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Final Major

Planning and

Name: Sylvain Kellaway

Production Title:

Date Submission of Production:

Length of production:
10 minutes

Crew names/ contact details: : I am the only crew that i need throughout filming as i am
the cameraman, producer and director.

Name Contact
Sylvain kellaway I will not need to contact myself

Actors names / contact details:
Christopher Sutton: 07876570936

Daniel Youlton: 07817204375

Samuel Miles: 07530466461

Patrick Rule: 07554872657

Lara Cribb: 07969087754

Sylavin Kellaway: I will not need to contact myself

Production roles for crew
Name Role Date needed Deadline for work
Sylvain Kellaway All crew roles Every day 22/05/2014

Production roles for actors

Christopher Sutton: role as Bandit 3| date needed 15/05/14 | needed for 30 minutes

Daniel Youlton: role as Bandit 1 | date needed 15/05/14 | needed for 30 minutes

Samuel Miles: role as zombie 1 | date needed 20/05/14 | needed for 30 minutes

Patrick Rule: role as Bandit 2 | date needed 15/05/14 | needed for 30 minutes

Lara Cribb: role as Stacey| date needed 18/05/14 | needed for 60 minutes

Sylavin Kellaway: role as Jeremy | date needed 15/05/14 & 18/05/14 & 20/05/14 | needed for
4 hours

Locations used (please attach recces to this document with photographs of
Location Address of location
Permission needed
Date at location
Lower Shiplake
garden centre
Bolney lane, Lower
Y but no reply from
Henley College
Swimming pool and
Henley College
Rotherfield site
N 15/05/2014

Garden Centre:

There is no power here | lots of road noise next to a busy road | No contact was made from
owners | Lots of natural light and no other lights because no power | There are a few broken
panes of glass and sharp pieces of metal but nothing too dangerous.

Swimming Pool:

There is no power | very little road but a bit of airplane noise | There is no fence or sign to
stop us from entering | Lots of natural light as it is in the middle of some woods | A few
splinters from the wood on the ladder, but it is sturdy and wont fall.

Props required
Props Scene Actor using Date needed

5 & final scene Daniel Youlton and
Christopher Sutton
15/05/14 & 20/05/14

Agreed content / amended brief (please insert a copy)
Circle of Confusion has been commissioned to create a television pilot for a Point Of View zombie
series to be aired on Channel 4, FOX and AMC for the production company Circle of Confusion .A
very brief summary of the story is:
A character is alone walking around talking to themselves in an abandoned place talking about what
they were doing before the apocalypse started. They will then move onto an abandoned building
where they carry on talking about their past they will then go to sleep have a nightmare of previous
zombie experiences as they hear a zombie groaning close by so they have to run away quietly. They
find some woods and walk into them and find an abandoned garden centre surrounded by fencing
and protected from the zombies he sets up camp and then goes hunting, while hunting he finds a
dear grazing as he is just about to shoot it an arrow comes from behind him and hits the dear in the
head killing it instantly. He turns and runs but before he can go anywhere he is surrounded and then
knocked out. He then wakes up tied to a tree in the middle of a field with nothing left he goes in and
out of consciousness a few times and every time a zombie groan is getting louder till he wakes one
more time and has a zombie 2 meters away he tries to set himself free but cannot move he starts
kicking out at the zombie but it keeps on getting closer as it is right next to his face about to maul
him he spots a person in the field and as he shouts a shot rings out and he passes out.

Detail outlines
The series needs to be aimed at previous watchers of zombie series or films which is why circle
of confusion was chosen as they produce The Walking Dead.
The pilot needs to draw people into the show with a cliff hanger at the end of the episode to keep
people watching.
We dont want to go overboard with zombie scenes we only want a few seconds
of film of zombies. The show is about life being alone in the world and not coming in contact with
humans for a long time and the way he reacts to everything and people he comes across.
The show will be mostly point of view shots and very few other shots.
There will be very little dialogue with other people more the character talking to himself or in his
head so sound effects will be heavily relied on and will be provided by you.
We are aiming at the zombie fans and males aged 15-25.
Length of 25 minutes.
Daily meetings to update us on the progression of the production.
No jolty movement, smooth movement so a glide cam would be ideal for filming the P.O.V shots.
We need everything to seem abandoned and deserted so no background noises of cars or planes,
sounds to be added in when editing but they have to fit and sound correct and is key to making it
look and sound right.
Music will not play a huge part in the production but there will be subtle parts during tension
scenes and will be supplied by you or another company.
A title sequence and theme music to accompany to be provided by you.
Pre-production to be done by 4pm on the 2nd April.
I want filming and viewing of raw footage by the 15th May.
I want the final edit to be done by the 20th May.

