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Product Specification

Product Number: 777676

Formula: CxOyHz
TEST Specification
Appearance (Color) Yellow t o Very Dark Yellow and Brown t o
Very Dark Brown
Appearance (Form) Liquid or Suspension
Inf rared spect rum Conf orms t o St ruct ure
Assay Conf irmed
Morphology by AFM and SEM: Monolayer sheet s (measured in 0.5mg/mL)
Oxygen > 36 %
Residue on Evaporat ion 3.8 - 4.2
Specif icat ion: Report Result s
Specif icat ion: PRD.2.ZQ5.10000038445
Sigma-Aldrich warrant s, t hat at t he t ime of t he qualit y release or subsequent ret est dat e t his product conf ormed t o t he inf ormat ion cont ained in
t his publicat ion. The current Specif icat ion sheet may be available at For f urt her inquiries, please cont act Technical Service.
Purchaser must det ermine t he suit abilit y of t he product f or it s part icular use. See reverse side of invoice or packing slip f or addit ional t erms
and condit ions of sale.
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