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Steven Lares

AP Psychology Summer Work

other people's differences. Therefore, we quickly place people into categories inorder to save
Murray, G. (2013). AreYou an 'Ist? Racist, Sexist, Ageist, or "Categorizist"? Psychology Today.
Retrieved from: http://www.psychologytoday.comlblog/caveman-politics/201308/are-you-ist-
racist-sexist -ageist-or -categorizist
Summary: The author of this article explains why racists, sexists, ageists, and "categorizists"
place groups of people into categories. Heclaims wedothis to avoid becoming overwhelmed by
time. This is also done sowe canpay more attention to themore important details during that
time. He also states that this is overall aquicker way toget information about another person.
Critique: The author could haveused abit more info to support his claimonwhy we choose to
categorize. He added asource which explained thebiological approach to race. However, it did
not really help himdueto his source approaching the issue differently than his article. He could
have chosen asource that used thesame approach that hehad.
Application to Approach: I believe that this article isbest approached as aSocio-Cultural issue.
This isbecause hementions our needto categorize those who aredifferent fromus. Also, he
explains our need to haveto savetime in order to avoid being overwhelmed.

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