Risk Assessments
1. Attach photos of risks

2. Attach risk assessment sheets for each location

Broken glass


Warn everyone of
the broken glass and
where it is.

Warn everyone to
look where they are




Please leave this section blank:
Risk Assessment checked by: Name Sylvain Kellaway Date 14/05/2014

Team meetings, meetings with actors and crew
Date Attendees Meeting agenda Outcome
14/05/14 Chris, Sam, Patrick,
Danny & Me
Where and when we
are filming what to
wear and what to
Everyone agrees and
15/05/14 Chris, Patrick, Danny
& Me
Discussing how we
film the next scene in
garden centre
Everyone agrees and
understands what to
16/05/14 Lara & Me Where and when we
film and what to
wear and bring
She understands and
agrees with what she
is doing.

Contingency / back up plans
My locations are unlikely to be unusable as they are already abandoned and unused places but
in the case of them being unavailable I know of several other locations similar which would
be just as easy to film in.

My crew consists of me and an actor for the most part of the production so i can easily find
out if they cant film and as you would only see the actors hands a few times i think i would be
able to film with different actors but only if i had to. I will also have a few extras that will be
needed for filming for one hour and they can be anyone as I wont be too fussy on the acting
skills because they will be in it for maybe 2 minutes.

I am only doing a single camera production and having a camera break or a memory card
corrupt is the worst that could happen so i will carry a spare camera and memory card with me
during filming in case but we would have to re-shoot due to the difference in camera quality
and lenses.

Detail how you solved problems
Problem Solved
Shortage of film I adjusted the script by removing parts and
changed the time that I was aiming for from
25 to 10 minutes.

Modifications (Why did you modify your work and what was changed during post-
Modified How Why
Reduce script size Deleting parts and scenes
from the script.
So it is reduced from 9
minutes of walking around to
just 4.
Reduce time of production Deleting parts and scenes
from the script.
To make it smaller and
shorter from 25 to 10
Modified How Why

Additional information

Fades from black to white.
Radio broadcaster: This is an emergency broadcast to all members
of the public. The disease outbreak has now been upgraded to a
code orange status and it is unsafe to approach anyone that has
or has come in contact with the disease. Please do not panic. The
government is setting up food saves for all towns and is working
on a cure. Stay away from anyone that is unresponsive.
fades black.
He is walking around the woods and in the middle of the woods
there is an old swimming pool emptied and overgrown he climbs
down and sleeps for a while. he is then awoken by the sound of
wood cracking and someone walking around but no zombie groans.
Jeremy: (thoughts) i thought everyone else was either dead or a
zombie? (he shouts out) Hello is someone there!?
there is no answer. he packs up and then gets out of the swimming
pool and keeps walking. he passes a house and is about to walk in
but before he opens the door he hears zombie groans coming from
Jeremy: (thoughts) Come on, is there nowhere safe anymore? Is
there anyone alive? Is there anyone at all? (shouts out load to
the sky) Come on i need answers!
He continues walking through the woods
Jeremy: (thoughts) Oh damn its going to get dark soon i need to
find some form of shelter anything will do.
He carries on walking for 30 seconds and then sees an opening in
the woods and a fence he starts running towards it and as he gets
closer he slows and treads lightly making sure he is silent and
looking around for anyone. he finds a hole in the fence and peeps
his head through looking for anything.
Jeremy: It's empty. (He murmurs to himself)
(thoughts) This is perfect fenced all round, shelter and it's
empty. Empty!
He climbs through the hole in the fence into the compound he
walks around and sees a sign on the front of the building.
Jeremy: (murmurs to himself) Wyevale Garden Centre.
(thoughts) Wait i know this place i drove past here everyday to
get to work that means i am close to home! Maybe i could find
Stacey. No. Later i need food, rest and shelter now.
He goes out into the woods with his rifle and walks around look
for any animal. he scans the woods a few times down the scope.
until one time he scans down the scope and hears a crack of a
twig behind him he quickly turns around and is hit over the head
with the butt of a pistol he passes out.
He wakes up his vision is blurred and he is being dragged out of
the woods into the garden centre. they take him inside the garden
centre and tie him to a post. he passes out again.
fade to white.

