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Qlikview architecture:

It conatains developer ,publisher,server

Qlikview architecture depends upon in what context it is asked. It can be the system architecture
or data architecture.
System architecture can be classified by what all components comes under Qlikview
development (Qlikview desktop), deployment (QVS), publishing (Publisher),
Analysis (Access Point). Data architecture specify that how many layers have been created in
an application like
Single tier (One qvw fetching data, transforming data, creating data model and UI), two tier,
three tier, three tier mixed etc.

QlikView Developer: is a Windows-based desktop tool that is used by designers
and developers to create 1) a data extract and transformation model and 2) to
create the graphical user interface (or presentation layer).
QlikView Server (QVS): handles the communication between clients and the
QlikView applications. It loads QlikView applications into memory and calculates
and presents user selections in real time.
QlikView Publisher :loads data from different data sources (oledb/odbc, xml, xls),
reduces the QlikView application and distributes to a QVS.
Because QlikView Server and Publisher have different roles and handle CPU
and memory differently its considered a best practice to separate these two
components on different servers.
QlikView Server
QlikView Server is a platform for hosting and sharing QlikView information over an intranet or
the Internet. QlikView Server connects users, client types, documents, and objects within a
secure environment.
QlikView Publisher
QlikView Publisher manages content, access, and distribution. By reducing data, each user can
be presented with tailored information. The QlikView Publisher service and user interface are
fully integrated into QlikView Server and QlikView Management Console (QMC).
Configurable LDAP DSP for LDAPs (LDAP via SSL) support has been added newly
The front end is where end users interact with the documents and data that they
are authorized to see via QlikView Server. The front end contains the QlikView
user documents that typically have been created via QlikView Publisher at the
back end. All communication between the client and server takes place here and
QlikView Server is fully responsible for the client authorization.
The back end is where the QlikView source documents, created using QlikView
Developer, reside. These source files contain scripts to extract data from various
data sources (for example, data warehouses, Microsoft Excel files, SAP, and This extraction sometimes `involves intermediate files (QVD
files). The main QlikView component that performs the loading and distribution at
the back end is the Distribution Service. Within the back end, the Windows file
system is always in charge of authorization (that is, QlikView is not responsible for
any access privileges).
Without Publisher, the QlikView architecture becomes more restrictive. All distribution and
reduction facilities are removed and replaced by a reload directly on the user documents.
Without the distribution abilities of Publisher, developers need to manually deploy the .qvw
file behind the server.
The three primary processes are described below.
Process Description
QVS Provides QlikView functionality to the
client. The machine that hosts this service
must be running a Microsoft Windows
operating system.

Client Runs in a web browser or an application
shell that provides a container for the client
code. The client communicates with QVS
either directly or through the web server to
provide the QlikView interface and
functionality to the end user.

Web server Runs an http server, which can be used to
serve html web pages to the client, assists
with authentication of the user, and enables
communication between the client and

The protocols defined for client communication with QVS are listed below.
Protocol Description
QlikView Protocol (QVP) Encrypted, binary, and TCP-based;
communicates directly with QVS on port

QVPX XML-based; communicates with the QVS
using http/https through a web server.

For a user to open a document, it is required that:

There is a Client Access License (CAL) for the user

The user has access to the document

The user documents are always read by QVS

QlikView Web Server (QVWS) is included as part of the QlikView Server installation. The web
server can act as a standalone service to fulfill the need of many QlikView Server installations.

The QlikView Web Server component (either QVWS or IIS-based) performs several tasks:

Handles the AccessPoint back end

Transforms/routes traffic between stateless http and to/from the session-based communication
with QVS

Handles load balancing of QVS clusters

Serves static content (optional)

Handles authentication through Windows or Custom Users (optional)

Handles group resolution through Windows or Directory Service Connector (DSC) (optional)

The security of QlikView Server/Publisher consists of the following parts:

Protection of the platform: How the platform itself is protected and how it needs to communicate
and operate.

Authentication: Who is the user and how can the user prove it? QlikView uses standard
authentication protocols, such as Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA), HTTP headers, and
ticketing, to authenticate every user requesting access to data.

Document level authorization: Is the user allowed to access the document or not? QlikView uses
server-side capabilities such as Document Metadata Service (DMS) or Windows NTFS to
determine access privileges at file level.

