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Slime Time!

White Glue (like Elmers)
Food Coloring
There are t"o !om#onents to slime$ There is a %orax and "ater solution and a glue& "ater
and 'ood !oloring solution$ (re#are them se#aratel)$
Mix one teaspoon Borax in 1 cup o' "ater$ Stir until the Borax is dissol*ed$
n a se#arate !ontainer& mix cup (+o,) "hite glue "ith cup "ater$ -dd 'ood
!oloring& i' desired$
-'ter )ou ha*e dissol*ed the %orax and diluted the glue& )ou are read) to !om%ine the
t"o solutions$ Stir one slime solution into the other (glue into %orax solution)$ .our slime
"ill %egin to #ol)meri,e immediatel)$
The slime "ill %e!ome hard to stir a'ter )ou mix the %orax and glue solutions$ Tr) to mix
it u# as mu!h as )ou !an& them remo*e it 'rom the %o"l and 'inish mixing it %) hand$ ts
oka) i' there is some !olored "ater remaining in the %o"l$
The slime "ill start out as a highl) 'lexi%le #ol)mer$ .ou !an stret!h it and "at!h it 'lo"$
-s )ou "ork it more& the slime "ill %e!ome sti''er and more like #utt)$ Then )ou !an
sha#e it and mold it& though it "ill lose its sha#e o*er time$ /ont eat )ou slime and dont
lea*e it on sur'a!es that !ould %e stained %) the 'ood !oloring$
Store )our slime in a sealed ,i#lo!k %ag& #re'era%l) in the re'rigerator$ nse!ts and #ests
"ill lea*e slime alone %e!ause %orax is a natural #esti!ide& %ut )oull "ant to !hill the
slime to #re*ent mold gro"th i' )ou li*e in an area "ith high mold !ount$ The main
danger to )our slime is e*a#orations& so kee# it sealed "hen )oure not using it$

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