he wakes up and his vision is still blurred. there are figures
moving about talking and shouting.
bandit 1: i saved you. i saved all of us. i found this place. i
am in charge of this group and noone else is joining us.
bandit 2: but he's harmless and weak why would you kill him for
stumbling on to an abandoned building.
Bandit 1: because he has ruined our position and made a hole in
our fence. because for all we know he could be a psycopath that
will kill us while we sleep.
Bandit 2: then watch him all the time see what he is like. talk
to him, find out who he was before all of this happened. what if
he has a family or group still out there waiting for him?
Bandit 1: good point.
Bandit 2: yeah see he can stay he's...
Bandit 1: its a good point because he could run away and find his
group lead them to us and kill us all. i'm going to gouge his
eyes out so he cant lead them back to us.
Jeremy: No! No! No! Please no! im on my own. i dont have a family
or group out there. im just a man trying to find out whether his
wife is still alive.
Bandit 2: see hes a good man he wont hurt us will he?
jeremy: no, no i wouldnt think of it.
bandit 1 move closer and kneels down to Jeremy's level.
Bandit 1: Wouldnt you now?
Bandit 1 then grabs Jeremy by the throat and lifts him up off the
floor strangling him while bandit 2 screams and punches bandit 1
to get him to stop.
Bandit 2: Stop! Stop it! Youre hurting him!
Bandit 1 drops Jeremy to the floor and he is coughing and
spluttering. Bandit 1 proceeds to Bandit 2 and hits them to the
floor pulls out a gun and shoots them in the head. Bandit 1 comes
back over to Jeremy and picks him up by the throat again.
Bandit 1: see what happens when you mess with me. you count
yourself lucky today.
Bandit 1 then drops Jeremy to the floor and he passes out.
fades to black
Jeremy is driving down a road and singing "Flight of the
conchords" he looks to his left and a woman from before is in the
passenger seat stern faced. he then hits a high note and she
Jeremy is still tied to the pole and there is a pool of blood
next to his feet from the dead bandit but the body has been
moved. there is a different bandit there eating a tin of beans.
he comes towards Jeremy and he flinches.
Bandit 3: What, you dont want food? How many days have you gone
without food, 5 or 6?
Jeremy shakes his head
bandit 3: More? Come on just eat. i wont hurt you i want to keep
you alive, i think you could be useful now that we're one short.
Jeremy takes a spoonful and wolfs it down fast.
Bandit 3: wow! its been a long time hasnt it. so where were you
headed before we stumbled upon you?
Jeremy: To find my wife.
Bandit 3: Any luck so far?
Jeremy: Well obviously not.
bandit 3: Yeah i can see that.
Jeremy: you?
Bandit 3: I was trying to do the same but all i found was...
Bandit 1 walks into the room before bandit 3 can finish.
Bandit 1: Why are you talking to the prisoner? He should be
treated like a dog not one of us. get out of my sight.
Bandit 3 runs out of the room swiftly as jeremy passes out again.
*replay of a previous scene like a bad dream*
Bandit 2: see hes a good man he wont hurt us will he?
jeremy: no, no i wouldnt think of it.
bandit 1 move closer and kneels down to Jeremy's level.
Bandit 1: Wouldnt you now?
Bandit 1 then grabs Jeremy by the throat and lifts him up off the
floor strangling him while bandit 2 screams and punches bandit 1
to get him to stop.
Bandit 2: Stop! Stop it! Youre hurting him!
Bandit 1 drops Jeremy to the floor and he is coughing and
spluttering. Bandit 1 proceeds to Bandit 2 and hits them to the
floor pulls out a gun and shoots them in the head. Bandit 1 comes
back over to Jeremy and picks him up by the throat again.
Bandit 1: see what happens when you mess with me. you count
yourself lucky today.
Jeremy is slapped back into conciousness
*replay of a previous scene like a bad dream*
Jeremy is slapped back into conciousness. He looks up into the
light blinking. then bandit 1 walks into shot and kneels down
next to him.
Bandit 1: So what are we gonna do with you? eh?
Jeremy shuffles away from him but he moves closer.
Bandit 1: How about some torture for you? or should we just dump
you and let you survive with nothing? How about both?
As he stops talking Bandit 1 pulls out some pliers and starts to
pull each of Jeremys finger nails off he screams in agaony until
he passes out.
fade to black.

