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By Derek
Online Story Prologue
May 30, 2011
As Brad watched the three Cains devour their porterhouse steaks, he realized he should
have added a couple hundred ucks to the cost o! his in!or"ation, #ust to cover dinner$
%hey were outside a steakhouse in Dallas$ %he &une heat "eant they had the patio to
the"selves, which was good !or privacy, ut it also "eant the Cains were on their second
pitcher o! eer'and only two o! the" were old enough to drink$ (eventeen)year)old
Carter had already gone through a pitcher o! !resh)s*ueezed le"onade and looked ready
!or a second$
Brad was waiting until they+d eaten a little "ore e!ore presenting his o!!er$ ,t was never
wise to inter!ere with a werewol! and his "eal, and that went doule !or Cains$ Brad was
a werewol! hi"sel!, ut at !ive)!oot seven and a hundred and !i!ty pounds even the
youngest Cain dwar!ed hi"$ %he older two could eat hi" !or dinner, then go looking !or
,t was Carter who slowed !irst$ -e was s"all !or a Cain, arely over si. !eet tall, "aye
two hundred pounds$ /ood)looking enough that the teen server had een eying hi"$ Must
take a!ter his "other'the Cains weren+t known !or their looks$ 0r !or their rains, and in
this regard, Carter was de!initely part o! the !a"ily$
12ou said you+ve got in!or"ation on so"e kid o! 3ncle 4ack+s$ But this here'5 -e
pointed at the scrap o! paper$ 1'says his last na"e is (ouza, not Cain$5
1-e wasn+t raised as a Cain,5 the oy+s grand!ather'%heo'said$ 1%hat+s why Brad here
is o!!ering to help us get hi" ack$5
%heo was the clan patriarch$ Also the rightest o! the unch, which wasn+t saying a lot,
ut it helped$ Carter was the son o! %heo+s youngest$ %he thirty)so"ething guy etween
the" was 6ate, the son o! %heo+s oldest$ 4achary had een his "iddle child$ Dead ten
years now, when he got the da"ned !ool idea to #oin an uprising against the 7ack$ 4ack+s
only known son had een killed y a rival werewol! a !ew years ago$ %he old "an had
taken that hard$ 6ow Brad was o!!ering hi" a replace"ent $ $ $ with onuses$
12ou say the oy was part o! an e.peri"ent85 %heo said as he !inished his steak$
1Making hi" into so"e kind o! super)werewol!85
19.actly$ %he (t$ Cloud Caal was running a secret e.peri"ent to genetically "odi!y
supernaturals in vitro, eli"inating side e!!ects and enhancing the powers o! sorcerers,
witches, necro"ancers, hal!)de"ons $ $ $5 %hree pairs o! eyes glazed over$ Brad wasn+t
sure i! they didn+t understand or they #ust didn+t care$ Both e*ually likely$ Most
werewolves took no interest in either Caals or other supernatural types$ ,t was only
when he added, 1And, o! course, werewolves,5 that the Cains perked up again$
1-ow "any o! these super)werewolves are there85 %heo asked$
12our grandson is the only su#ect le!t$5
1:ere the others 4ack+s oys85 %heo asked$
1, don+t know$ , was hired to track !our escaped su#ects and ring the" ack to the
study$ %hey only told "e the asolute asics$5
1, don+t get it,5 Carter said$ 1,! you+re taking all the kids ack, how do we get this guy85
1Brad isn+t returning the" all,5 %heo said$ 1-e+s giving us the opportunity to take 4ack+s
oy !irst$5
Carter still sounded con!used$ %o e honest, Brad didn+t la"e hi"$ ,t was con!using and
it raised lots o! *uestions, ut Brad had known etter than to ask the"$ As !ar as "ost
supernaturals were concerned, the Cains were representative o! the entire reed$ Du"
rutes who couldn+t walk and chew gu" at the sa"e ti"e$ (o"eti"es it was etter not to
disause the" o! that notion$
Brad was #ust glad %heo didn+t ask e.actly what "odi!ications they+d done to the oy$ -e
didn+t know'it hadn+t see"ed wise to take too "uch interest$ %heo, though, see"ed
happy with 1super)werewol!$5
1Are you sure he+ll Change85 %heo said$ 1%hat tinkering "ight have screwed hi" up$
6othing worse than a werewol! that can+t Change$ -appened to a cousin o! "ine$ ;ipped
hi" right apart$5
1-e+s already Changing$5
1At si.teen85 %heo looked i"pressed$
Carter scowled$ 0viously he hadn+t started shi!ting into a wol! yet$ (i.teen wasn+t
unheard o!, ut it was early$
1-e+s s"art, too,5 Brad said$ 1/enius s"art$ %aking college "ath already$5
1%hat+s #ust book s"art,5 Carter said$ 1Don+t "ean nothing$5
0nly it did, and #udging y %heo+s e.pression, he knew it$ -is clan had "uscle and they
had nu"ers$ All they needed was rains$ ,! this kid had that'in addition to other
enhance"ents'he could e #ust the ticket to "ake the Cains serious contenders to the
1Are you sure he+s 4ack+s oy8 , can+t see "y son getting "i.ed up in so"e "ad science
1-e didn+t realize he was$ -e was seduced y a su#ect and see"s to have died without
realizing he had another son$5
1(o are we sure he+s 4ack+s then85 ,t was Carter asking now, and y his tone, he really
hoped the answer was no$
Brad laid a photo on the tale$ 1%his was taken a !ew "onths ago$5
<ike %heo and 6ate, the oy in the picture was dark haired with green eyes$ And he was
ig'over si. !eet already, with shoulders al"ost as road at the doorway ehind hi"$
-is hair was shaggy, hanging in his !ace, which wasn+t such a ad thing, considering the
state o! his skin$ ,! all that didn+t con!ir" he was a Cain, the scowl did, a per!ect "atch
!or the one now on Carter+s !ace$
13ncle 4ack had light hair,5 Carter said$ 1,+ve seen photos$5
1-e took a!ter his "other,5 %heo said$ 1%he oy is 4ack+s$ -e has his eyes$5 %he old
"an+s voice so!tened as he picked up the picture$
12ou can keep that,5 Brad said$ 1, also have so"e newer ones !ro" "y surveillance$5 -e
laid those out$ 1, couldn+t get close enough !or a good shot, even with a telephoto lens,
ut he+s had his hair cut and his skin is clearing, proaly as his hor"ones settle a!ter his
Change$ (till, he+s easy to spot$5
1And you know where he is8 And that he+ll still e there when we arrive85
1,! he isn+t, co"e ack and ,+ll track hi" again$ But he+s een living in this rented house
!or two "onths with his !oster !ather, one o! the doctors !ro" the e.peri"ent and three
other kids$5
Brad eased ack and let the" look at the photos$ 1(o, all that+s needed now is a yes and a
cash pay"ent$ ,+ll give you the address right now$ 7lus a sure)!ire way to catch hi"$5
1-e+s si.teen,5 6ate said$ 1:e can catch hi"$5
1Don+t e so sure$ -e+s s"art and he+s a good !ighter$ 2ou know a werewol! na"ed
<ia"8 ;uns with a guy na"ed ;a"on85
1-eard o! the",5 %heo said$
1(o"e !olks hired the" to track down your grandson$ %hat+s why the (t$ Clouds hired "e
'they knew <ia" and ;a"on "anaged it, so they !igured another werewol! could do the
