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Sunny Yuen

18 Stonebridge Blvd|Toronto, Ontario M1W 4A7|647.300.445|!"en.#"nn!8$g%ail.&o%

Qualification Summary
Strong verbal and 'ritten &o%%"ni&ation #(ill# develo)ed t*ro"g* over t'o !ear# o+
&"#to%er #ervi&e
,-&ellent ti%e %anage%ent #(ill# de%on#trated t*ro"g* t*e abilit! to balan&e )art.
e%)lo!%ent and e-tra&"rri&"lar a&tivitie#, '*ile %aintaining a note'ort*! a&ade%i&
Tea% )la!er '*o 'or(# 'ell inde)endentl! and in a tea%
/e! Strengt*#0 Able to &onver#e in 1antone#e. ,-)erien&ed in Mi&ro#o+t O++i&e 2Word, ,-&el
and 3o'er)oint4, SA3, and S3SS. Strong &a)abilit! in "#ing A))le )rod"&t# 2Ma&into#*
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.) September 2010 - re!ent
Marketing Management, Ted 5oger# S&*ool o+ Manage%ent at 5!er#on 6niver#it!
Toronto, O7
,-)e&ted grad"ation0 8"ne 9015
1"rrent 3.5 1:3A
"ay Youn# $ar%etin# &'ard (o)ember 201*
A'ard;#&*olar#*i) re&eived ba#ed on a&ade%i& )er+or%an&e in t'o %ar(eting &o"r#e#
+ean,! -onour .i!t /une 201*
Enactu! "yer!on
Marketing Coordinator September 201* 1 re!ent
1oordinated and i%)le%ented #trategie# to )ro%ote ")&o%ing event# b! #&*ed"ling
&la##roo% )it&*e#, )ro%oting t*ro"g* (io#( #tand#, and )"tting ") )o#ter# aro"nd
&a%)"#. A# a re#"lt, t*e event# a&*ieved an a"dien&e t"rno"t *ig*er t*an )revio"# event#;
S)o(e to #t"dent# individ"all! abo"t ")&o%ing event#
A##i#ted on t*e &reative.#ide o+ )rod"&ing )ro%otional video# b! &ontrib"ting to t*e
develo)%ent o+ t*e overall &on&e)t.
&pple 2nc.
Back of House Specialist (Part Time) /uly 2011 1 3ebruary 2014
Toronto, O7
S)o(e to &on#"%er# abo"t to)i&# relating to a 'ide variet! o+ %er&*andi#e.
6)on +"rt*er )robing, < 'a# able to tro"ble#*oot &ertain te&*ni&al i##"e# and; or
re&o%%end bene+i&ial #ervi&e#. T*i# e-)erien&e *a# *el)ed 'it* t*e develo)%ent o+ strong
inter)er#onal #(ill#.
<nitiated o)en &o%%"ni&ation 'it* t*e #ale# tea% to i%)le%ent #trategie#, 'it* t*e
intention o+ %ini%i=ing t*e t*e+t o+ t*ird.)art! )rod"&t#> '*i&* re#"lted in greater diligen&e
and a'arene##, "lti%atel! red"&ing #*rin( level# +ro% 0.75? to 0.9? 'it*in t'o %ont*#
5e#)on#ible +or +"l+illing &"#to%er )rod"&t order re@"e#t# initiated b! #ale# re)re#entative#

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