquisition Strategy
1.4 Third-party Service Requirements
1.5 Technological Feasibility Study
1.6 Economic Feasibility Study
1.7 Information Architecture
1.8 Risk Analysis Report
1.9 Cost-effective Security Controls
1.10 Audit Trails Design
1.11 Ergonomics
1.12 Selection of System Software
1.13 Procurement Control
1.14 Software Product Acquisition
1.15 Third-party Software Maintenance
1.16 Contract Application Programming
1.17 Acceptance of Facilities
1.18 Acceptance of Technology
AI2 Acquire and Maintain Application Software
2.1 Design Methods
2.2 Major Changes to Existing Systems
2.3 Design Approval
2.4 File Requirements Definition and Documentation
2.5 Program Specifications
2.6 Source Data Collection Design
2.7 Input Requirements Definition and Documentation
2.8 Definition of Interfaces
2.9 User-machine Interface
2.10 Processing Requirements Definition and Documentation
2.11 Output Requirements Definition and Documentation
2.12 Controllability
2.13 Availability as a Key Design Factor
2.14 IT Integrity Provisions in Application Program Software
2.15 Application Software Testing
2.16 User Reference and Support Materials
2.17 Reassessment of System Design
AI3 Acquire and Maintain Technology Infrastructure
3.1 Assessment of New Hardware and Software
3.2 Preventive Maintenance for Hardware
3.3 System Software Security
3.4 System Software Installation
3.5 System Software Maintenance
3.6 System Software Change Controls
3.7 Use and Monitoring of System Utilities
AI4 Develop and Maintain Procedures
4.1 Operational Requirements and Service Levels
4.2 User Procedures Manual
4.3 Operations Manual
4.4 Training Materials
AI5 Install and Accredit Systems
5.1 Training
5.2 Application Software Performance Sizing
5.3 Implementation Plan
5.4 System Conversion
5.5 Data Conversion
5.6 Testing Strategies and Plans
5.7 Testing of Changes
5.8 Parallel/Pilot Testing Criteria and Performance
5.9 Final Acceptance Test
5.10 Security Testing and Accreditation
5.11 Operational Test
5.12 Promotion to Production
5.13 Evaluation of Meeting User Requirements
5.14 Managements Post-implementation Review
AI6 Manage Changes
6.1 Change Request Initiation and Control
6.2 Impact Assessment
6.3 Control of Changes
6.4 Emergency Changes
6.5 Documentation and Procedures
6.6 Authorized Maintenance
6.7 Software Release Policy
6.8 Distribution of Software
DS1 Define and Manage Service Levels
1.1 Service Level Agreement Framework
1.2 Aspects of Service Level Agreements
1.3 Performance Procedures
1.4 Monitoring and Reporting
1.5 Review of Service Level Agreements and Contracts
1.6 Chargeable Items
1.7 Service Improvement Program
DS2 Manage Third-party Services
2.1 Supplier Interfaces
2.2 Owner Relationships
2.3 Third-party Contracts
2.4 Third-party Qualifications
2.5 Outsourcing Contracts
2.6 Continuity of Services
2.7 Security Relationships
2.8 Monitoring
DS3 Manage Performance Capacity
3.1 Availability and Performance Requirements
3.2 Availability Plan
3.3 Monitoring and Reporting
3.4 Modeling Tools
3.5 Proactive Performance Management
3.6 Workload Forecasting
3.7 Capacity Management of Resources
3.8 Resources Availability
3.9 Resources Schedule
DS4 Ensure Continuous Service
4.1 IT Continuity Framework
4.2 IT Continuity Plan Strategy and Philosophy
4.3 IT Continuity Plan Contents
4.4 Minimizing IT Continuity Requirements
4.5 Maintaining the IT Continuity Plan
4.6 Testing the IT Continuity Plan
4.7 IT Continuity Plan Training
4.8 IT Continuity Plan Distribution
4.9 User Department Alternative Processing Backup Procedures
4.10 Critical IT Resources
4.11 Backup Site and Hardware
4.12 Offsite Backup Storage
4.13 Wrap-up Procedures
DS5 Ensure Systems Security
5.1 Manage Security Measures
5.2 Identification, Authentication and Access
5.3 Security of Online Access to Data
5.4 User Account Management
5.5 Management Review of User Accounts
5.6 User Control of User Accounts
5.7 Security Surveillance
5.8 Data Classification
5.9 Central Identification and Access Rights
5.10 Management Violation and Security Activity Reports
5.11 Incident Handling