sa"e$ And they can+t hire <ia" again $ $ $ ecause he+s dead$ 2our oy killed hi"$ -is
!irst challenge and he took down an e.perienced werewol!, and "ade another one decide
he didn+t want the #o any"ore$5
6ow %heo was practically ea"ing$ %oo ad Brad already set the price$ -e proaly
could have douled it$
1But you know a way to catch hi"85 6ate said$
1, do$5
Brad slapped another photo on the tale$ A s"iling teenage girl with lue eyes and lond
hair streaked with red$
1Cute,5 Carter grunted$ 1<et "e guess, this guy has a crush on her$5
1More than #ust a crush$ ,t+s his girl!riend$5
%hey looked surprised$ %he cute s"iling girl de!initely did not see" like a ro"antic
"atch !or the scowling rute in the other photos$ But Brad had done enough surveillance
to e sure o! his !acts$
1(he+s another su#ect, one who escaped with your grandson and his !oster rother$ (he+s
a necro"ancer$5
Carter+s !ace screwed up$ 1A what85
1(o"eone who can speak to the dead,5 %heo said$ 1<ike the Alpha+s girl!riend$ %he one
on %=$5
1(he+s hot,5 6ate said$
1<ittle young !or you,5 Carter said, still eying the photo$
1, "eant the one on %=,5 6ate said$ 1(o the kid+s got it ad !or this girl85
1-e does, and he already has a werewol!+s protective instinct in spades$ -e+s the sa"e
way with his !oster rother, which would e the ackup plan, ut the rother is a sorcerer
and knows sel!)de!ense$ A necro"ancer has no de!ensive powers and this one+s a tiny
thing$ (he+s his weakness$ %hat+s how <ia" and ;a"on got close enough to !ight hi"$
%hey "ade a tactical "istake, though$ %hey settled !or teasing and threatening her, which
only pissed the oy o!! enough to !ight$ ,! you want hi", you #ust need to take her$ -e+ll
co"e running$5

%he Cains paid$ Didn+t haggle over the price, either$ %hey even covered dinner$ As Brad
watched the" struggling to calculate the a"ount o! the tip, he !elt a little sorry !or Derek
(ouza$ Being handed over to the Cains wasn+t a !ate he+d wish on anyone, especially a
right kid like that$ But usiness was usiness, and !a"ily was !a"ily$ A werewol!
elonged with his kin, whoever they were$
Online Story Chapter One
&une 1>, 2011
, swiped aside threads o! spider silk as , tra"ped along the wooded path$ , hadn+t co"e
this way in a !ew days and the spiders worked !ast, zigzagging wes etween the trees, as
i! that "ight stop "e$ ,t doesn+t$ As long as we+re renting a house on the edge o! this
!orest, ,+ll e in here, scouting$
:e+re on the run and this strip o! woods is the per!ect place !or so"eone to lie in wait !or
us$ ,t+s "y !ault we need to stay so close to the !orest in the !irst place', can+t control
"y Changes to wol! !or" yet, "eaning , can+t #ust ask Dad to give "e a li!t to the nearest
patch o! wilderness$ ,! ,+" responsile !or us living near the !orest, then , !igure ,+"
responsile !or keeping it sa!e$
Behind "e, (i"on slapped his neck$ 1Da"ned "os*uitos$ , swear they+re as ig as
hu""ingirds out here$5
1/o ack inside then$5
1,t was an oservation, Derek, not a co"plaint$5 %he path widened enough !or hi" to
walk eside "e$ 1Besides, <auren+s on a cleaning spree$ ,! , go ack, she+ll "ake "e
1:ouldn+t kill you to pitch in$5
1,+" going to tell "ysel! that you+re #ust cranky ecause Chloe+s at the "all with %ori,
and you weren+t allowed to go$ , could point out that i! you did go, you+d e even
crankier, and you+d "ake everyone "iserale$ 9specially "e$5
1You wouldn+t have to go$5
1(ure , would$ ,+d need to run inter!erence when %ori asked how a new shirt looked and
you told her the truth$5
1,+" honest$ -onest is good$5
16ot when it co"es to girls and clothes$ 2ou need to gauge their reaction !irst$ ,! they
aren+t happy with it, you suggest they try so"ething else, even i! it looked !ine$ ,! they
love it and it looks like hell, you say it+s not ad and hope they try so"ething else$5
1:hy do you have to "ake everything so co"plicated85
1Because it is co"plicated$5
, snorted and let a ranch !ling ack at hi"$ -e was right, though'at least aout the "all
thing$ , kept !inding "ysel! heading in that direction, like , could #ust happen to e.tend
"y patrol to the "all$ %hen (i"on and , could "eet up with the"$ ?or urgers or
so"ething$ As long as we were there already$ Accidentally$
,t wasn+t that , resented her spending ti"e with a !riend$ 9ven i! , didn+t consider %ori a
real !riend$ , #ust got an.ious, knowing Chloe was there without "e$ De!enseless$ 9.cept
she wasn+t de!enseless$ (he could look a!ter hersel!, as she+d proven again and again, and
every ti"e , gave her hell !or taking a !ew steps o!! the property, she gave "e hell ack$ ,
knew she was right$ -overing over her was a very ad idea$ ?ollowing her to the "all8
Borderline stalking$
(o why was , even thinking o! going8 Because , couldn+t help it$ 9ven i! we hadn+t seen
anyone !ro" the (t$ Clouds in three "onths, they could hunt her down at any "o"ent,
and i! , wasn+t there to save her $ $ $ :ell, i! , wasn+t there, she+d proaly save hersel!$
9ven i! , was there, , wasn+t "uch protection against their tran* guns$ But while "y rain
could work it out logically, "y gut told "e , needed to e with her, to watch over her, to
take care o! her$
1(o,5 (i"on said as we stepped over a strea"$ 1-ave you co"e up with a gi!t idea !or
your three "onth anniversary85
1%hree "onths85
1(ure, it+s co"ing up on'5
1, know when it is$5
%hat was a lie$ , knew the date when Chloe !irst kissed "e$ -ell, , knew the hour$ But is
that what you use to "ark the start o! a relationship8 0r was it our second kiss, when we
knew we were really eginning so"ething$ 0r was it our !irst actual date, a week later8
:hich one did she consider the right one8 %hat was the i"portant thing$ , wanted to #ust
ask, ut it see"ed like , should know$
, ent to check a !ootprint$ &ust the neighor walking his dog$ , straightened$ 1:hat ,
"ean is, why is three "onths i"portant8 :hy not one "onth85
1Because you missed the one "onth anniversary$5
, scowled over at hi"$ 1, didn+t miss it$ 2ou+re the one who "entioned it when it was
already too late, and Chloe never said anything$5
1(he wouldn+t, would she8 ,t+s up to you to re"e"er and since you "issed one "onth,
and one week, too'5
10ne week8 :e+re supposed to celerate'85
12ou celerate everything$ %hat+s the rule$5
;ules$ , hated the"$ :ell, no, in general, , was good with rules$ , understood the" and
they "ade li!e easier$ But with "ost things, the rules are easy to !igure out$ 6ot with
dating$ %here+s no ook to study$ 6o pattern to !ollow$ ,t+s #ust an endless "ine!ield o!
