Sample Questions: Instruction

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The sample questions presented herewith will familiarize you with the
type of questions that will be used in the test. The examination
however may not be confined to only these types of questions.

If day after tomorrow is Tuesday, what is the day before yesterday?

a) Thursday
b) Friday
c) Saturday
d) Monday

The rasp cut file is

a) Very smooth
b) very coarse
c) dead smooth
d) slightly coarse
e) none of the above

Least Count of a micrometre screw-gauge is normally


1. The test consists of two parts General Aptitude and Subject

2. For each question several suggested answers are given marked as
A, B, C, D etc. of which only one is correct. Select the correct
answer and mark that on the answer sheet by blackening the
appropriate OVAL on the answer sheet by using Blue / Black Ball
Pointed Pen.

3. Mark only one answer for each question. By marking more than one
answer for a question you will not get any Score.

4. Strictly follow the instructions given by the Centre Supervisor/
Room Invigilator and those given on the Question Booklet.

5. Use only Blue/Black Ball Point Pen. Do not use pencil.

6. After the examination, hand over the Question Booklet and the
Answer Sheet to the Room Invigilator. Do not carry these outside
the examination room. Doing so is a punishable offence.

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