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The Blind Side ABC Challenge

Working in small groups you will be allocated a selection of letters. For your allocated letters devise
statements relating to the topic Power of the People and in particular with reference to film The
Blind Side.
In your response you must include at least;
one statement that summarises the concept of Power of the People in relation to the film
one quote or scene reference relating to resilience
one example of adversity/inequity/marginalisation external to the film
one quote representing personal empowerment from the film
An example of overcoming an adverse situation faced by a character other than Michael or

A ________________________________________________________
B egging________________________________________________
Courage & compassion _______________________________
D urablility_____________________________________________
F ailure & Faith________________________________________
G hetto ________________________________________________
H elp ___________________________________________________
I nspirational__________________________________________
K indness was shown to him from the tooheys_____
L ove____________________________________________________
Michael was homeless and __________________________
N othing; he had nothing_____________________________
Obstacles ______________________________________________
Quiet and reserved___________________________________
Shaun overcame misunderstanding_________________
The scene where Collin stand sup for Michael______
Working together_____________________________________

X haha no_________________________________________________
Young people should be given the chance to show their
potential _________________________
Z um___________________________________________
~ Discuss responses as a class and exchange answers with someone from another
group to ensure each letter has a response~

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