Data level authorization: Is the user allowed to see all of the data or just parts of it? QlikView
implements row and field level data security, using a combination of document-level capabilities
(Section Access) and server-side data reduction capabilities (QlikView Publisher).

The AJAX client uses HTTP or HTTPS as the protocol for communication between the
client browser and the QlikView Web Server (QVWS) or Microsoft IIS.
It is strongly recommended to protect the communication between the browser and the
web server using SSL/TSL encryption over the HTTP protocol (that is, HTTPS). If the
communication is not encrypted, it is sent as clear text

The QlikView plugin can communicate with QVS in two ways. If the plugin has
the ability to communicate with QVS using QVP (port 4747), the security
described in Server Communication (page 74) is applied.
If the communication cannot use QVP or if the client chooses it in the pluin, the
communication is tunneled using HTTP to the web server.

Qlikview server additions:

Enterprise Server
Small Business Server
Extranet Server
Information Access Server

QlikView Server Enterprise Edition (EE) is available for customer looking to support large
number of users and integrate into enterprise environments.
Offering features such as unlimited documents, server based collaboration, integration with third
party security systems and server clustering.

Smaller business edition:

Designed to be used in smaller deployments.
Has the following limitations:
For use only with Named and Document CALs
Limited to 25 Named User CALs
Limited to 100 Document CALs
No support for Additional servers
Only supports Window Active Directory to handle security and access

An Edition of QlikView Server designed to power Public Internet sites
This edition includes the add-on QlikView Real Time Server and is licensed
for uncapped number of user but limited to one QlikView document.
This server must be set to anonymous mode only and authentication must be
The QlikView server must be on the public Internet, and must be publically
A URL for accessing the site powered by the QlikView Server must be made
available and must be publically accessible.
No QlikView client (Java, Plug-in, AJAX) can access the QlikView Server.
All user interface (UI) must be built by the End User either manually, or by
using the QlikView Workbench.

An Edition of QlikView Server designed to extend QlikView functionality to
external users via an Extranet
This server requires authentication and the users must be external to the
purchasing organisation (customers, partners, etc)
Only the AJAX client and mobile clients may access the server
Custom webpage interface only
The option to customise the QlikView application is available via the
included QlikView Workbench
Maximum of 3 QlikView documents
Session CALs only
The Test server is an additional server designed for use in user acceptance testing.
Cannot be deployed in production
Has same CALs as main production server
Watermarks charts generated by QlikView
Does not allow License Lease

QMS QlikView Management Service
Communicates with all services
Hosts the management console GUI
QDS QlikView Distribution Service
Prepares & distributes files
DSC Directory Service Connector
Keeps track of the users
QVS QlikView Server
Hosts the files for the end user
QVwS QlikView Web Server
Web Server for AJAX files
Load balances QVS

Overview of infrastructure - Administrators view:

Mainly we have 3 type of cal.
1) Named Cal
2) Document Cal
3) Session or Concurrent Cal

1 Named Cal : Full Access
Multiple developer work simultaniously
Work on multiple qvw.

2) seesion Cal: Any user view desktop for short period of time.
Full Access
Can see all Thumbnails

Small Business Edition heaving Named Cal license only
Enterprise Edition heaving all 3 type license

Named CAL: allows to access all/any number of qv applications. This could be used for development
purpose as well.
Cuncurrent/Session CAL: Can be used by any user. But concurrently by one user for one such licence.
Minimum session is 15 mins.

CAL Stand for "Client Access License", its a license key, which you assign to user or document to open
and see document.

There are 4 types of CAL in qlikview

Client Access License (CAL) type:
User = Named User CAL, (assign to user or Computer, so user can open any number of documents)
Session = Session CAL (its session based, sharing session for some defined time)
Usage = Usage CAL (calculated as use browse)
Document = Document CAL ( assigned to document)

There are different prices for each CAL you can see the server reference manual for detail.

