Making Suggestions

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Why dont we go to Italy?

We could visit Rome or Venice.

Lets go to the travel agency this afternoon.
What about asking your brother to join us?
ow about going to the swimming !ool tomorrow?
I suggest we go to the bowling alley
"##$% &% "#RR%"& '($W%R
).* i +avid. We are going to the mountains Why ,,,. come with us?
a-doesnt you b-dont you c- do you
..*Its a beautiful day. ,,.. go to the beach a-Lets b-Why do c-Who lets
/.*Its getting late. I suggest we 00000 a ta1i. a- taking b-take c-to take
2.*#ur mother wants a new bag. What about ,,.. father for hel!?
a-to ask b-asking c-ask
3.*I think its a good idea. We 000000000 some money for the !resent.
a- cant get b- could get c- have get
4.*Im bored. ow about ,,,to the football match this afternoon?
a- to go b-going c- go
5.* ,,,, watch a good film on &V? a-Lets b-let c-to let
6.*If you havent got a job. Why,,,. study some any foreign languages?
a- doesnt you b-are you c-dont you
1. People watch too much television.
2. Florence is a wonderful city.
3. Your sister is too thin.
4. Travelling by plane is faster than by train.
. !ew Yor" is more e#citing than $arcelona.
%. &e should loo" after old people
'. (verybody needs somebody to love.
). *chool e#ams should be banned.
+n my opinion,,
+ agree that with -+ don.t agree that-with,
+ thin" we should ,
+ believe that ,,.
Personally/ + thin" ,.

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