Syllabuseduc522 2013

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Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
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EDUC522 Summer 2012-13

Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
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EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
Cou!" D"!#$%&$o'
Working with digital natives requires an understanding of how they acquire and process information.
This course assists educators in bridging the gap between static curriculum and multi-model instruction.
A key component of this course is designing unit plans that embed technology and differentiated
instruction with a focus on multiple intelligences and learning styles to meet the needs of today's
C"($& Hou Po)$#*
Following the A! "redit #our policy$ to meet the identified student learning outcomes of this course$ the
e%pectations are that this one unit course$ delivered over a nine-week term will appro%imate&
' hours(week classroom or direct faculty instruction
) hours(week laboratory work
) hours(week internship
* hours(week practica
) hours(week studio work
+ hours(week online work
, hours(week research
+ hours(week guided study
) hours(week study abroad
) hours(week other academic work
-n addition$ other out of class student work will appro%imate a minimum of + hours each week.
F+#u)&* I',o-+&$o'
.ennifer "ourduff$ h/
Assistant rofessor$ /epartment of Advanced 0tudies
A1usa West "ampus$ office ,2,
2+2.5,'.2))) e%t. '677
U'$."!$&* I',o-+&$o'
A1usa acific !niversity is an evangelical "hristian community of disciples and scholars who
seek to advance the work of 9od in the world through academic e%cellence in liberal arts and
professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a "hristian perspective on
truth and life.
S#/oo) o, E(u#+&$o' L"+'" Go+)!
,. :thical professionals who are able to understand and articulate the integration of a "hristian worldview
with their discipline in their communities of practice.
+. ;esponsive professionals who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements with
diverse communities of learners.
*. -nformed scholarly professionals who are dedicated to collaboration and lifelong learning.

D$0$&+) T"+#/$'0 +'( L"+'$'0 Po0+- M$!!$o' S&+&"-"'&
The <aster of Arts in :ducation& /igital Teaching and =earning program prepares teacher candidates to
effectively design and implement technology-embedded curriculum to meet the needs of all >-+) digital
Po0+- Go+)!
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 3
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
9raduates of the <aster of Arts in :ducation& /igital Teaching and =earning rogram are more fully
competent users of technology in their own instructional practices as well as becoming leaders and
models for the use of technology impacting their school sites for effective uses of technology throughout
the school community.

Po0+- O12"#&$."!
0tudents will have the opportunity to&
/emonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.
:%amine$ e%plore$ and articulate their role as a "hristian educator.
lan and design effective learning environments and e%periences supported by technology to
ma%imi1e student learning.
Apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.
!nderstand the social$ ethical$ legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology in re>-
,7 schools and apply that understanding in practice.
!se technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
/esign and develop digital-age learning e%periences and assessments.

V$!$o' S&+&"-"'&
To develop highly effective$ innovative$ visionary educators and scholarly practitioners of high moral and
ethical character based upon "hristian values and principles. ?ur vision is grounded in the four
cornerstones that define the mission of A1usa acific !niversity& "hrist$ 0cholarship$ "ommunity$ and
S&u("'& Ou&#o-"! +'( E3%"#&"( Co-%"&"'#$"!
To meet the goals and requirements of the course$ students will have the opportunity to&
o =earn and e%plain cognitive research and its application to educational technology
o :%plore the theory of multiple intelligences learning and how it relates to traditional cognitive$
behavioral$ and humanistic theories of learning
o -dentify students@ uniqueness and apply teaching styles to enhance student learning
o -nvestigate appropriate integration of technology to address multiple intelligences
o /emonstrate the ability to apply technology in a variety of ways than enrich lesson plans and
enhance effective teaching and learning e%periences for all types of learners
o ;eflect upon the power of using technology to create learning e%periences that address multiple
intelligences to enrich future teaching and learning activities
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 4
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
IDEA O12"#&$."!
E!!"'&$+) IDEA ob3ective for this course&
o #11: Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view
I-%o&+'& IDEA ob3ectives for this course are&
o #1: Gaining factual knowledge terminology, classifications, methods, trends
o #2: Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories
Ay the end of this course$ students should be able to demonstrate mastery of the following learning
outcomes. The classroom assignments that the instructor will use to assess mastery are identified in the
S&u("'& L"+'$'0 Ou&#o-"!