5.12 Reaccreditation
5.13 Counterparty Trust
5.14 Transaction Authorization
5.15 Nonrepudiation
5.16 Trusted Path
5.17 Protection of Security Functions
5.18 Cryptographic Key Management
5.19 Malicious Software Prevention, Detection and Correction
5.20 Firewall Architectures and Connections with Public Networks
5.21 Protection of Electronic Value
DS6 Identify and Allocate Costs
6.1 Chargeable Items
6.2 Costing Procedures
6.3 User Billing and Chargeback Procedures
DS7 Educate and Train Users
7.1 Identification of Training Needs
7.2 Training Organization
7.3 Security Principles and Awareness Training
DS8 Assist and Advise Customers
8.1 Help Desk
8.2 Registration of Customer Queries
8.3 Customer Query Escalation
8.4 Monitoring of Clearance
8.5 Trend Analysis and Reporting
DS9 Manage the Configuration
9.1 Configuration Recording
9.2 Configuration Baseline
9.3 Status Accounting
9.4 Configuration Control
9.5 Unauthorized Software
9.6 Software Storage
9.7 Configuration Management Procedures
9.8 Software Accountability
DS10 Manage Problems and Incidents
10.1 Problem Management System
10.2 Problem Escalation
10.3 Problem Tracking and Audit Trail
10.4 Emergency and Temporary Access Authorization
10.5 Emergency Processing Priorities
DS11 Manage Data
11.1 Data Preparation Procedures
11.2 Source Document Authorization Procedures
11.3 Source Document Data Collection
11.4 Source Document Error Handling
11.5 Source Document Retention
11.6 Data Input Authorization Procedures
11.7 Accuracy, Completeness and Authorization Checks
11.8 Data Input Error Handling
11.9 Data Processing Integrity
11.10 Data Processing Validation and Editing
11.11 Data Processing Error Handling
11.12 Output Handling and Retention
11.13 Output Distribution
11.14 Output Balancing and Reconciliation
11.15 Output Review and Error Handling
11.16 Security Provision for Output Reports
11.17 Protection of Sensitive Information During Transmission and Transport
11.18 Protection of Disposed Sensitive Information
11.19 Storage Management
11.20 Retention Periods and Storage Terms
11.21 Media Library Management System
11.22 Media Library Management Responsibilities
11.23 Backup and Restoration
11.24 Backup Jobs
11.25 Backup Storage
11.26 Archiving
11.27 Protection of Sensitive Messages
11.28 Authentication and Integrity
11.29 Electronic Transaction Integrity
11.30 Continued Integrity of Stored Data
DS12 Manage Facilities
12.1 Physical Security
12.2 Low Profile of the IT Site
12.3 Visitor Escort
12.4 Personnel Health and Safety
12.5 Protection Against Environmental Factors
12.6 Uninterruptible Power Supply
DS13 Manage Operations
13.1 Processing Operations Procedures and Instructions Manual
13.2 Start-up Process and Other Operations Documentation
13.3 Job Scheduling
13.4 Departures from Standard Job Schedules
13.5 Processing Continuity
13.6 Operations Logs
13.7 Safeguard Special Forms and Output Devices
13.8 Remote Operations
M1 Monitor the Processes
1.1 Collecting Monitoring Data
1.2 Assessing Performance
1.3 Assessing Customer Satisfaction
1.4 Management Reporting
M2 Assess Control Adequacy
2.1 Internal Control Monitoring
2.2 Timely Operation of Internal Controls
2.3 Internal Control Level Reporting
2.4 Operational Security and Internal Control Assurance
M3 Obtain Independent Assurance
3.1 Independent Security and Internal Control Certification/Accreditation of IT Services
3.2 Independent Security and Internal Control Certification/Accreditation of Third-party Service Providers
3.3 Independent Effectiveness Evaluation of IT Services
3.4 Independent Effectiveness Evaluation of Third-party Service Providers
3.5 Independent Assurance of Compliance with Laws and Regulatory Requirements and Contractual Commitments
3.6 Independent Assurance of Compliance with Laws and Regulatory Requirements by Third-party Service Providers
3.7 Competence of Independent Assurance Function
3.8 Proactive Audit Involvement
M4 Provide for Independent Audit
4.1 Audit Charter
4.2 Independence
4.3 Professional Ethics and Standards
4.4 Competence
4.5 Planning
4.6 Performance of Audit Work
