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Test Procedures : Total Solids_______________________________________________


SOLIDS is a term applied to all matter except the water contained in liquid material
and thus the definition of solids refers to the matter that remains as residue upon
eaporation and dr!in" at a definite temperature# TOT$L SOLIDS is the residue that
includes %oth dissoled solids and suspended solids#
The common practice of determination of solids is to eaporate a suita%le olume of the
sample in a tared dish and dr!in" at &'()* followed %! wei"hin"# The increase in
wei"ht represents the amount of solids# +or eaporation, dishes of ('ml to -('ml
capacit! are emplo!ed#
$ clean eaporatin" dish made up of platinum, porcelain or .!cor "lasss dish is dr!ed in
an air oen at &'/ 0 &'() *# The temperature used for dr!in" is same as that of the
temperature used for dr!in" the residue# *ool the dish in a desiccator and wei"h the
empt! wei"ht of the dish# Let the empt! wei"ht of the dish %e 1&# $ suita%le quantit!
of the well mixed sample sa!, &' "m was ta2en in the clean dish# 1ei"h the dish with
the sample# Let this wei"ht %e 1-# Place the dish on a water %ath and eaporate to
dr!ness and further dr! at &'/ 0 &'()* for one hour in a oen# *ool the dish in a
desiccator and re 0 wei"h the dish# Let the wei"ht %e 1/#
31- 4 1/ 5 ) &''' ) &'''
Total solids , m" 6l 7 444444444444444444444444444444444444444
31- 4 1&5
1& 7 wei"ht of the empt! dish, in "rams
1- 7 wei"ht of the dish 8 sample , in "rams
1/ 7 wei"ht of the dish 8 sample after dr!in" , in "rams

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