Recipe Mughal Chicken

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Mughal Chicken

1 kg Chicken (Breastmeat & Thighmeat)

Instructions - sliced the meat approx 6cm x 6cm in size for each chunk of the meat pieces
1 whole small yellow onion, red nion, 5 - clo!es o" garlic, 5 to stalks o" #arsley &
5 to stalks o" "resh mint lea!es
Instructions chopped the onions into very fine slices and then diced them in tiniest bits possible
& finelychopped the garlic into the tiniest bits possible
Instructions In the mixing bowl, mix all the chicken with the onions, garlic, parlsey & mint
leaves along with - ! tablespoon of olive oil" #ix well"
In a seperate bowl, add the following spices -
anis (whole)
black pepper * tablespoon or up to + tablespoon max"
cayenne pepper , tablespoon
cardomon (whole seeds) , tablespoon
cardomon (grounded) , tablespoon
corriander (grounded) * tablespoon or up to , tablespoon max"
cummin (grounded) , tablespoon
cummin (whole) , tablespoon
chilli pepper + tablespoon or up to tablespoon max"
fennel (whole) , tablespoon or up to + tablespoon max"
garam masala + tablespoon or up to tablespoon max"
grillkrydaa 6 tablespoon or up to - tablespoon max"
gr.nsaker bullion , * to + cubes
sallad krydda , tablespoon
tumeric powder (/urkme0a) , tablespoon
1fter all the above spices are well mixed, divide into + portions"
2he ,
portion, add to the #ixing 3owl containing the &hicken, onions, garlics, parsley & mint
leaves" $tir everything thoroughly"
2hen add * to 4 packet of 5oghurt to the &hicken and mix well"
1dd * a lemon of the lemon 0uice and mix well"
1dd the remaining +
portion of the $pices into the 5oghurt coated &hicken and mix well"
6inally, add 6 7 thin slices of butter and mix well"
&over the mixing bowl of the chicken and everything with clingfilm wrapper sealed tightly,
put in the refridgerator for to 6 hours and let it marinate thoroughly" 3est if its overnight"
8icher flavors"
$et the temperature for the 9ven at +!: degrees for ,! +: minutes, then put the oven tray
containing the chicken bits for ,: minutes and raise the temperature to +;: degrees" #ake sure the
butter bits are on top of the chicken bits, and check the chicken that it will not be burnt" <ower the
temperature to +:: degrees in the last minutes if the oven gets too hot" 5ou want =uicy chicken"
>ot burnt and dry chicken" $erved with rice, dhaal & salad" 'n0oy your #ughal &hicken?

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