places to screw up$ At least it is according to (i"on$ :hich "ay e.plain why he+s never
even gotten to three "onths with a girl$
1But ,+ve gotten close a lot o! ti"es,5 he said when , pointed this out$
1, don+t think that counts$5
1, could have gotten to three "onths i! , wanted$ , didn+t want to$ 2ou do$ And ,+"
guessing you want to "ake it to si. "onths85
1Course$5 , paused$ 1(o that+s the ne.t "ilestone8 :e skip !our and !ive85
12es$ 2ou can+t celerate too "any anniversaries or you see" clingy$ ;e"e"er Brandi
in ninth grade8 (he e.pected "e to re"e"er the anniversary o! the "inute , asked her
out'every single day$ (ulked i! , !orgot$ :e didn+t even "ake it to two weeks$5
A scent wa!ted past$ , paused to catch it$ &ust a deer$ 10kay, so on anniversaries, , need to
give her so"ething$ An incentive$5
(i"on al"ost walked into a tree$ 1:hat85
1An incentive$ <ike in third grade, when Mrs$ 6estor gave "e a cookie every day that ,
didn+t read during class and pro"ised "e a candy ar i! , didn+t read all week$5
12ou never got that candy ar$5
1Because it wasn+t worth listening to her ya""er aout stu!! , already knew$ But this
anniversary gi!t thing, is like that, right8 An incentive !or Chloe to keep going out with
-e sighed$ 16o $ $ $ ,t+s #ust a gi!t$5
1%o thank her !or going out with "e85
A deeper sigh$ , kinda liked the incentive idea$ ,t "ight e the only thing that got "e to
si. "onths$ 6ot that anything was going wrong etween Chloe and "e$ ,t was going
good$ /reat really$ :hich was the prole"$ ?or every action, there "ust e an e*ual and
opposite reaction$ ,t applies in physics and li!e$ ,! stu!! goes too good, it can+t last$ Any
day now, , e.pected Chloe to tell "e it wasn+t working out, that she+d "ade a "istake,
that , was #ust too cranky, too protective, too overearing, too $ $ $ not what she wanted in
a oy!riend$ 6ot long)ter" anyway$
12ou okay, ro85
, shook it o!! and stopped walking$ , took a good look around$ ,nhaled deeply$ <istened$
;e"inded "ysel! that this was what , supposed to e doing'scouting$
As usual, there was nothing$ Dad was right'the (t$ Clouds were lying low and
regrouping$ /iving us ti"e to get co"!ortale, then pop up like prairie dogs !or a peek
around, so they could swoop down and snatch us up $ As long as we stayed in our hole,
we were !ine$
1Anything85 (i"on said a!ter a "inute$
1?eel etter8 9veryone+s sa!e and sound, so you can rest85
12eah$ A!ter , get so"ething to eat$5 , looked east$ 1:e+re close to the "all'5
1:e won+t look !or the"$ :e+ll #ust'5
1(traight to the !ood court$ %hat+s it$ , #ust want'5
10h, , know what you want$5 -e caught "y ar" and tugged "e ack toward the house$
1%he answer is no$ %here+s !ood at the house, and she+ll e ack soon$5
, cast one last look east$ %hen , sighed and !ollowed hi"$
Online Story Chapter Two
&une 30, 2011
:e went ack to our rented place'a ig old !ar" house a "ile !ro" town$ , like it well
enough$ %here+s roo" !or all si. o! us, which is a lot etter than when we started out,
sharing two "otel roo"s$ Being on the edge o! a !orest is good$ Being in the country is
good, too$ ,+" not a city person'too "any scents, too "uch noise, too "any people$
:hen , was a kid, , used to drea" o! the day when we+d stop running and get a place like
this$ (o , should e happy$ 9.cept we hadn+t stopped running$ ,! anything, we were in
even "ore danger than we+d een a!ter Dad le!t the 9dison /roup$ ,+ve told hi" we
should get "oving again$ -e tells "e not to worry$ , still do$
:e went in$ As the ack door slapped shut ehind us, <auren+s voice called !ro" deep
1Boys8 ,s that you8 , could use so"e help up here$5
(i"on "otioned to keep *uiet and sneak into the %= roo"$ , couldn+t$ ,+ve spent three
"onths trying to convince Chloe+s aunt that ,+" not the ig, ad wol!$ :hich "eans ,
need to go out o! "y way to e nice$ :hich is eco"ing a "a#or pain in the ass$
1&ust "e,5 , called ack as , waved (i"on to the %= roo"$ 1:hat do you need85
(i"on hesitated, ut , "otioned !or hi" to go$ 6o need !or oth o! us to get wrangled
into housework$ , walked to the otto" o! the steps$ <auren appeared at the top$
,+" not sure how , !eel aout Chloe+s aunt$ (he was part o! the 9dison /roup'the
people who e.peri"ented on us$ (o was Dad, ut he had the sense to get out years ago$
<auren stayed$ (he was responsile !or putting Chloe in <yle -ouse, the group ho"e
where we+d "et$ :hen Chloe escaped and went to her aunt !or help, <auren handed her
ack to the group$ (he eventually helped her escape again, ut , don+t think that alances
the ooks$ , know <auren thought she was helping Chloe and now realized she wasn+t$ ,!
Dad+s okay with that, then , guess , a", too$ , #ust wish it didn+t "ean , needed to suck
up to her$ Chloe says , don+t'and gives "e hell when , do'ut like "ost supernaturals,
her aunt thinks werewolves are "onsters$ , need to convince her otherwise or she+ll cause
prole"s with "e and Chloe, and , won+t let that happen$
(o when she asked "e to co"e upstairs and !old laundry, , did$ But , won+t pretend ,
wasn+t grate!ul when "y cell phone rang, giving "e an e.cuse to stop$
,t was Chloe$ , "oved away !ro" the clothing)piled ed and answered as casually as ,
1-ey,5 , said$ 1-ow+s it going85
1%ori has clothing$ %hank!ully$5
12eah, she+d e kind o! scary without it$5
Chloe laughed$ 12ou know what , "ean$ :e have acco"plished the task o! getting her a
su""er wardroe that !it her udget, which was like shoving a ca"el through the eye o!
a needle$ But it is done and , have survived$5
1%hat+s i"portant$5
1,t is$ (o we+re o!! to the !ood court and we were wondering i! you guys wanted'5
1:e+ll e right there$5
A pause$ 1, was going to ask i! you wanted us to ring you ho"e so"ething$5
Another laugh$ 1,+" kidding$ /ra (i"on and co"e on over$ :e+ll e in the !ood court$5

, yelled to <auren that , was going to "eet Chloe at the "all$ As , !lew down the hall, she
stepped !ro" a roo"$
1, think Chloe wanted to e alone with %ori !or a it,5 she said$
No. They just wanted to shop without the guys tagging along. There was a difference.
But , it "y tongue and said, 1(he called and asked (i"on and "e to "eet the" in the
!ood court$5
1Are you sure85
No. I hallucinated it. But thats not what youre really saying! is it" You think Im lying.
You think we spend too much time together#despite the fact that we arent just dating#
were friends! and we li$e in the same damned house and would need to acti$ely a$oid
one another to spend less time together.