Ay the end of this course$ students
should be able to&
IDEA O12"#&$." A!!$0'-"'&! U!"( &o
=earn and e%plain cognitive research
and its application to educational
=earning fundamental principles$
generali1ations$ or theories
9aining factual knowledge B
terminology$ classifications$
methods$ trends
"ourse discussions
ro3ect ?ne& lanning
:%plore the theory of multiple
intelligences learning and how it
relates to traditional cognitive$
behavioral$ and humanistic theories of
=earning to analy1e and critically
evaluate ideas$ arguments$ and
points of view
"ourse discussions
ro3ect ?ne lanning
-dentify students@ uniqueness and
apply teaching styles to enhance
student learning
=earning to analy1e and critically
evaluate ideas$ arguments$ and
points of view
ro3ect Two& =esson lan
ro3ect Three& !nit lan
-nvestigate appropriate integration of
technology to address multiple
=earning fundamental principles$
generali1ations$ or theories
9aining factual knowledge B
terminology$ classifications$
methods$ trends
"ourse discussions
ro3ect ?ne& lanning
/emonstrate the ability to apply
technology in a variety of ways than
enrich lesson plans and enhance
effective teaching and learning
e%periences for all types of learners
=earning to analy1e and critically
evaluate ideas$ arguments$ and
points of view
ro3ect Two& =esson lan
ro3ect Three& !nit lan
;eflect upon the power of using
technology to create learning
e%periences that address multiple
intelligences to enrich future teaching
and learning activities
=earning to analy1e and critically
evaluate ideas$ arguments$ and
points of view
ro3ect Three& !nit lan
Final resentation
Cou!" &"3&1oo4!
,. <c>en1ie$ W. C+))'D. <ultiple -ntelligences and -nstructional Technology C+nd ed.D.
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 5
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
:ugene$ ?regon& -nternational 0ociety for Technology in :ducation C-0T:D.
+. 0ilver$ #. F.$ 0trong$ ;. W.$ E erini$ <. .. C+)))D. 0o :ach <ay =earn. Ale%andria$
FA& Association for 0upervision and "urriculum /evelopment. C-0AG )-58,+)-*58-,D
O%&$o'+) T"3&!
,. 9ardner$ #. C+))2D. "hanging minds the art and science of changing our own and other
people's minds. Aoston$ <ass& #arvard Ausiness 0chool ress.
+. 9ardner$ #. C+))2D. <ultiple -ntelligences& Gew #ori1ons. Gew Hork$ Gew Hork& Aasic
*. 9ardner$ #. C+))2D. Five minds for the future. Aoston$ <ass& #arvard Ausiness 0chool
Co%*$0/& R"!%o'!$1$)$&$"!
0tudents and faculty are both authors and users of copyrighted materials. As a student you must know
the rights of both authors and users with respect to copyrighted works to ensure compliance. -t is equally
important to be knowledgeable about legally permitted uses of copyrighted materials. -nformation about
copyright compliance$ fair use and websites for downloading information legally can be found at
C)+!! %+&$#$%+&$o'
Weekly participation in course assignments and threaded discussions will enable all students to benefit
from knowledge$ e%periences$ and creative thought processes of each other. Together$ we will create a
truly meaningful learning e%perience for all members of the class. -t is e%pected that all students read$
reflect upon$ and respond to online articles and threaded discussion posts of other students. ?nline posts
are e%pected to be thoughtful$ academically and spiritually sound$ and constructive. -t is also e%pected
that students complete all pro3ects and other assignments before each class meeting.
This course focuses on the following -0T: Gational
:ducational Technology 0tandards for Teachers& +A$ *A$ 7A$ 7"$ 2A$ and 2". 9o to http&((
for a detailed listing of these standards.
Cou!" Po2"#&! +'( A!!$0'-"'&!
