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Tachyon 2011 Course Notes

(Last updated 21. February 2010)

A Tachyon antenna is an item that has been permanently altered on a sub-molecular leel!
so that it acts as a receier and transmitter o" Tachyon! #hich then #ill conert itsel" into
li"e "orce (also called prana! loe o" $od! Tachyon! chi etc.). Li"e "orce is the "oundation "or
eerythin%. &t's hi%hly intelli%ent and #ill automatically conert to the speci"ic ener%y
needed in the body.
(ou can create di""erent types Tachyon antennas.
All-round Tachyon antennas are suitable "or #ater! oil and eerythin% to #ear! li)e
#ristbands! headbands! #raps etc. (The Li"eNu%%et is an All-round Tachyon antenna*). Also
suitable "or sheets! sleep pads and cell phone "ilters.
One-Side Tachyon antennas are suitable "or ma)in% a +Tachyon disc+ (see belo#).
One-Side Laser Tachyon antennas are suitable "or ma)in% cha)ra stones. This is the most
concentrated antenna.
(ou can ie# the di""erent antennas here! on an enlar%ement o" a %lass stone, one site is "lat!
and the other oal-
All-round Tachyon antenna
(The ener%y is comin% out o" all sides)
.ne-side Tachyon antenna
(The ener%y is comin% out o" one side li)e a "lashli%ht)
.ne-side Laser Tachyon antenna
(The ener%y is concentrated li)e a laser out o" the bottom o" the stone)
Creatin% Tachyon antennas
Let's say that you #ould li)e to create an all round Tachyon antenna out o" a %lass pebble.
/e"ore #e continue #ith the pebble! let's ma)e a de"inition once and "or all. This is an
e0ample statement and you can alter it as you li)e. (ou only need to read this out (loud or
mentally) once and not eery time you create antennas.
From now on whenever I would like to have an item converted into a Tachyon antenna, I
just have to define what kind of antenna I want and then ently !lace it on the ta"le#
1. Ta)e the %lass pebble in your hand and mentally de"ine 1All round antenna1.
2. 2lace the pebble on a table and leae "or a "e# seconds.
3. The pebble is ready "or use* (4a0imum stren%ht o" the antenna is reached a"ter 15
Notice that step 1 does not start the creation process. (ou do not do any ener%y #or) in this only de"ine. The creation process be%ins as soon as you place the pebble on the
Let's ta)e another e0ample. This time #e #ill ma)e a Tachyon disc out o" cardboard or
1. First mar) the side #here the Tachyon #ill %o out. Ta)e the disc in your hand and
mentally de"ine side antenna1.
2. 2lace the disc on a table and leae "or a "e# seconds.
3. The disc is ready "or use.
60ample use "or all-round Tachyon antennas-
7ater can either be char%ed by Tachyon or created as a Tachyon antenna. These are $
different thins#
7ater as Tachyon antenna- Find a little bottle (e0. 50-200 millilitres) and "ill it #ith #ater
(i" you are %oin% to )eep the #ater "or lon%er periods use distilled #ater. This #ill not %o
stale). 4a)e a Tachyon antenna out o" the #ater. 8se- 1-5 drops under ton%ue! 3 times a
day. Later you can increase the dose. Ta)in% Tachyon #ater #ill slo#ly trans"orm your
body into a Tachyon antenna.
Char%in% #ater- Create a Tachyon antenna out o" a piece o" cardboard or #ood. 2lace a
#ater bottle9:ar on it! "or appro0 2-15 minutes . Tachyon #ill char%e the #ater #ith
Cell phone "ilter- /uy some small #hite stic)er dots "rom a boo)shop. Ta)e one dot and
ma)e it into a Tachyon antenna. ;tic) one on the cell phone battery. This #ill neutrali<e the
ne%atie e""ects "rom 64F. (.nly ma)e one dot at a time).
.il- For massa%e and as an 1attunement oil1.