, held out "y phone and kept "y tone and e.pression neutral$ 1(he #ust called$ 2ou can
check or call her ack $ $ $5
16o, o! course not$5 An aashed s"ile$ 1,+" sorry i! that ca"e out wrong, Derek$ /o
1%hanks$ ,+ll !inish the !olding when , get ack$5

, was hal!way across the yard when , re"e"ered (i"on$ , paused, looking at the house,
then at the road, as i! going ack would "ake "e late and Chloe "ight $ $ $ , don+t know,
spontaneously co"ust$ 0r %ori "ight get tired o! waiting and drag her to another store$
%here was only a second o! hesitation, though, e!ore , #ogged ack to get hi"$ ,n the
eginning, it was kind o! awkward, hanging out with (i"on and Chloe, knowing he+d
liked her and , got her$ But he+d een cool with it$ ;eally cool, as i! he was #ust glad that
she was happy and , was happy$ ,! it had een the other way around, ,+" not sure , could
have done that$ ,+d have tried and i! , couldn+t "anage, ,+d have !aked it$ ,+" #ust really
glad , didn+t have to$

:e walked to the "all$ ,t+s right on the edge o! town$ <ess than a "ile walk down our
road and we+re there$ :hile , like living in the country, eing ho"e)schooled "eans we
can go a little stir)crazy$ -aving a "all so close is a onus, even i! it does "ean Chloe
doesn+t have an e.cuse when %ori wants to drag her out shopping$
As "uch as Chloe co"plains, , don+t think she "inds that "uch$ (he needs girl!riends
and %ori, un!ortunately, is her only option$ Despite what everyone thinks, ,+" okay with
that$ :ell, not as okay with %ori as her !riend', still haven+t !orgiven her !or what she
did to Chloe at <yle -ouse$ But , get that Chloe needs ti"e with %ori, like , spend ti"e
with (i"on$ , don+t want to dog her every step$ , #ust $ $ $ , #ust like to e closer when
she+s out like that, in a pulic place, where so"e goon !ro" the (t$ Clouds could walk y
in the crowd and stick a tran*uilizer dart in her ar" and all the sel!)de!ense skills in the
world wouldn+t help her$
:e circled the parking lot to the entrance nearest the !ood court$ %hat "eant going all the
way around to the ack$ ,t would have een shorter cutting through the "all, ut (i"on
didn+t suggest it$ %he place was packed on (aturdays, and i! , could avoid walking
through those crowds , would$
, pulled open the doors and stepped into the !ood court$
10w,5 (i"on said ehind "e$
, glanced ack to see hi" ruing his shoulder where the door "ust have hit hi"$
1(orry,5 , said$
12eah, yeah$ &ust get in there and !ind her$5
,t was long past lunch ti"e, ut there were people at nearly every tale, "ore "illing
around with trays$ , stayed ack #ust inside the door and scanned the sea o! !aces$
Beside "e, (i"on "ur"ured$ 10ne, two, three'5
1%here,5 , grunted and strode toward Chloe+s tale$
1Da"n,5 he said as he #ogged to keep up$ 1%hree seconds$ %hat+s a record$5
, scowled at hi"$
1:hat85 he said$ 1,t+s cute$5
My scowl deepened$
1%o cute,5 he said, grinning$ 1,ncredily, adoraly cute$5
, !lipped hi" o!! and walked !aster$ %hen , stopped so aruptly that he plowed into "y
?ro" the doorway, ,+d only seen Chloe, eating !ries at a tale$ 7resu"aly, %ori sat
across !ro" her, ut there+d een so"eone standing in the way, locking "y view$ 6ow ,
saw that the 1so"eone5 wasn+t #ust standing there$ -e was talking to the"$
1Chill,5 (i"on "ur"ured as he !ollowed "y gaze$ 1,t+s #ust a kid$5
%he 1kid5 was at least a year older than "e$ (i"on "eant he wasn+t likely to e a Caal
assassin$ &ust a guy$ A college)aged guy$ %alking to Chloe$
, watched hi" end over the tale, hands planted on it, his gaze !i.ed on Chloe, his lips
parting in a s"ile as he said so"ething to her$ A slow urn started in "y gut, and e!ore ,
could stop "ysel!, , was arreling down on the", (i"on+s protests !ading ehind "e$
Online Story Chapter Three
&uly 1>, 2011
(i"on graed the ack o! "y shirt and yanked hard enough that , staggered$ And hard
enough that people looked over, which stopped "e like a ucket o! ice water$ %he
cardinal rule o! eing on the run@ don+t call attention to yoursel!$
Across the !ood court, the guy was still talking to Chloe$ , could see now that %ori wasn+t
there$ &ust Chloe$ And a stranger$
1Chloe isn+t !lirting with that guy,5 (i"on said$
1Course not$5
1, "ean it$ (he+s'5
, glanced ack at hi"$ 1,+" not lind$ (he+s only paying enough attention to hi" to e
polite$ -e+s the one !lirting, which is ugging her and that+s why ,+" pissed o!!$ (he+s
trying to eat her !ries and he+s interrupting$5
(i"on chuckled$ ,t did sound kind o! stupid, as rationalizations went$ 2eah, , worry what
will happen when we stop running$ :hen we go ack to school$ :hen she "eets other
oys$ Boys who don+t argue and snap at her$ Boys who don+t osessively worry aout
her$ Boys that could take her to a "ovie and stay right until the end, not have to leave
hal!way through ecause he started turning into a wol!$ But she wouldn+t pick up so"e
rando" guy in the "all$ 9ver$
(o why was , over)reacting8 , don+t know$ , saw the guy and so"ething ignited in "y
rain, a !lash)!ire that urned away reason and co""on sense$ ,! (i"on hadn+t stopped
"e, ,+d have "ade an idiot o! "ysel! and called attention to us$ :orse, ,+d have
e"arrassed Chloe$ , was over)protective enough as it was$ ?rothing at the "outh
ecause a guy talked to her8 ;eally not going help us get to that ne.t anniversary$
10kay,5 , said, taking a deep reath$ 1%hanks$5
16o prole"$ &ust take it cool$ And re"e"er, in pulic, you+re not her oy!riend$5
, let out a noise that sounded a little too "uch like a growl$
12eah,5 (i"on said$ 1,t+s a itch$ 9specially at a ti"e like this$ But that+s the rule$5
,t was a stupid rule$ ,+d een !ighting it since we "oved here$ :e were pretending to e a
lended !a"ily'<auren and "y dad posing as a couple with their assorted kids$ ,+ve
argued that it+s not a lood relationship, ut apparently, dating "y step)sister would e
one o! those 1call attention to ourselves5 things we need to avoid$
1(o #ust $ $ $ e cool,5 (i"on said$ 1<et "e do the talking$5
:hen , was within aout ten !eet, Chloe turned, as i! she+d sensed "e there$ (he shot "e
a huge s"ile, then rolled her eyes at the guy eside the tale and "outhed, 1Don+t ask$5
, rolled "y eyes ack, "anaging a slight s"ile that "ade her eyes !ill with relie!$
1/ood,5 (i"on "ur"ured eside "e$ 1=ery good$5
, glowered at hi"$
1:hat85 he said$
12ou sound like you+re going to give "e a dog iscuit$5
1,! the shoe !its $ $ $5
, shook "y head$ As we walked over, a wave o! scent hit "e$ A "usky, che"ical scent,
like so"eone spilled cologne$ , had to switch to reathing through "y "outh$
Chloe "otioned "e to the seat eside her$ :hen , sat, she laid her hand on "y ar",
1?inally$ , thought you guys were never going to show$ %ori took o!! a !ew "inutes ago$
Apparently, she didn+t have a elt to "atch her new shirts$5 Another roll o! her eyes$
%hen, with her !ingers still lightly resting on "y !orear", she turned to the guy$ 1Carter,
this is Derek and (i"on$ Derek, (i"on $ $ $ Carter$ -e+s shopping with his grand!ather$5
(i"on s"irked$ , tried not to$ %here was nothing wrong with shopping with your
grand!ather$ ,t #ust "ade !lirting with girls in the !ood)court see" a little pathetic$
And , now knew what s"elled so ad$ Carter see"ed to have showered in a!tershave$