These assignments are designed to be embedded in real$ purposeful activities that can be applied to
professional work or goals. Ay sharing pro3ects and ideas together$ we benefit from the unique
perspectives and strengths of each other. 0haring our work in a professional environment benefits
our professional practice as well as personal insight and knowledge base.
Threaded /iscussions ( Weekly ;eading........................................................................................') points
55P)"+!" 'o&":
o -nitial posts are due within + days of meeting night.
o A minimum of 7 responses in each discussion is due no later than the evening before the ne%t
meeting night each week.
o 0everal weeks have + discussion topics B students <!0T post to both topics for full credit
ro3ect ?ne& lanning 9uide C<c>en1ie p.*2$ 0ilver p. *7-*'D ....................................................') points
ro3ect Two & <- =esson lan and rubric C<c>en1ie p. 76$ 82$ 6+$ 0ilver ch. 7D ..........................+' points
ro3ect Three & <- !nit lan and rubric C<c>en1ie p. ,))$ ,+*$ ,*8-,*6$ 0ilver appendicesD.......8' points
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 6
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
Total Points:................................................................................................................................. +)) points
D"!#$%&$o' o, Po2"#&!
N+-" +)) +!!$0'-"'&! u!$'0 &/" ,o))o6$'0 ,o-+&: )+!&'+-"7+!!$0'-"'&'+-"7EDUC5227(+&"
Example = courduff.LessonPlan.EDUC522.june22.1
ro3ects are intended to provide opportunities for meaningful application of required te%t reading$
online articles$ threaded discussion$ and other daily professional e%periences of class participants.
-t is imperative that students make every attempt to develop pro3ects with direct relevance and
application to current teaching(educational situations. ?rgani1ational charts$ sample pro3ects$ and
self-check rubrics are embedded in course readings. ?ther resources will be available online in the
/oc 0haring section of 0akai for reference. -f at any time you need further clarification regarding
any course pro3ect$ or if you simply want to brainstorm a bit$ please feel free to contact me by e-
mail or telephone. - welcome the opportunity to help you on your 3ourneyL
All pro3ects will be presented in discussion forums in 0akai. ro3ect grades will be determined by
thoughtful$ successful completion of the work. This includes meeting all of the requirements as
outlined in the te%t or in /oc 0haring$ submitting the work on time$ and the quality and relevance
of the work to student@s professional practice.
ro3ect ?ne& lanning 9uide
;esources& <c>en1ie pp.,+$ ,*$ ,'$ *2$ 0ilver p. *7-*'$ -nterviews with people who display each
<- strength. 0tudents will complete a grid of activities that address both 9ardner@s <ultiple
-ntelligences and Aloom@s ta%onomy. A full pro3ect description and sample of this activity will be
addressed in class.
ro3ect Two & <ultiple -ntelligences =esson lan with grading rubric
;esource& <c>en1ie pp. 76$ 82$ 6+$ 0ilver ch. 7
!sing the ideas and resources available on the te%t "/ and the pages listed above$ students will create
or redesign a technology infused lesson plan to include adaptations for at least * of the 5 multiple
;ubric ;esources& <c>en1ie pp.,2,-,8,$ 0ilver ch. '
!sing the ideas and resources available on the te%t "/ and pages listed above$ create a grading
rubric for the <ultiple -ntelligences =esson lan.
ro3ect Three & <ultiple -ntelligences !nit lan with grading rubric
;esource& <c>en1ie pp. ,))$ ,+*$ ,*8-,*6$ 0ilver appendices
0tudents will develop or redesign a unit that incorporates at least one activity for each of the
intelligences. The unit plan must be presented using the !nit lan template available in 0akai. The
chart must list activities$ intelligences$ state standards and technologies that will be incorporated.
For your final presentation$ focus on 0tandards - "ognition - Technology$ in relation to your unit plan.
#ow does your unit integrate standards in ways that address all levels of Alooms and all of the multiple
intelligencesI #ow is technology used to enhance and lift learning to a whole new levelI What have
you learned in this course that has changed the way you think about instructional delivery$ student
pro3ects$ and learning in generalI Hou will need to create a video ( presentation that addresses these
questions. The presentation must be posted online via HouTube$ 0lide0hare$ 0akai$ or another
presentation sharing website. Hou'll have ,) minutes to present.
