Weather Man The Superhero Reading

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Name: __________________

Weather Man the Superhero

John: ABC 91 coming at you live from LA. Today we have a
secial reort on a very secial erson. This erson is
!eather "an# a suerhero who rotects cities from natural
disasters. Let$s go over to Bill# our reorter# who has more on
this story.
Bill: Than%s &ohn# !eather "an loves to hel eole in need. Today# he is heling
rotect 'lorida from (urricane &alaeno. )f a *ig hurricane were to hit 'lorida#
there would *e a lot of damage. A hurricane is a large cone of very fast wind that
can cause a lot of damage to houses# *uildings# and roads.
+esterday# !eather "an was in Antarctica rotecting ,a*lo the ,enguin$s
family from a *li--ard. A *li--ard is only found in laces with very cold
temeratures. A *li--ard has very fast winds and snow. )f ,a*lo were caught in a
*li--ard# he might get lost and not *e a*le to find his family again.
Tomorrow !eather "an will *e in .ansas fighting off Tornado Timmy.
Tornadoes are a lot li%e hurricanes# they are very large cones of fast wind.
!eather "an refers fighting tornadoes *ecause they are closer to home# he lives
in Los Angeles *ecause the villain /r. /isastor li%es to ma%e natural disasters
Name: __________________
/r. /isastor loves ma%ing earth0ua%es# mudslides# and droughts haen in
1outhern California. 2arth0ua%es haen when /r. /isastor ru*s tectonic lates
together. "udslides haen when /r. /isastor ma%es it rain and causes mud to
slide down hills. /r. /isastor ma%es droughts haen when he uses his hair dryer on
the area.
(oefully# !eather "an will *e a*le to continue stoing /r. /isastor from
doing his evil lans. Bac% to you &ohn.

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