Liquid Nitrogen Facts

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Liquid Nitrogen Facts

Gas is one of the four classical states of matter. The other states of matter are
liquid, solid and plasma.
Liquid nitrogen is made from nitrogen gas.
Nitrogen gas makes up about 80% of the earths atmosphere and is a colorless,
odorless gas.
! gas can be cooled and pressuri"ed to form a liquid.
! liquid can be #armed to form a gas.
Nitrogen gas can be pressuri"ed and cooled do#n to make $liquid nitrogen%.
&ome materials get stronger #hen cold' some materials get brittle.
(old and brittle materials often shatter if $smashed% or pressured.
)ou can see e*idence of the cold nature of liquid nitrogen b+ obser*ing formation
of ice cr+stals and $feeling cold%.
!s liquid nitrogen is e,posed to the air, it #arms up and #e can see its transition
from a liquid to a gas.
Liquid nitrogen is held in special containers kno#n as $-e#ar flasks%.
Temperature &cale .Fahrenheit
/00 1o*en temp. commonl+ used for baking a cake
232 1#ater boils
48.5 1bod+ temp.
58162 1usual room temp.
/4.2 1usual refrigerator temp.
/2 1#ater free"es
17 1usual free"er temp.
1/20 liquid nitrogen boils 8For nitrogen the boiling point is minus /20 degrees, so
the liquid nitrogen is boiling at room temperature to become air.9
1/20.77 to 1/75 :liquid nitrogen
1/75 nitrogen free"es and becomes a solid
;ses for Liquid Nitrogen
(r+ogenics1 the stud+ of the production of *er+ lo# temperature and the beha*ior
of materials at those temperatures. Liquid nitrogen is the most commonl+ used
element in cr+ogenics and is legall+ purchasable around the #orld.
Free"ing and transportation of food products.
Free"ing #ater pipes in order to #ork on them.
<n cr+otherap+ for remo*ing potentiall+ malignant skin lesions such as #arts.
=ossible >uestions
-o +ou kno# #hat liquid nitrogen is? 8nitrogen in a liquid state at a *er+ lo#
-o +ou think that liquid nitrogen is hot or cold? 8cold9
@hat to do think is happening to the liquid nitrogen? 8obser*ation of liquid
nitrogen in c+linder9
@hat is it called #hen liquid turns to gas? 8e*aporation9

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