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To Whom It May Concern:

It is without reservation that I recommend Caitlin Berkefeld as a teacher of high school

Biology. Caitlins performance greatly eceeded our epectations! and we wish we could
keep her on. "ur loss is someone else#s gain.
Caitlin is enthusiastic and creative! yet flei$le. %he was &uick to adapt to the way we do
things here at Montclair %tate 'niversity! $ut at the same time she was a$le to put her
own spin on things and enhance the eisting curriculum. (or eample! one day I heard a
$it too much noise coming from his classroom. 'pon investigation! I found the source of
the students# ecitement: They had gotten a little carried away acting out the steps of
photosynthesis. )ngaging college students is no easy task! $ut Caitlin ecels at it. *er
classroom management and discipline skills are on+target and will only improve with
%he is also an ecellent role model for the students! several of whom actually came out
on their own time to cheer for her when she was running in a local marathon.
%he is a team player and gets along with other teachers and administrators. %he is &uick
to volunteer for colla$orative pro,ects and has a keen interest in the workings of the
school as a whole.
If you need any more information regarding this eceptional young woman! please
contact me via email at
/nnMarie 0i1oren-o 2h0
0epartment of Biology and Molecular Biology
Montclair %tate 'niversity

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