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 7
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
I',o-+&$o' L$&"+#* +'( &/" U!" o, &/" L$1+*
!se of A! libraries is not required for this course.
-nformation literacy is defined as Ma set of abilities requiring individuals to recogni1e when
information is needed and have the ability to locate$ evaluate$ and use effectively the needed
informationN CAmerican =ibrary Association$ ,656D. -n this course$ teaching and learning processes
will employ the following information literacy standards$ as endorsed by the American Association
for #igher :ducation C,666D$ the Association of "ollege and ;esearch =ibraries C+)))D$ and the
"ouncil of -ndependent "olleges C+))7D. The students in this course will&
/etermine the nature and e%tent of the information needed.
Access needed information effectively and efficiently.
:valuate information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his
or her knowledge base and value system.
-ndividually or as a member of a group$ use information effectively to accomplish a specific
!nderstand many of the economic$ legal$ and social issues surrounding the use of
information and accesses and uses information ethically and legally.
G+(" E.+)u+&$o'
The activities ( tasks are designed to assist students in moving to a level of proficiency necessary to
complete the remainder of the <aster of Arts in /igital Teaching and =earning coursework. All work must
be completed by the due dates specified in the course syllabus.
L+&" 6o4& There will be a ,)O deduction for work that is submitted up to one week late from the due
date. All work submitted later than one week will receive a +)O point deduction.
Hour final grade will be based on the following point ranges&
,55-+)) J A
,5)-,58 J A-
,82-,86 J AP
,22-,8' J A
,2)-,28 J A-
,7)-,'6 J "
Aelow ,*6 J F
A#+("-$# I'&"0$&*
The practice of academic integrity to ensure the quality of education is the responsibility of each member
of the educational community at A1usa acific !niversity. -t is the policy of the university that academic
work should represent the independent thought and activity of the individual student$ and work that is
borrowed from another source without attribution or used in an unauthori1ed way in an academic
e%ercise is considered to be academic dishonesty that defrauds the work of others and the educational
system. :ngaging in academic dishonesty in serious offense for which a student may be disciplined or
dismissed from a program. The full academic integrity policy is available in the graduate catalog.

S&u("'& Su%%o& S".$#"!
There are many available support services for graduate students including the 9raduate "enter$ ;egional
"enters$ =ibraries$ "omputer "enter$ <edia "enter$ Writing "enter$ "ounseling "enter$ and
-nternational "enter. 0ee the 9raduate "atalog for more details.
-n addition to these there is the =earning :nrichment "enter. 0tudents in this course who have a disability
that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should meet with an advisor in the
=earning :nrichment "enter as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss
accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 8
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
C)+!! S#/"(u)"
S"!!$o'! R"+($'0!
&o (o &/$! !"!!$o'
D$!#u!!$o' To%$#!
&/$! !"!!$o'
Po2"#&! (u" 1* '"3&
8""4 1&
"ourse introduction
Fo#u!: -ntroduction to multiple
intelligence theory
<ultiple -ntelligences
and -nstructional
<c>en1ie - "h. ,-7
0ilver "h. ,-+
/iscussion& Cin classD
-ntroductions& ost a
professional or personal
goal(vision you would like
to accomplish in this class.
<- survey for adults
Aloom(9ardner sample
grid overview
Work on ro3ect , B
0ection one
"omplete four
interviews for ro3ect ,
B 0ection two
8""4 2:
Fo#u!: Another way to
understand <-s B movie nightL

<ake sure you access the :/!"
=earners Facebook page or
through Week + in the discussion
forum on 0akai.
Hou may watch the movie clips
ahead of time if you wish.
<ultiple -ntelligences
and -nstructional
<c>en1ie - "h. '-2
0o :ach <ay =earn
0ilver - "h. *-7
MAlthough we each have
all the intelligences$ they
are distributed uniquely
in every one of us.N
<c>en1ie p. ,. lease
describe which +
intelligences best fit
your learning style and
#ow do you see your
intelligence strengths
useful in your faithI /o
you see 9od using your
specific intelligence
strengths in ways that
are uniqueI
"omplete remaining
four interviews for
ro3ect , B 0ection two.