:hich only "ade 1hitting on girls while shopping with /ra"ps5 a little "ore pathetic$
1, et you+re starving,5 Chloe said, #u"ping up, !ingers rushing along "y ar"$ 1<et+s go
gra you guys so"e !ood while (i"on holds the tale$5 (he turned to Carter and !lashed
a right s"ile$ 1,t was nice "eeting you$5
, stood$
1Actually, ,+d like to talk to you,5 the guy'Carter'said$
My head whipped around a little !aster than , intended$ , thought he "eant Chloe, ut he
was looking at "e$
12ou go to college here85 Carter asked$
1-igh school,5 , grunted and took a step a!ter Chloe, who was walking away, glancing
10h8 ,+d have guessed college$ , hear they have a good !ootall tea"$ 2ou "ust e
planning to try out !or it$ ,+" enrolling and ,+d love any tips$5
1, don+t play'5
, stopped as , caught (i"on giving "e a look that said , was eing rude$ , wasn+t',
don+t go to college and , don+t know a da"ned thing aout the college !ootall tea"'ut
, guess , sounded churlish$ :hich was !ine y "e$ But (i"on "otioned that he+d go with
Chloe instead, and when she didn+t argue, , was stuck$
, told the guy that , didn+t play !ootall or know "uch aout the college tea", ut , tried
to e nice aout it, saying , hadn+t een in town long and , was ho"e)schooled$ All that
e!!ort to e polite, and the guy see"ed to tune "e out a!ter the !irst sentence, i"patiently
waiting !or "e to !inish$
:hen , did, he said, 1Aout Chloe$ -as she got a oy!riend85
, sti!!ened and "anaged to grunt, 1Dunno$5
1(he+s cute, huh$5 -e gazed a!ter her with a look that "ade "y gut twist$ 6ot the nor"al
look a guy gives a cute girl$ A hungry look$ 0ne that had "y hackles rising$
1(he+s !i!teen,5 , said, "y voice taking on a growl$
1-ow old are you85
1(eventeen$5 -e grinned$ ,t was an all)teeth grin that set o!! so"ething in "y rain and ,
!ought the urge to curl "y lip in a snarl$
1/irls her age like older guys,5 Carter continued$ 1:e know our way around, i! you
know what , "ean$5
-is grin grew, ut it was !i.ed on "e now$ -is rown eyes glittered as , gripped the edge
o! the tale, te"per !laring$
Baiting "e$ %hat+s what he was doing$ -e knew , was dating Chloe'or at least that ,
really liked her'and he was eing a #erk aout it$
, took a deep reath$ 6o threat here$ Chloe was sa!e$ Chloe wasn+t interested$ Chloe was
with "e$ 6o reason to get "y ack up$
1Don+t you have so"eplace to go85 , said$ 12our grandpa+s proaly looking !or you$5
-e didn+t rise to my ait, #ust kept s"iling, his gaze swiveling ack to Chloe$ 1, think ,+ll
wait and say goodye$ (he+s really cute$ ,+d like to get to know her etter$5 %hat grin
swung ack to "e$ 1,+d really like to get to know her etter$5
, leaped to "y !eet$
1:hoa,5 Carter said$ 1(o"ething wrong, Derek85
1Back o!!,5 , growled$
-is gaze hardened, ut he kept s"iling$ 1,s that a warning8 ,t sounded like'5
:e oth looked over to see a "an standing y the McDonald+s ooth$ -e didn+t look old
enough to e Carter+s grand!ather'"aye !i!ty$ And he didn+t look like Carter, either$
-e was huge, at least "y height, with road shoulders, graying dark hair and road, ull)
dog !ace$
%he "an looked at "e and , !elt a #olt, like recognition$ But , didn+t know the "an$ -e
wasn+t so"eone ,+d have "et and !orgotten$ -e stared at "e, though, !or at least !ive
seconds e!ore turning his gaze to Carter and waving !or hi"$
1Better run along,5 , "ur"ured$ 1/ra"ps is calling$5
Carter scowled at "e and hesitated, ut his grand!ather called again, his voice harsh
enough to "ake people look$ Carter "uttered so"ething , didn+t catch and stalked o!!$
-is grand!ather stayed where he was, !eet planted, ! Carter with a glower as he
walked over$ , s"irked at that$ :hen Carter was close enough, the "an reached out and
graed his upper ar", leading hi" away like a !ive)year)old who+d run o!!$
12ou eating "y !ries85 a voice asked ehind "e$
, turned to see Chloe co"ing over, tray in hand$ (he put it in !ront o! "e$
1/ot your own,5 she said$ 1?ries, urger, "ilkshake$5 A laze o! a grin$ 1/ood enough
!or a late a!ternoon snack85
17er!ect$ %hanks$5
As she sat down, she whispered$ 19verything okay85
, nodded and reached over to her !rench !ry container$ (he laughed and slapped "y hand
away, and , s"iled and rela.ed$ :hen , looked over again, Carter and his grand!ather
were gone$
Online Story Chapter Four
&uly 31, 2011
:e didn+t spend long at the "all$ Chloe see"ed eager to get going and , wasn+t keen on
staying$ Chloe suggested her and , take the !orest route ack while (i"on and %ori went
y road$ , sure as hell wasn+t arguing$ Be!ore we started dating, ,+d gotten the i"pression
'!ro" "ovies and stu!!'that the guy was usually the one suggesting things like a
private walk in the woods, and the girl "ight want to so"eti"es, ut not as o!ten as the
guy did$ But hal! the ti"e, Chloe was the one suggesting it, which was nice$ ;eally nice$
:hen Chloe told the" we+d take the !orest route, %ori rolled her eyes$ (i"on grinned
and shot "e a thu"s up, which had Chloe rolling her eyes$ ,n the eginning, she+d get
e"arrassed aout stu!! like that, and she+d change her "ind, ut ,+d put a stop to that
!ast$ :e were going outB no one e.pected us to #ust walk around holding hands$ 6o one
other than her aunt, that is$
0nce we got to the !orest, we did hold hands, Chloe sliding hers into "ine, !ingers
entwined, and i! there was any knot still le!t in "y gut, it slid away$ :hen we+re alone
like this, , know everything+s okay and , !eel like a "oron !or worrying$
1(traight ho"e then85 she asked as we walked along the path$
, snorted$
(he looked over$ 1Ah, so you have other plans$ , et , know what they are, too$5
1, et you do$5
12ep$ A long, peace!ul walk in the !orest$ ?resh air$ 9.ercise$ :hat "ore could you ask
1, can think o! a !ew things$5
-er rows li!ted$ 1<ike what85
1:hat you rought "e into the !orest !or$ %his$5
, graed her y the waist and swung her around to !ace "e$ As , ent, , closed "y eyes $
$ $ and kissed air as she ducked out o! "y grasp$ , opened "y eyes to see her dancing
ackward along the path$
, "ade a noise in "y throat$
1Don+t growl,5 she said$ 1Aren+t you always co"plaining that you don+t get enough
, lunged$ (he acked away$
, let out another growl and crossed "y ar"s$ 1Better watch out$ , "ight decide the prize
isn+t worth the e!!ort$5
(he grinned, lue eyes dancing$ 10h, you know it is$ And you know it+s never as sweet as
when you have to work !or it$5
(he wheeled and ran$ As , went a!ter her, adrenaline pu"ped through "e, like li*uid !ire$
%here was nothing *uite like a chase, and one that ended with this reward was the est
chase o! all$ Chloe knew that$ , was part wol!'an idea , was !inally starting to accept$
;unning and chasing wore o!! the restless gnawing in "y gut$ , don+t hunt ani"als yet$ ,
will$ , can !eel the urge, when , cross their trails in wol! !or", ut ,+" not ready !or that$
%hese "ock)hunts with Chloe do the trick !or now$
A "onth ago, "y dad caught us goo!ing around, Chloe running and hiding, while ,
stalked and chased$ -e took "e aside !or a talk and said he worried we "ight e te"pting
instincts we weren+t ready to handle$ -e "eant se., o! course, ut so"ething else, too$
1Chasing hu"ans is dangerous, Derek,5 he said$ 1%hat+s one o! the challenges a werewol!