4.7 Reporting
4.8 Follow-up Activities
3.1.1 Information security policy document
3.1.2 Review and evaluation
4.1.1 Management information security forum
4.1.2 Information security co-ordination
4.1.3 Allocation of information security responsibilities
4.1.4 Authorization process for information processing facilities
4.1.5 Specialist information security advice
4.1.6 Co-operation between organizations
4.1.7 Independent review of information security
4.2.1 Identification of risks from third party access
4.2.2 Security requirements in third party contracts
4.3.1 Security requirements in outsourcing contracts
5.1.1 Inventory of assets
5.2.1 Classification guidelines
5.2.2 Information labelling and handling
6.1.1 Including security in job responsibilities
6.1.2 Personnel screening and policy
6.1.3 Confidentiality agreements
6.1.4 Terms and conditions of employment
6.2.1 Information security education and training
6.3.1 Reporting security incidents
6.3.2 Reporting security weaknesses
6.3.3 Reporting software malfunctions
6.3.4 Learning from incidents
6.3.5 Disciplinary process
7.1.1 Physical security perimeter
7.1.2 Physical entry controls
7.1.3 Securing offices, rooms and facilities
7.1.4 Working in secure areas
7.1.5 Isolated delivery and loading areas
7.2.1 Equipment siting and protection
7.2.2 Power supplies
7.2.3 Cabling security
7.2.4 Equipment maintenance
7.2.5 Security of equipment off-premises
7.2.6 Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
7.3.1 Clear desk and clear screen policy
7.3.2 Removal of property
8.1.1 Documented operating procedures
8.1.2 Operational change control
8.1.3 Incident management procedures
8.1.4 Segregation of duties
8.1.5 Separation of development and operational facilities
8.1.6 External facilities management
8.2.1 Capacity planning
8.2.2 System acceptance
8.3.1 Controls against malicious software
8.4.1 Information back-up
8.4.2 Operator logs
8.4.3 Fault logging
8.5.1 Network controls
8.6.1 Management of removable computer media
8.6.2 Disposal of media
8.6.3 Information handling procedures
8.6.4 Security of system documentation
8.7.1 Information and software exchange agreements
8.7.2 Security of media in transit
8.7.3 Electronic commerce security
8.7.4 Security of electronic mail
8.7.5 Security of electronic office systems
8.7.6 Publicly available systems
8.7.7 Other forms of information exchange
9.1.1 Access control policy
9.2.1 User registration
9.2.2 Privilege management
9.2.3 User password management
9.2.4 Review of user access rights
9.3.1 Password use
9.3.2 Unattended user equipment
9.4.1 Policy on use of network services
9.4.2 Enforced path
9.4.3 User authentication for external connections
9.4.4 Node authentication
9.4.5 Remote diagnostic port protection
9.4.6 Segregation in networks
9.4.7 Network connection control
9.4.8 Network routing control
9.4.9 Security of network services
9.5.1 Automatic terminal identification
9.5.2 Terminal log-on procedures
9.5.3 User identification and authentication
9.5.4 Password management system
9.5.5 Use of system utilities
9.5.6 Duress alarm to safeguard users
9.5.7 Terminal time-out
9.5.8 Limitation of connection time
9.6.1 Information access restriction
9.6.2 Sensitive system isolation
9.7.1 Event logging
9.7.2 Monitoring system use
9.7.3 Clock synchronization
9.8.1 Mobile computing
9.8.2 Teleworking
10.1.1 Security requirements analysis and specification
10.2.1 Input data validation
10.2.2 Control of internal processing
10.2.3 Message authentication
10.2.4 Output data validation
10.3.1 Policy on the use of cryptographic controls
10.3.2 Encryption
10.3.3 Digital signatures
10.3.4 Non-repudiation services
10.3.5 Key management
10.4.1 Control of operational software
10.4.2 Protection of system test data
10.4.3 Access control to program source library
10.5.1 Change control procedures
10.5.2 Technical review of operating system changes
10.5.3 Restrictions on changes to software packages
10.5.4 Covert channels and Trojan code
10.5.5 Outsourced software development
11.1.1 Business continuity management process