Value list and value loop: They are used to create artificial dimensions in charts and tables. Valuelist
takes an arbitrary list of strings and creates a dimension; valueloop creates a dimension with a number

Valuelist : Returns a set of listed values which, when used in a calculated dimension, will form a synthetic
If Valuelist is used apart from creating synthetic dimensions, it should be used with aggregation function

Valueloop : Returns a set of iterated values which, when used in a calculated dimension, will form a
synthetic dimension. The values generated will start with the from value and end with the to value
including intermediate values in increments of step.
Valueloop(1,5,2) returns 1,3,5

This functions should be used in Dimension tab of the chart.
ValueList() and ValueLoop() are used to create Dimensions on the fly, for example

ValueList('Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3')

Projects 3 values in the axes.

ValueLoop(StartValue, EndValue, Step Value) -
ValueLoop(2, 10, 2) - This will create a dimensional values 2, 4, 6,8 and 10 and projects along the axis.

In Straight Table or Pivot Table one can calculate the value using expression such as you can sum,
count, aggregation. But in Table Box you can not use any aggregation function. It always looks like raw
data table

// Drill Down : Its hierarchical structure where you can refer to step by step Exp : Date function reefers to year Month.
//Cyclic Group: these is supposed to be refer randomly Exp: you look into specific Date or year or mont

Drill down and Cyclic groups are used in charts for analysis more then one dimension with expressions.

By using Drill down we have flow path (after click of first Dim1 we can select second Dim2).

In Cyclic Group we can select any Dimension.

the main point is:
QEMC stands for management of multiple QV-Servers
QMC single QV-Server

In QV 11 QMC has been removed and QEMC has been renamed in QMC.
(Reference Manual:
QMC and QMEC are Merged into QMC
QMC has been removed and QlikView Enterprise Management Console (QEMC) has been renamed to

One of the major difference between QMC & QEMC is that you can manage multiple instances of qlikview server
using QEMC but not by using QMC & also there are sevral settings & configuration which is not possible from
QMC like Active Directory setting,command center configuration,changing the database for creating QVPR(like
from xml to sqlserver) etc
difference between QEMC and QMC
1>One of the major difference between QMC & QEMC is that you can manage multiple instances
of qlikview server using QEMC but not by using QMC & also there are sevral settings &
configuration which is not possible from QMC like Active Directory setting,command center
changing the database for creating QVPR(like from xml to sqlserver) etc
2>QEMC is used when you are dealing with cluster of server and QMC when you are dealing
with one instance of server.
3>QEMC have Publisher by which you can also apply section access


When you are accessing Dashboard using AccessPoint or Desktop the entire dashboard data is stored in RAM
and then when you change any selections it generates the charts using data in RAM instead of fetching from
File System or database. So, that is why you are getting faster results.

In-memory is nothing but your RAM.if you are asking in terms of In-memory analytics, then to retrieve
data stored in RAM is the In-memory technique.which is faster to access your data.
there are many in-memory tools in market like Qlikview,Tableau and all..

Qlikview stores the data Ram only or it has the capacity to store the data in there nothing in the
disk strorage in qlikview let me getclarified.

Associative search analysis

Star schema vs snow flake schema: A star schema is composed of one or more central
fact tables, a set of dimension tables, and the joins that relate the dimension
tables to the fact tables.
Schema Advantages
Query performance, Load performance and administration, Easily understood
Disadvantage: The main disadvantage of the star schema is that data integrity is not enforced as well
as it is in a highly normalized database.

The main advantage of the snowflake schema is the improvement in query
performance due to minimized disk storage requirements and joining smaller
lookup tables. The main disadvantage of the snowflake schema is the
additional maintenance efforts needed due to the increase number of lookup

Snowflake schemas
The snowflake schema consists of one fact table that is connected to many dimension
tables, which can be connected to other dimension tables through a many-to-one
Tables in a snowflake schema are usually normalized to the third normal form. Each
dimension table represents exactly one level in a hierarchy.
The following figure shows a snowflake schema with two dimensions, each having three
levels. A snowflake schema can have any number of dimensions and each dimension can
have any number of levels.
Figure 1. Snowflake schema with two dimensions and three levels each

Star schemas
A star schema is a type of relational database schema that is composed of a single, central
fact table that is surrounded by dimension tables.
The following figure shows a star schema with a single fact table and four dimension tables.
A star schema can have any number of dimension tables. The branches at the end of the
links connecting the tables indicate a many-to-one relationship between the fact table and
each dimension table.
Figure 1. Star schema with a single fact table with links to multiple dimension tables

The primary key in each dimension table is related to a foreign key in the fact


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