Weather and Climate Test

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Name: ______________________

Weather and Climate Test

1) What is weather?
A. Day to day conditions of a place
B. A television show
C. A ro!p of roc"s
#) What is precipitation?
A. Clo!ds in the s"y
B. Water fallin from the s"y
C. Water flowin in the rivers
$) Which is an e%ample of precipitation?
A. &ail
B. Air
C. 'ce
() What falls down as water?
A. Clo!ds
B. )team
C. *ain
+) What is climate?
A. Weather over a loner time and ,ier area
B. Weather over a smaller time and smaller area
C. Weather over a smaller time and medi!m area
-) What do scientists !se to meas!re weather?
A. .iolins
B. 'nstr!ments
C. C!ps
/) What is the temperat!re of ,oilin water?
A. 0 derees Celsi!s
B. 100 derees Celsi!s
C. +0 derees Celsi!s
Name: ______________________
1) What does a thermometer meas!re?
A. &otness
B. 2oist!re
C. Weiht
3) What does a ,arometer meas!re?
A. Wind speed
B. 4emperat!re
C. Air press!re
10) What li5!id is !sed in thermometers?
A. Water
B. )oda
C. 2erc!ry
11) &ow many seasons are there in total?
A. #
B. (
C. 1#
1#) Why does the 6arth have seasons?
A. Beca!se of its tilt
B. Beca!se of its clo!ds
C. Beca!se of its ae
1$) &ow lon does a season !s!ally last?
A. )everal wee"s
B. )everal months
C. )everal years
1() What wo!ld the 6arth ,e witho!t the atmosphere?
A. &ot
B. Warm
C. Cold
Name: ______________________
1+) Winter ,rins what "ind of weather?
A. Warm and stic"y
B. &ot and dry
C. Cold and stormy
1-) What are nat!ral ha7ards?
A. 8eacef!l weather events
B. )evere weather events
C. 4here are no s!ch thins as nat!ral ha7ards
1/) Where do ris"s of nat!ral ha7ards increase?
A. 'n the co!ntryside
B. 'n the 7oo
C. 'n cities
11) Which is an e%ample of a nat!ral ha7ard?
A. *ain
B. 4yphoon
C. )now
13) Can h!mans red!ce the effect of nat!ral ha7ards?
A. 9es
B. No
#0) What is a dro!ht?
A. )hort period of wet weather
B. :on period of dry weather
C. :on period of wet weather
#1) What is a storm s!re?
A. A lare wave ca!sed ,y a storm
B. A small wave ca!sed ,y a tornado
C. A lare wave ca!sed ,y an earth5!a"e
Name: ______________________
##) &ow many cateories do h!rricanes have?
A. #
B. +
C. 10
#$) What do flood ,arriers do?
A. :et water flow freely
B. ;loods cities
C. 4raps water
#() Which has ates?
A. :evees
B. ;lood ,arriers
C. 4yphoon
#+) What is an e%ample of a lare scale nat!ral disaster?
A. 2!dslide
B. Wildfire
C. Bli77ard

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