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Latin America: Physical Features

Global Studies : Grade 7
Amy Funck

Lesson Essential Question(s):
How do physical features differ between various Latin American countries?
How do Latin American people use their physical features?

NJ Common Core Curriculum Standards
World History/Global Studies: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think
analytically and systematically about how past interactions of people, cultures, and the
environment affect issues across time and cultures. Such knowledge and skills enable students to
make informed decisions as socially and ethically responsible world citizens in the 21st century.
6.2.8.B.3.a-Determine how geography and the availability of natural resources influenced the
development of the political, economic, and cultural systems
Active citizenship in the 21
century: All students will acquire the skills needed to be active,
informed citizens who value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working
collaboratively to address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
6.3.8- All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who value
diversity and promote cultural understanding

Common Core Literacy in History standards
RH.6-8.2-Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide
an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
RH.6-8.7-Integrate visual information (e.g. in charts, graphs, photographs, videos or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts.
RH 6-8.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

A. Students will be able to:
Identify and describe Latin American physical features.

B. Assessments
Objective Assessment
Identify and describe Latin American physical
Students will be shown a photograph of the
physical feature and must name the feature
based on its characteristics

Materials: List materials/resources you and the students will need to teach/learn this lesson.
Panama Canal Video
PowerPoint Presentation

Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:
Students have been studying physical and political features of Latin America for the entire week.
Each night for homework they had to memorize 5 new features of the region to prepare for a map
quiz on 2/21. Prior to this unit students studied units on culture, map skills, and geographic
features of earth. In the culture unit they learned how language, religion, traditions, families, and
holidays contribute to the complex structure of individual cultures and how economics vary
between countries especially regarding distribution of natural resources. Students practiced using
scale keys on maps and using latitude and longitude to pinpoint the absolute location of a place.
They identified the 5 Themes of Geography and used deductive reasoning to apply them to given
examples. Students studied various landforms and bodies of water, in addition to natural
resources. These features are specific to Latin America and will serve as an introduction to how
Latin Americans adapt to their environment (human environment interaction).

Lesson Beginning:
Do Now will be projected on the Smart Board directing students to copy down discussion
questions into their Do Now Sections and take out their homework: Vertical Climate
Zone Narrative.
As students are writing, teacher will check for homework completion.
Teacher will give a brief introduction of the Panama Canal prior to showing the video.
Students will watch Panama Canal Locks video from
Students will complete discussion questions.
Teacher will facilitate the review of the discussion questions with the class.

Instructional Plan:
Transition: the Panama Canal is a man-made feature in Central America and is a great
example of how humans interact and adapt to their environment. Today, we will learn
about and take notes on several special physical features in Latin America and start to see
other ways HEI applies to the region.
Review: Teacher will review concepts from yesterday
o As elevation gets higher temperature gets colder.
o Subtropical vs. tropical climates.
o Winds
o Vertical Climate Zones
o Students will take out their textbook and open to page 164, a map of some
physical features being discussed.
o Students will open their notebook to their notes section.
o Adaptation: guided notes will be provided for students requiring special
accommodations and others who would benefit.
o Features: llanos, pampas, Patagonia, Gran Chaco, rio, altiplano, coral, and
Atacama Desert
Application: students will identify photographs of the features using their notes. Each
feature is represented twice except for altiplano, which is represented once. Some
features will require hints because their altitude/elevation is not obvious.
Differentiation: Guided notes for accommodations. Oral and visual representation of
features for multiple intelligences. Kinesthetic representations when applicable; for
example, using arms to show difference in elevation.
Questions: Most questions will be a variation of How have these people adapted to their
Classroom management: All papers and the atlases will be distributed to the first student
in each column and passed backwards.

Which landform would you most like to visit? Which landform would you NOT want to
visit? Why?

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