!aces$ :hen you chase, you chase to hunt$ %o kill$5
9.cept, , didn+t$ %here was no dout, no *uestion, no concern$ , never chased Chloe and
thought o! her as prey$ , thought o! other things, sure'that was part o! the !un o! it, ut ,
had that under control$ :e oth knew we weren+t ready !or se.$ But Dad+s other concern
was groundless$
7ro#ect /enesis was aout re"oving drawacks to supernatural powers$ ?or werewolves,
the urge to kill a !leeing hu"an would e one o! those drawacks, and it was one they+d
oviously !i.ed$ , didn+t tell Dad that, though, or he+d worry , was eing overly
con!ident$ , wasn+t$ :hen , chased Chloe, , saw only Chloe$
And so , chased$
Being a wol!, you+d really think ,+d have the advantage in the !orest$ 9.cept this was
dense !orest, and ,+" a ig guy, and Chloe+s s"all and *uick$ (he *uickly learned that i!
she leaves the path, she can get away !aster$ (o she does$ :hich leaves "e relying on "y
only real advantage out here'"y senses$
(ense o! s"ell is the easiest$ , can pick up her scent on the wind $ $ $ i! she stays upwind,
which she knows etter than to do$ , can !ollow her trail on the ground, ut , haven+t
*uite "astered that in hu"an !or"$ ,t+s etter to rely on "y hearing, which would work a
whole lot etter i! she didn+t know , could detect a twig cracking a *uarter)"ile away in
the *uiet !orest$ (o she sticks to thick woods, stays downwind and "oves *uietly$ :hich
only "akes it "ore !un, "ore challenging$ A welco"e chance to hone "y skills$
, didn+t even other trying to !ollow her into the rush$ , ran along the paths, chasing her
scent on the wind until she circled ack to get downwind$ :hich , knew she+d do, so ,
was ready !or it$ , leaped into her path$ (he let out a sti!led shriek$ , lunged$ (he spun and
ran$ , #u"ped ack on the path and raced along it, hearing the so!t hu!! o! her reathing
and the crackle o! undergrowth as she tore through the !orest alongside "e$ , kicked it up
a notch, watched !or a clear spot, then darted into the woods to cut her o!! again$
%his ti"e, she didn+t shriek$ (he cursed, as she realized she+d !allen !or the sa"e stunt
twice$ %hen she turned and ran the other way, deeper into the !orest, and it was "y turn to
curse as , realized ,+d unintentionally sent her downwind$
6ow she+d !igured out "y sche"e and was staying !ar !ro" the path$ (he wasn+t
othering to stay *uiet, either, knowing the !orest there was too thick !or "e to catch up$ ,
ran along the trail, "entally "apping the syste" o! paths, !iguring out which would ring
"e closest to her, as , tracked the sounds o! her escape$
%hen the !orest went silent$ (he+d stopped running$ ?ound a place and holed up and
wasn+t giving "e any "ore clues$
%his was when the real challenge egan$ , grinned and roke into a #og$
%here was a decent reeze, so "y est plan was to get downwind o! her hiding spot and
catch her scent$ As , ran, , did so"e "ore "apping, this ti"e trying to !igure out where
she "ight have stopped$ %here was a ike path !arther down$ -ad she gone past it8 ,
didn+t think so$
As , #ogged, a scent rushed past on the su""er reeze$ :hile ,+" *uick to recognize the
scent o! so"eone , know well, ,+" also *uick to recognize a s"ell that "y rain has !iled
under 1potential threat$5 But there+s a split)second lapse etween "y rain saying 1,
know that s"ell5 and identi!ying it$ (o when this scent passed, the !irst thing , realized
was that , knew it, and , started to grin, #u"ping to the conclusion it was Chloe$ %hen, as
, veered that way, "y rain !inished processing and , stopped in "y tracks$
Cologne$ , was s"elling cologne$ %he sa"e cologne that had washed over "e in the !ood
, spun$ 6o one was there, o! course$ %he scent was a distant one$ But , could de!initely
s"ell it$ Carter was here, in these woods$ -e+d !ollowed us !ro" the "all$
, re"e"ered seeing his grand!ather across the !ood court$ ,+d !elt a #olt o! recognition,
ut ,+d rushed it o!! ecause he didn+t look like so"eone ,+d !orget$ But what i! , had8
:hat i! ,+d spotted hi" in the chaos at the la'#ust a split second gli"pse o! a !ace that ,
hadn+t consciously registered$ :hat i! Carter had een there, too8 %wo 9dison /roup
e"ployees$ 0r an e"ployee and a young su#ect$
%hat would e.plain the cologne'i! they thought ,+d recognize their scent, that would
hide it$ %he older "an had een care!ul to stay ack, to e e.tra cautious$ Carter hadn+t,
which could e why he+d caught shit !ro" the older "an$
,t+d een a setup$ %he 9dison /roup !ound us and they+d sent Carter over to lure Chloe
away$ %hat hadn+t worked$ (o now they were here, where they could hunt oth o! us
, lunged !orward, Chloe+s na"e on "y lips$ , cla"ped "y #aw shut e!ore it escaped$ ,
couldn+t let the" know , was on to the"$ Couldn+t let the" know she was alone$ (o ,
kept "y "outh closed and arreled into the woods to search !or her$
,t see"ed to take !orever to catch her scent$ ,n truth, it took "e aout twenty running
paces$ , stopped short and inhaled$ -er s"ell was thick enough that , knew she was close$
, !ollowed it, head down, until , practically ran into a tree trunk$ %hen , looked up to see
her stretched on a li"$
1-ello,5 she said, grinning$ 12ou+re getting etter at $ $ $5
-er words and her s"ile died as she caught "y e.pression$ (he scra"led !ro" the tree$
Be!ore she reached the ground, , caught her ar"$ (he paused and peeled "y !ingers
away$ (he didn+t say a word$ Didn+t give "e a look$ Didn+t even wince$ But , let go !ast,
"ur"uring an apology$ Most ti"es, , can re"e"er how strong , a", ut when , get
stressed, , !orget, which is a prole" we+re working on $ $ $ e!ore , leave her ar"s
per"anently ruised$
, leaned down and told her what ,+d s"elled, and how , interpreted it$
1, could e wrong,5 , whispered$ 6ow that she was here, sa!e, that !irst #olt o! panic had
eed$ 1Maye he was #ust cutting through the woods with his grand!ather$5
1Maye, ut you aren+t the only one who thought that whole !ood court thing was weird$
,! he+s here, we should check it out$5
My gut clenched, instinct telling "e to say no, asolutely not, she had to get ack to the
house, sa!e with Dad, while , scouted$ But these days, the gap etween instinct and logic
is getting s"aller, "eaning , rarely lurt out so"ething like that, which is good, ecause
she really doesn+t appreciate it$ (he was right$ ,! Carter and his 1grand!ather5 were here
now, the est de!ense was a good o!!ense$ /o a!ter the"$ /et a etter look$ /et proo! that
we were in troule e!ore , ran ack to Dad with "y story$
:hen we set out, though, the s"ell o! cologne was gone$ %hinking ack, , hadn+t
detected it since that !irst whi!!$ :e did a !ull and thorough loop o! the outer trails, ut
there was no sign'or scent'o! either guy$ ?inally, a!ter aout thirty "inutes o!
