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Potty Talk Time Line

Created 4/4/14
Classroom Two
Teachers Ali and Rebekah
August 29, 2013
13 Months

Dry diaper after one hour and thirty min
September 2013
14 Month
Telling Teachers Poooo when pointing to his diaper. Not always poop but
always wet or poop. He was indicating to us about his diapering needs.
This was about once a day nearly every day starting at this point

September 2013
15 Months

Leaves for Hawaii for one week

November 18, 2013
17 Months

Dry after nap, One hour and forty-five minute nap, with a total of three hours
between changes with a change before nap and the time for him to fall asleep

December 14, 2013

Leaves for Turkey

January 2014
18 Months

No longer verbally communicating potty talk

February 2014
19 Months

Showing interest in Penis on the changing table. Teachers start to identify his
penis with the word, and talking to his about his pee comes from him penis.
Teachers identify this when on the changing table he is touching and exploring

his penis

March 12, 2014

Seeing at least one dry diaper by mid day, before or after nap

March 17, 2014

Dry when waking up from nap is observed

March 12, 2014

Dry when waking up from nap is still being observed

March 17, 2014

Dry when waking up from nap is still being observed

March 31, 2014
20 Months

Dry when waking up from nap is still being observed

April 1, 2014 B. awakes from nap and takes off his diaper. His teachers tell him to throw his
wet diaper away in the garbage. While he was waiting for the changing table to
open up he sits back on his mat. At this point B. peed on his mat, he showed
interest in his ability to control his urin, and looked at the control he had to pee
when he was ready. His teachers cleaned him up and put a dry diaper on him and
helped him clean up his mat and put his bedding away to go home with parents.
B. teachers talked to him about wet and dry diapers and about the safety of
taking his diaper off on the changing table.

April 2, 2014

Before nap B. got a diaper around 11:30. His teachers then continued to change
the other children before their nap. During this time B. took off his diaper and
handed it to a teacher, this diaper was wet. At this time his teachers changed his
diaper into a dry diaper . Then talked to him on the changing table about taking
his diaper off on the changing table. His teachers also signed to him about wet
diaper and poop. Then his teachers talked to him about telling his teachers when
he needs a clean diaper. Then we washed his hands and he was getting his
bedding out for nap. Around 11:50 B. was crouched in a corner of the room and
saying ahhhh his teacher walked over to him to observe his diaper off, his
teacher asked him why he was taking his diaper off, upon a closer look his
teacher observed poop in his diaper. B. was looking at it and saying ahh and
smiling. His teacher interpreted that as being proud and excited he was
observing his ability to know when he was pooping. At this time his teacher told
him he needed to put his diaper and poop into the garbage and he walked it over
and put it in the garbage. Then his teacher helped him onto the changing table
and helped put him into a dry diaper. His teachers then discussed the
opportunity missed, at this point he could have been offered the potty and
perhaps with the opportunity he would of tried to go on the toilet.

April 3, 2014

B. waked from nap with a dry diaper. He is showing bladder control consistently
at this point waking up with a dry diaper consistently.

April 4, 2014

Before a walk in the morning B. quickly took his clothes, his shirt, pants and
diaper. His teachers ask him what he is doing. At this time B. is showing quick
movement and showing high anxiety about his diaper. By this I mean he is
working quickly and getting frustrated by having to wait to take off his clothes
and diaper. When he takes off his diaper he takes it to his teacher, this diaper is
wet. His teachers are seeing a pattern with his diaper and we try something new.
His teacher sits on the floor with him and has a wrap and a cloth diaper. His

teacher then snaps the wrap and gets the diaper ready for him to step into it. B.
holds onto his teachers shoulders as he steps into the diaper. He helps pull it up
over his legs and he smiles. He then works on getting his clothes on, seeming
pleased with a clean dry diaper

These observations are recorded by visual observations, dossers and observation books. These are
documented in the attached dossers. His teachers spend a lot of time talking with Helen and Joanna
about options to offer a potty. What are the options? We have discussed using a bathroom in room two,
but only if the students in room 3 are out of the room and this limits us to 2 times a day. Teacher Ali
worries that it is not helpful to offer it only sometimes at school, she thinks that once it is offered it
should always be available because our kids are starting to tell us when they need to go, and she doesnt
want to ever have to say no to the kids about wanting to sit on the potty because of ratio.

Room Two Student Breakdown of Potty
In the month of March our kids ages go from 13 months to 20 months. In our room we have seen and
have conversations with parents about
C. has peed on the potty. In school we have seen Corbin showing interest in his penis and we are talking
to him about his pee coming from his penis into his diaper.
C. has peed and pooped on the potty. In class Colette will communicate the need of a diaper change by
pulling on her diaper or pointing to it and calling out to the teachers. When asked if she has poop, she
typically will communicate yes when she does. Colette is showing interest in his vagina and her teachers
are talking to her about her pee coming from her vagina.
V. is interesting the potty but hasnt gone on one. Her parents are changing poop diapers in the
bathroom giving her the opportunity to flush her poop and wave good bye to it. Vera is showing interest
in his vagina and her teachers are talking to her about her pee coming from her vagina.
C. is letting us know that his diaper is wet in school by saying dider and is communicating dider with
us when he is on the changing table. Collin showing interest in his penis and we are talking to him about
his pee coming from his penis into his diaper. His parents have also shared seeing interest in his penis at
C. is signing when on the changing table Change Diaper. Clara is showing interest in his vagina and her
teachers are talking to her about her pee coming from her vagina. not communicating potty talk with us yet.
D. is not communicating potty talk with us yet.

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