Tachyon =orte0 $rid- 4a)e > %lass pebbles9stones into Tachyon antennas. 7hen placed in
a s?uare9rectan%le (at least 1 meter apart) it #ill create a 1orte01 in the middle that has a
cleansin% e""ect. This can be used e0ample at the cornors o" a messa%e table or on the "loor.
(ou can also place one at each corner o" a bed and leae oerni%ht. &t's recommended that
the %rid is remoed #hen not in use.
60ample use "or one-side Tachyon antennas-
Tachyon @isc- 1 round cardboard9#ood disc (> inches or 10 centimetres in diameter). (ou
can also use an empty C@-A.
4ar) one side! to sho# #here the ener%y #ill come out. 4a)e it a one-side Tachyon
antenna. 7ater and other items can placed on the disc "or 2-15 minutes or more. For a
positie ener%i<ed enironment! ma)e 2 discs and place them on opposite #alls directly
"acin% each other. The ener%y #ill then bounce o" the dis)s and "ill the #hole room.
60ample use "or one-side laser Tachyon antennas-
Tachyon Cha)ra $lass stone- B stones9%lass pebbles #ith at least one "lat side. 4a)e C one-
side laser antennas and 1 one-side antenna. $lue the one-side antenna on a piece o"
cardboard! li)e this-
Lie do#n on the "loor9bed and place the C stones on the "ollo#in% cha)ras- Aoot! Dara!
;olar 2le0us! Deart! Throat and third eye. 2lace the seenth near the cro#n cha)ra (about 1-
2 inches "rom the cro#n). @o this "or appro0. 20 minutes "or meditation9rela0ation.
;in%ularly they can be placed9taped on bloc)s or place o" concern.
(ou can also choose to create all the stones as .ne-side antennas. This #ay the ener%y #ill
coer more o" the cha)ra area.
Tachyon Aod- 1 #ooden do#el (e0. 5 inch hi%h and 1 inch thic)). 4a)e it a laser antenna so
that the Tachyon #ill %o out o" one end (remember to mar) this end "irst). 8se as a po#er"ul
healin% tool.
.ther items that you can use as Tachyon antennas- Ee#els! massa%e oil! itamins! lotions!
sheets! cloth! animal products! paint! candles etc.
Tips- (ou can ma)e a plaster into a laser antenna.
Create 1 item at a time.
(ou do not need to place an item on a table. (ou can e0ample :ust say 1This #all #ill no#
becoma a Tachyon antenna1 etc.
All antennas seems to be permanent and does not ener%etically 1"ade1.
@istribution o" Tachyon
&" you! as an e0ample! are %oin% to create 2 Tachyon antennas! you hae to create them one
at a time. &" you create 2 at the same time! both hae to share the supplied ener%y. &n this
case it #ould mean that they #ould only become hal" as stron% as i" they #ere created one
at a time. (ou should also )no#! that the smaller the material is! the more concentrated the
ener%y #ill become. 60ample a sheet #ill distribute Tachyon out on a lar%e area! #hereas a
little stone is ery concentrated on a small area. The oerall ener%y #ill be the same thou%h.
Dere's an e0ample on ho# to per"orm a healin% session-
7ear an all round Tachyon antenna. Also place 2 Tachyon discs on opposite #alls directly
"acin% each other. The ener%y #ill then bounce o" the dis)s and "ill the #hole session room.
@o this 10-30 minutes be"ore the actual session.
The person could sit on a chair or pre"erable layin% do#n on a massa%e table. Consider a
blan)et i" the person is layin% do#n.
;tart the healin% session by sayin% a prayer li)e this-
I call in my Anelic uardians and the a!!ro!riate Archanels# I ask that we will "e
!rotected durin this session and that we will receive the uidance we need#
I ask that that or those Ascended %asters, Anels and Archanels that is needed in this
session will come now and ive &name' the healin he(she needs# Thank you)
The healin% #ill start and i" you are sensitie to ener%y you #ill most li)ely "eel! that there
#ill be a hu%e ener%y li"t.
Let the ener%y run. Aela0 and obsere. 8sually you do not need to place your hands on the
receier! but i" you "eel prompted to do so! then "ollo# that %uidance.
