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Class Syllabus: Book: Biology Holt McDougal 2010

UNIT 1 (Week 1 & 2) Pages
Introducing Biology
o Chapter 1: Biology in the 21
Century 2-33
o Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life 34-64
BioZine: When Knowledge and Ethic Collide / Page 64
UNIT 2 (Week 3 & 4)
o Chapter 3 Cell Structure & unction 6!-"#
o Chapter 4 Cells & $nergy "!-131
o Chapter % Cell &ro'th & (i)ision 132-162
BioZine: te! Cell "e#ea$ch / Page 162
UNIT (Week % & 6)
o Chapter 6 *eiosis & *en+el 166-1"#
o Chapter # $,ten+ing *en+elian &enetics 1"!-223
o Chapter ! rom (-. to Proteins 224-261
o Chapter " rontiers of Biotechnology 262-2"2
BioZine: &he 'enetic (o$e)$ont* +edical &echnolog, / Page 2-2
UNIT " (Week 6 & .)
o Chapter 1/ Principles of $)olution 2"6-32%
o Chapter 11 0he $)olution of Populations 326-3%#
o Chapter 12 0he 1istory of Life 3%!-3"/
BioZine: /$0g "e#i#tant Bacte$ia / Page 3-1
UNIT % (Week 2 & -)
o Chapter 13 Principles of $cology 3"4-42%
o Chapter 14 2nteractions in the $cosystem 426-4%3
o Chapter 1% 0he Biosphere 4%4-4!1
o Chapter 16 1uman 2mpact on $cosystems 4!2-%12
BioZine: 'lo3al Wa$!ing / Page %12
UNIT & (Week 11411)
Classi'ication ( )i$ersity
o Chapter 1# 0he 0ree of Life %16-%41
o Chapter 1! 3iruses & Pro4aryotes %42-%#1
o Chapter 1" Protists & ungi %#2-6/6
BioZine: Pande!ic# 5 6# the 7e8t 9ne on the Wa,: / Page 616
UNIT * (Week 12414)
+lants ( ,nimals
o Chapter 2/ Plant (i)ersity 61/-63#
o Chapter 23 2n)erte5rate (i)ersity 6"4-#2#
o Chapter 24 .rthropo+s #2!-#%%
o Chapter 2% 3erte5rate (i)ersity #%6-#!%
o Chapter 26 .mniotes #!6-!1%
o Chapter 2# .nimal Beha)ior !16-!4%
BioZine: 'eneticall, +odi)ied (ood# / Page 6-1
BioZine: &he ;o## o) Biodi<e$#it, / Page 246
UNIT - (Week 1%412)
.uman Biology / Systems
o Chapter 2! 1uman Systems & 1omeostasis !%/-!#1
o Chapter 2" -er)ous & $n+ocrine !#2-"/#
o Chapter 31 2mmune System & (isease "3!-"6"
o Chapter 3/ 6espiratory & Circulatory 7Summary8
o Chapter 32 (igesti)e & $,cretory 7Summary8
o Chapter 33 Protection9 Support 7Summary8
o Chapter 34 6epro+uction & (e): 7Summary8
BioZine: B$ain cience / Page 11%1

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