searching, , !ound Carter+s cologne trail$ -e+d cut right through the !orest, avoiding the
paths$ -e+d only gone a !ew hundred !eet$ %hen he acktracked out again$
:hat did that "ean8 , had no idea $ $ $ e.cept that it reeked o! troule$ ,t was ti"e to tell
Dad we+d stayed in one place long enough$ :e needed to hit the road again$
Online Story Chapter Five
August 13, 2011
,t see"ed si"ple enough$ :e were on the run$ :e+d "et so"e guy who see"ed way too
interested in Chloe and "e, and then !ollowed us into the !orest$ 0viously it was ti"e to
hit the road$ 0r so , thought$
:e took Dad into the living roo"$ <auren ca"e along$ :e hadn+t invited her, ut she
see"ed to have a sense !or whenever so"ething i"portant was happening$ (i"on
and %ori !igured i! the !our o! us were talking, it "ust e a !a"ily "eeting, so they #oined
, let Chloe tell the story$ :hen she !inished, Dad looked at "e, and , could tell he was
thinking it over$ , could also tell that 1what5 he was thinking over wasn+t whether we
should leave'it was how to tell us that we weren+t$
1Chloe+s right, Dad,5 , said$ 1%here was de!initely so"ething weird aout this guy$5
1Because he hit on Chloe85 <auren said$ 1,+" sure you didn+t like that, Derek, ut'5
1Im the one who said it see"ed strange,5 Chloe said$
<auren sighed$ 1%here+s nothing strange aout a oy hitting on you, Chloe$ 2ou+re a very
pretty girl$ ,t+s your lack o! sel!)con!idence that "akes you think it see"s'5
1My sel!)con!idence is !ine,5 Chloe cut in$ , swore , heard a so!t growl in her voice$ 1,+"
saying guys don+t do that, especially college)age guys$ ,+" not a !i!teen)year)old who can
pass !or eighteen$5
1(he+s right,5 %ori said$ 1,t+s got nothing to do with eing pretty$ ,t+s all aout the vie$
%he only older guys who are going to hit on Chloe are pervs$5
1But you said this oy was seventeen,5 <auren said$ 1%hat+s not really older$5
Chloe sighed$ 1,+" not arguing aout whether or not a seventeen)year)old would ever hit
on "e$ ,+" saying that it !elt wrong$ -e walked up and asked "e where , got "y !ries
and , told hi", politely, not e.actly encouraging conversation$ %hen he asked "e another
*uestion$ (a"e thing', gave the shortest possile answer, ut he #ust kept talking$ , was
waving a huge Cnot interested+ sign and he ignored it$ %here were girls all around us,
checking hi" out, ut he insisted on ugging "e$5 (he looked !ro" "y dad to her aunt$
1-e centered "e out$ , know he did$5
1And he did the sa"e with "e,5 , said$ 1-e "ade a point o! getting "e to stay when
Chloe and (i"on le!t$ -e started y asking stupid *uestions, then out o! nowhere, he
starts aiting "e, "aking cracks aout Chloe$5
<auren shook her head$ 1-e+s new to town, asking aout !ootall to a young "an who
looks as i! he+d play it$ %hose aren+t Cstupid *uestions,+ Derek$ As !or aiting you Cout o!
nowhere,+ , suspect you rought it on y eing rude to hi"$ And , think this proves, as
,+ve said e!ore, that you and Chloe aren+t doing a very good #o o! keeping your
relationship a secret$ 2ou know that+s i"portant'5
1This is i"portant,5 , said$ 1(trangers, in our town$ Centering us out$ (talking us$5
1Don+t interrupt "e, Derek$5
12ou oth have a point,5 Dad said$ 1, think Derek and Chloe tipped this oy o!! aout
their relationship$ ,+" not concerned aout it, ut , do elieve it e.plains the situation$ -e
had his eye on Chloe, and when Derek showed up, he challenged hi"$ Derek isn+t
accusto"ed to that, so he "isinterpreted, as did Chloe$5
1And !ollowing us into the woods85 , said$
1-e+s interested in Chloe and he wanted to see where she lived$ :hen you two didn+t
head ack to the house right away, he got tired o! waiting and le!t$5
, looked at hi"$ %hen , got up and turned to leave$
Dad sighed$ 1-old on, Derek$ Could everyone please give us a "o"ent alone$5
, dropped ack into "y chair$ :hen the others were gone, Dad sat across !ro" "e$
1, know you don+t agree with "e,5 he said$
12ou think ,+" paranoid$5
16o, , think staying in one place is "aking you very unco"!ortale, and , think your
disco"!ort is "aking Chloe unco"!ortale$5
My head shot up$ 1,! you+re i"plying we "ade this up'5
16o, ,+" not$ But , think your eagerness to "ove on is coloring your interpretations o!
