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49 Granada Crescent

Toronto, ON
M1B 2H6
October 3, 2013
Mrs. Syl!a "ort#ra
Mary $ard Cat%ol!c Secondary Sc%ool
3200 &ennedy 'oad
Scarboro#(%, Ontar!o M1B 2H6
'e) B#s!ness *etter +ss!(n,ent
-ear Mrs. "ort#ra)
. a, a ,e,ber o/ yo#r T+, -an!elle +lcantara and . 0o#ld l!1e to cond#ct an !nter!e0 0!t% yo#
/or a ne0sletter /or ,y b#s!ness co#rse.
. 0!ll be as1!n( a /e0 s!,2le 3#est!ons concern!n() s2ec!al eents t%at %ae %a22ened !n T+,
t%!n(s t%at (enerally !nterest o#r (ro#2, and so,e 3#!c1 /acts abo#t seeral ,e,bers !n T+.
Many t%!n(s %ae %a22ened !n o#r T+ t%at !s ery s2ec!al and ,e,orable. $r!t!n( t%!s ne0sletter
0!ll (!e ,e t%e o22ort#n!ty to be able to 0r!te and e42ress ,y e42er!ences to s%are 0!t% 2eo2le.
. also t%!n1 t%at t%!s letter 0!ll re2resent o#r T+ bond to ot%ers.
+/ter read!n( t%!s letter, . 0o#ld 2lease l!1e yo# to ta1e t!,e and re/lect on eeryt%!n( t%at %as
%a22ened so /ar !n o#r T+ and abo#t t%e ,e,bers !n T+ and so,e bac1(ro#nd !n/or,at!on. .
0o#ld 1!ndly as1 to be contacted t%ro#(% ,y e5,a!l or ,y cell#lar 2%one.
S!ncerely yo#rs,
-an!elle '#t% +lcantara

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