11.1.2 Business continuity and impact analysis
11.1.3 Writing and implementing continuity plans
11.1.4 Business continuity planning framework
11.1.5 Testing, maintaining and re-assessing business continuity plans
12.1.1 Identification of applicable legislation
12.1.2 Intellectual property rights (IPR)
12.1.3 Safeguarding of organizational records
12.1.4 Data protection and privacy of personal information
12.1.5 Prevention of misuse of information processing facilities
12.1.6 Regulation of cryptographic controls
12.1.7 Collection of evidence
12.2.1 Compliance with security policy
12.2.2 Technical compliance checking
12.3.1 System audit controls
12.3.2 Protection of system audit tools
3 The management system
3.1 Management and Responsibility
3.2 Documentation requirements
3.3 Competence, awareness and training
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Professional development
3.3.3 Approaches to be considered
4 Planning and implementing service management
4.1 Plan service management (Plan)
4.1.1 Scope of service Management
4.1.2 Planning approaches
4.1.3 Events to be considered
4.1.4 Scope and contents of the plan
4.2 Implement service management and provide the services
4.3 Monitoring, measuring and reviewing (Check)
4.4 COntinual improvement (Act)
4.4.1 Policy
4.4.2 Planning for service improvements
5 Planning and implementing new or changed services
5.1 Topics for consideration
5.2 Change records
6 Service delivery process
6.1 Service level management
6.1.1 Service catalogue
6.1.2 Service level agreements (SLAs)
6.1.3 Service level management (SLM) process
6.1.4 Supporting service agreements
6.2 Service reporting
6.2.1 Policy
6.2.2 Purpose and quality checks on service reports
6.2.3 Service reports
6.3 Service continuity and availability management
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Availability monitoring and activities
6.3.3 Service continuity strategy
6.3.4 Service continuity planning and testing
6.4 Budgeting and accounting for IT services
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Policy
6.4.3 Budgeting
6.4.4 Accounting
6.5 Capacity management
6.6 Information security management
6.6.1 General
6.6.2 Identifying and classifying information assets
6.6.3 Seruciry risk assessment practices
6.6.4 Risks to information assets
6.6.5 Security and availability of information
6.6.6 Controls
6.6.7 Documents and records
7 Relationship processes
7.1 General
7.2 Business relationship management
7.2.1 Service reviews
7.2.2 Service complaints
7.2.3 Customer satisfaction measurement
7.3 Supplier management
7.3.1 Introduction
7.3.2 Contract management
7.3.3 Service definition
7.3.4 Manageing multiple suppliers
7.3.5 Contractual disputes management
7.3.6 Contract end
8 Resolution processes
8.1 Background
8.1.1 Setting priorities
8.1.2 Workarounds
8.2 Incident management
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Major incidents
8.3 Problem management
8.3.1 Scope of problem management
8.3.2 Initiation of problem management
8.3.3 Known errors
8.3.4 Problem resolution management
8.3.5 Communication
8.3.6 Tracking and escalation
8.3.7 Incident and problem record closure
8.3.8 Problem reviews
8.3.9 Topics for reviews
8.3.10 Problem prevention
9 Control processes
9.1 Configuratin management
9.1.1 Configuration management planning and implementation
9.1.2 Configuration identification
9.1.3 Configuration control
9.1.4 Configuration status accounting and reporting
9.1.5 Configuration verification and audit
9.2 Change management
9.2.1 Planning and implementation
9.2.2 Closing and reviewing the change request
9.2.3 Emergency changes
9.2.4 Change management reporting, analysis and actions
10 Release process
10.1 Release management process
10.1.1 General
10.1.2 Release policy
10.1.3 Release and roll-out planning
10.1.4 Developing or acquiring software
10.1.5 Design, uild and configure release
10.1.6 Release verification and acceptance
10.1.7 Documentation
10.1.8 Roll-out, distribution and installation
10.1.9 Post release and roll-out

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