Jeremy is tied to a tree in a field and is left with nothing. He
has no shoes or weapon and his back pack has been taken from him.
He sees a zombie in the field far away aimlessly walking around.

In the same field but the zombie has spotted him and is moving
closer to him.

In the same field but now the zombie is even closer. He passes
out again.
Jeremy is driving with the woman next to him
In the same field but now the zombie is even closer about 12 feet
away. He tries to set himself free from the ties but cant move
them. he passes out again.
Radio broadcaster: This is an emergency broadcast to all members
of the public. The disease outbreak has now been upgraded to a
code orange status and it is unsafe to approach anyone that has
or has come in contact with the disease. Please do not panic. The
government is setting up food saves for all towns and is working
on a cure. Stay away from anyone that is unresponsive.
Jeremy: Delilah!? Delilah!?
The zombie is now a metre away from jeremy. He tries to set
himself free form the tree but nothing is working and the zombie
keeps getting closer till it is right next to his face about to
bite him. Jeremy spits at it and kicks at it but it wont budge.
as the zombie is about to take a shot rings out and deafens him
and the zombie drops and a figure is behind the zombie with a
gun. He then passes out.

Mood Board:


I want the final Lone

Circle of Confusion has been commissioned to .
Create a television pilot for a Point Of View zombie series to be aired on Channel 4, FOX
and AMC for the production company Circle of Confusion. A very brief summary of the story
is: A character is alone walking around talking to themselves in an abandoned place talking
about what they were doing before the apocalypse started. They will then move onto an
abandoned building where they carry on talking about their past they will then go to sleep
have a nightmare of previous zombie experiences as they hear a zombie groaning close by so
they have to run away quietly. They find some woods and walk into them and find
an abandoned garden centre surrounded by fencing and protected from the zombies he sets up
camp and then goes hunting, while hunting he finds a dear grazing as he is just about to shoot
it an arrow comes from behind him and hits the dear in the head killing it instantly. He turns
and runs but before he can go anywhere he is surrounded and then knocked out. He then
wakes up tied to a tree in the middle of afield with nothing left he goes in and out of
consciousness a few times and every time a zombie groan is getting louder till he wakes one
more time and has a zombie 2 meters away he tries to set himself free but cannot move he
starts kicking out at the zombie but it keeps on getting closer as it is right next to his
face about to maul him he spots a person in the field and as he shouts a shot rings out and he
passes out.

Detail outlines:

The series needs to be aimed at previous watchers of zombie series or films which is why
circle of confusion was chosen as they produce The Walking Dead.
The pilot needs to draw people into the show with a cliff hanger at the end of the episode
to keep people watching.
We dont want to go overboard with zombie scenes we only want a few seconds
of film of zombies. The show is about life being alone in the world and not coming in contact
with humans for a long time and the way he reacts to everything and people he comes across.
The show will be mostly point of view shots and very few other shots.
There will be very little dialogue with other people more the character talking to himself or
in his head so sound effects will be heavily relied on.
We are aiming at the zombie fans and males aged 15-25.
Length of 15-30 minutes.
We will be filming at the abandoned garden centre in lower Shiplake, Henley College and
at the old Elvian school in Reading.
I would like daily meetings to update us on the progression of the production.
I dont want jolty movement I want smooth movement so a glide cam would be
ideal for filming the P.O.V shots.
We need everything to seem abandoned and deserted so no background noises of cars or
planes so I want mostly sounds to be added in when editing but they have to fit and sound
correct and is key to making it look and sound right.
Music will not play a huge part in the production but there will be subtle parts during
tension scenes.
I dont want it to be predictable either there always has to be twists and we
want to introduce other characters briefly to prepare for the upcoming episodes.
I will want a title sequence and theme music to accompany.
I want the pre-production to be done by 4pm on the 2nd April.
I want filming to be done by the 20
I want the final edit to be done by the 23


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