As) your An%elic %uardians to tell you #hen the session is "inished. &t could be 5! 10! 15
minutes or somethin% else. The #ay you mi%ht "eel that the session has ended could be li)e
a si%h and then the "eelin% o" completeness.
$ently tell the receier that the session is oer. &t's o) "or the receier to :ust lay there and
absorb the ener%y. ;ome #ill %et up "ast and others need to Fa#a)e1 slo#ly.
As) #hat they e0perienced and also tell them i" you noticed anythin% durin% the session.
The aboe e0ample can also be used as a sel" healin%. Follo# the same steps. Then sit or lay
do#n and say the prayer.
Do# to pass on the Tachyon attunement
There are many #ays to pass on attunements. & hae "ound that the less complicated you do
it! the better the result #ill become. The most important step #hen per"ormin% an
attunement is the preparation process. @o not pass on attunements i" you "eel e0hausted or
tired. &t's better to #ait a day than to per"orm an only Faera%e1 attunement.
& recommend usin% 3 tools "or the attunement preparation process. The "irst is an all round
Tachyon antenna (could be a little stone or %lass nu%%et). 7ear this. The second is the
Tachyon disc. Create 2 discs and place them on opposite #alls directly "acin% each other.
The ener%y #ill then bounce o" the dis)s and "ill the #hole room (you can ta)e them do#n
a%ain #hen you hae per"ormed the attunement). The third is Tachyon .il. (ou can use any
oil! li)e olie! almond etc. Aub a couple o" drops into your hands be"ore you FAela0 and
& usually rest 5-10 minutes on my couch to rechar%e. & close my eyes and completely rela0.
Dere are some e0amples on passin% on attunements-
F Aeal li"e1 Attunements
This method could be used "or a lie class.
1. Aela0 and rechar%e. (& recommend rubbin% a couple o" drops o" Tachyon oil into your
hands). 7hen you hae rested "or probably 5-10 minutes! rise and be "ully a#a)e.
2. ;tate mentally or loud once- FTachyon attunement "or (name)1. &" more than one person!
continue #ith each name in the %roup. The attunement #ill then start and a"ter around 12-15
minutes! it #ill stop.
=ia distance9email
This method could be used "or a distance attunement! e0ample ia email.
& recommend that you do this one-time statement- F6ery time & per"orm an attunement ia
email! it is F?ueued1 so that the receier can ta)e it do#n any time he9she li)es.1
1. Aela0 and rechar%e. (& recommend rubbin% 1-2 drops o" Tachyon oil into your hands.)
7hen you hae rested "or probably 5-10 minutes! rise and be "ully a#a)e.
2. ;tate mentally or loud once- FTachyon attunement ?ueued "or (name)1. &" more than one
email! continue #ith each.
(ou should proide the receier a method to receie the attunement. (ou could use
somethin% li)e this in your email-

Aeceiin% the attunement-
1. ;it or lie do#n in a com"ortable position. 4entally say once- +&
#ill no# receie the Tachyon attunement "rom (insert your name here).+ This
#ill start the attunement and it #ill last "or 12-15 minutes.
2. The attunement procedure is done! but & hi%hly recommend that you
)eep your position "or another 10-25 minutes (or more i" you li)e).
This #ill %ie the increased "lo# o" the ener%y a chance to more
rapidly become distributed and absorbed into your ener%y system.
Notice that & recommend that the receier )eep the position "or another 10-25 minutes. This
is also recommended in lie classes! but thou%h neer re?uired to hae a success"ul
The aboe attunement e0amples can also be used "or other attunement systems.
& hope that this course has inspired you to create Tachyon tools "or yoursel" and loed ones.
Aemember that all the aboe are only e*am!les* Feel "ree to e0periment and hae "un
creatin% these #onder"ul ener%y tools*
For in-de!t information a"out Tachyon, !lease visit
!lanettachyon#com - +ere you can also "uy ready made
Tachyon tools if you do not want to create them yourself#

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