Hou must complete
ro3ect , B sections one
and two this week.
8""4 3:
?nline resources that support
<ultiple -ntelligences
and -nstructional
<c>en1ie - "h. ,-2
0o :ach <ay =earn
0ilver - "h. ,-7
"entury =earning
Focus on visual learners&
<ind <eister web site&
how can you use this as
a model in your own
Aloom 9ardner grid
ideas& ost your idea and
respond to at least +
others using *-+-,
0hare and discuss 7 rows of
Aloom(9ardner grids
ro3ect , B 0ection
"omplete 7 rows of
Aloom(9ardner grid
Csection threeD
lease su!mit as draft
to the "loom#Gardner
grid to week $ forum
8""4 9:
Field Trip GightL
<ultiple -ntelligences
and -nstructional
<c>en1ie - "h. 8-5
0o :ach <ay =earn
0ilver - "h. '-2
Field Trip ?bservations
The Gaturalist& ;espond
to reading from
9ardner@s "hanging
<inds e%cerpt
ro3ect , B 0ection
"omplete the other 7
rows of section three
lease submit as F-GA=
to the ro3ect ?ne
folder in the
Assignments link in
0akai Ccon@tD
Work on a draft of
ro3ect + B =esson lan.
The draft is due in the
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 9
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
S"!!$o'! R"+($'0!
&o (o &/$! !"!!$o'
D$!#u!!$o' To%$#!
&/$! !"!!$o'
Po2"#&! (u" 1* '"3&
week ' forum
8""4 5:
Art and <usic Gight
<ultiple -ntelligences
and -nstructional
<c>en1ie - "h. 6
0o :ach <ay =earn
0ilver - "onclusion and
.amie@s 0tory&
<c>en1ie p. ,55
/o you have a M.amieN
in your lifeI
#ow can you integrate
technology with music
into learning activitiesI
<ultiple -ntelligences
"ontinue to work on
ro3ect + and student
8""4 ::
;ubric review
Wordle activity
<ultiple -ntelligences
and -nstructional
<c>en1ie - "h. ,)
-deas for 0tudent ro3ect
#ow can you integrate
technology with art into
learning activitiesI
ro3ect + due
lease su!mit to the
ro%ect 2 folder in the
assignments ta! of
Work on ro3ect * draft
8""4 ;:
Final resentation review on
?ptional reading&
"hanging <inds by
Think outside the
classroom& What
emerging technology
resources could you use
in your unit planI Think
mobile technology B
ro3ect * draft
Work on 0tudent
ro3ect ;ubric draft. -t
is due with the final
ro3ect * in week 6
Work on ro3ect *
8""4 <:
Assistive technology in the
classroom(App hunt
?ptional reading&
;ead "hanging <inds
by 9ardner
Where do we go from hereI
#ow can we apply what we
have learned to professional
practice longtermI
Work on 0tudent
ro3ect ;ubric draft. -t
is due with the final
ro3ect *
Work on ro3ect *
presentations due week
8""4 =:
resent and discuss <- !nit
Final resentations
lease su!mit to the
ro%ect ' folder in the
assignments ta! of
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 10
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13
8"1 R"!ou#"!
1. A =ist of =inks to =earning Theory 0ites& http&((
+. >ey Theorists in sychology& http&((
*. =earning 0tyle&
a. http&((
b. http&((www.greenville.k,
c. Aloom@s Ta%onomy ;esource page&
Co'&+#& I',o-+&$o'
rint this secton and tape it to the inside of a cabinet for referenceQ-@m not kiddingL
,. 0kype& gamine27
+. Facebook& :/!" learning
4. .ennifer@s Alog&
'. .ennifer@s cell& 6)6-8)+-272, Calso good for te%tingQ.D
6. .ennifer@s email& !co"rd"$ !co"rd"ff#ap".ed"
Azusa Pacific University Learning in the 21
Century Page 11
EDUC522 Summer 2012-13

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