the situation$ , know staying here is hard on you$ , know it+s also hard having to pulicly
pretend you aren+t involved with Chloe$ :hen <auren suggested that, it see"ed
reasonale, ut now , see that it+s putting e.tra pressure on you$ , also know the situation
with <auren, while i"proved, is not ideal$5
, snorted$
-e leaned !orward$ 1,+" sorry aout that, Derek$ (he+s co"e to understand that you+re
not a danger ut $ $ $5
1&ust ecause she elieves ,+" not going to rip out her throat while she sleeps doesn+t
"ean she wants "e dating her niece$5
1, don+t think that+s'5
1,t is, Dad, and we oth know it$5
17erhaps, ut we also oth know that her in!luence over Chloe isn+t what it used to e$
%here+s no danger o! <auren turning Chloe against you$ 2ou understand that, right85
, "uttered so"ething like agree"ent$
12ou don+t worry aout <auren,5 Dad said$ 1Don+t worry aout the rest, either$ 6ow that
, understand how "uch this is all othering you, ,+" going to start "aking plans to "ove$
:e+ll !ind a new place to stay and you+ll e allowed to openly date Chloe$ ,n the
"eanti"e, we+ll #ust keep a closer watch on things$5

%hree days passed with no sign o! Carter, his 1grand!ather5 or anyone else$ , checked the
woods twice a day$ , patrolled the property !our ti"es a day$ 0nce , even had Chloe walk
alone to the "all, with "e !ollowing !ro" inside the !orest$ (till nothing$ As "uch as ,
hated to ad"it it, Dad see"ed to e right$ An ordinary #erk had hit on Chloe and ,+d over)

0n the third evening a!ter the !ood court incident, , was in the study, doing ho"ework at
the desk$ Chloe was reading a te.took while curled up on the recliner$ (i"on lay on the
throw rug, supposedly studying, ut when he started to snore, , looked over to see hi" on
his ack, te.took open on his chest$ Chloe caught "y gaze and rolled her eyes$ 6either
o! us suggested kicking hi" out, though$ ,! (i"on wasn+t with us, it was a sure et that
<auren would say 1ho"ework is not a social activity,5 and shoo us o!! to di!!erent roo"s$
,t didn+t "atter that we were actually studying$ 0r that she+d never walked in when we
were supposed to e studying and caught us doing anything else$ 0r that (i"on and , had
always studied together and , actually !ound it harder to concentrate when , was alone$
%o <auren, it would e #ust another e.a"ple o! Chloe and "e spending too "uch ti"e
(i"on only dozed !or a !ew "inutes, e!ore he woke, stretching and linking at the ig
!ront window$
1Al"ost dark,5 he said to Chloe$ 12ou still taking hi" !or his house)reaking lesson
, !licked an eraser at hi"$ -e ducked it and threw "e a grin$
:hile , was getting "y Changes under control, we+d decided , should try once a week$
:hile (i"on was #oking aout house)reaking, that+s kind o! what it was like'take "e
outside regularly, where ,+d atte"pt to per!or" a odily !unction, and hope!ully train "y
ody to do it on a schedule$ (o !ar, , !elt like a "onth)old puppy, struggling to control "y
ladder e!ore it was ready to e controlled$ (o"eti"es , did Change, ut it see"ed "ore
luck than purpose$
, had an e.cuse, then say we+d skip it tonight$ 0nly , didn+t want to skip it'as !rustrated
as , was with "y slow progress, it was progress$ Besides, i! , said no, it would sound like
, was still paranoid aout so"eone !inding us$
12ou up to it85 , asked Chloe$
(he stretched and nodded$ 1, could use the !resh air$ , think that put "y rain to sleep$5
(he pointed at the te.t as i! it was a piece o! rotten "eat$
17hysics85 , said$ 12ou "ust need a "ore advanced te.t$5
16o, it+s #ust oring$5
, picked the ook up and doule checked the title, to "ake sure , hadn+t "isidenti!ied the
1Boring85 , said$ 1-ow can physics e $ $ $85
, looked up to see she+d already le!t the roo"$ (i"on pointed at the te.t, grinned and
!aked a yawn$
1-old on,5 , said, striding a!ter her$ 17hysics is not oring$ Maye you #ust need "e to
e.plain it etter$ Chloe8 ChloeA5

:e were in the woods$ ,n our spot$ (itting on our !allen tree, Chloe straddling "y lap as
we kissed, "y hands on her hips, hers around "y neck, the heat o! her chasing away the
evening chill, the s"ell o! her "aking "y head swi"$
:hen she roke the kiss, , tried to chase it, lips rushing hers, ut she pulled ack and
1;ela.ed enough to try Changing85 she "ur"ured$
1Al"ost$ 6ot *uite$5
1/ood,5 she said, and leaned in to kiss "e again$
Online Story Chapter Six
August 31, 2011
0nce Chloe decided that any "ore ti"e5 was going to "ake "e too tired to
Change, we "oved to the thicket we usually used$ As , undressed, Chloe sat with her
ack to "e, talking and "aking sure , stayed rela.ed and distracted until , got into
position'on all !ours'and needed to concentrate$ (he leaned ack, ar"s raced ehind
her, and , kept one hand over hers, that touch reassuring "e as , egan$
%he worst part aout trying to Change is knowing that i! , succeed, ,+" going to reach
that point, "id)trans!or"ation, where ,+ll !eel like ,+" going to die$ %hat point where the
pain is so incredile that , al"ost wouldn+t "ind i! , did$ %hat will pass and once ,+"
done, ,+ll say 1it+s worth it$5 But when it+s actually happening, , wonder why the hell ,+d
ever intentionally try to do this$
At least , wasn+t throwing up any"ore$ , re"e"er the !irst ti"e , started to Change,
when Chloe was with "e ehind <yle -ouse, and , was puking in the ushes, helpless,
racked y the pain o! the Change$ (he+d stayed with "e$ (he+d reassured "e$ (he+d
looked a!ter "e$ And that, , think, is when things started to change !or "e, too$ %hat+s
when , saw "ore than a da"sel)in)distress who , could use to get "y rother out o! <yle
,+d seen signs o! it e!ore, ut ,+d ignored the", told "ysel! , was wrong$ %hat night,
though, as she stayed with "e, when she hadn+t known , was a werewol!'hadn+t even
known werewolves e.isted'that+s when , looked at her and , saw real strength$ And ,
saw the !irst person, other than (i"on, that , could ever i"agine as a !riend$
%hinking ack to that !irst night see"ed to rela. "e and "ake "e !ocus on the process$
%hat did the trick$ , Changed$ , didn+t get to skip the 1,+" going to die5 "o"ent$ But it
see"ed to pass a little !aster, and al"ost e!ore , knew it, , was lying on the grass, in
wol! !or", panting$
%hat+s when Chloe turned around$ (he crawled over to sit eside "e and gave "y
shoulder "uscles a light "assage while , rested$ :hen , was ready, , pushed to "y !eet
and nudged her$
1(o what+s it tonight85 she asked$ 1%ag8 -ide and seek8 ?etch85
, gave a so!t growl at the last one and she laughed$
1(o"eday, ,+" going to teach you to !etch,5 she said$ 1, really a"$5
Another growl and , u"ped her legs$ (he laid her hand on "y head, and , leaned against
her, eyes closing as , rested there a "o"ent$ ,+ve Changed !or"s with others around, ut
even with (i"on, it+s never this co"!ortale$
, can sense that it o! tension (i"on tries to hide when , Change$ Dad, too$ %hey know a
werewol! can+t always e trusted in wol! !or"$ Chloe was told that, too, ut she never
elieved it, even the !irst ti"e, when ,+d told her to get out o! the way i! , !inished the
trans!or"ation$ , know now that there+s no reason to worry', !eel like "ysel!, no "atter
what !or" ,+" in$ (he+s the only one who really gets that and treats "e the sa"e either
1Are you tired85 she said$ 10r do you want to play85
, stepped away !ro" her$
17lay, , take it$ %ag8 0r hide and seek85
, dipped "y "uzzle twice$
(he laughed$ 1-ide and seek it is, then$ (o who goes !irst85
, raced o!! in answer$ (he started counting$
, tore around a it e!ore !inding a spot$ , could say , was trying to con!use her y
"aking lots o! noise and racing in circles, ut really, , was #ust en#oying "ysel!$ %here+s
a restlessness that uilds up etween Changes$ 0ur usual ga"es o! chase help, ut this is
what , really need'#ust to run$ 9ven a!ter , heard Chloe co"ing a!ter "e, , kept running$
%hen, as she drew close, , dove ehind a ush and hunkered down$
(he !ound "e easily, sighing, 12ou don+t even try to hide, do you85
, growled and u"ped her legs$
12es, yes, ,+" going$ :hy do you insist on "aking this !air when all you want to do is
the seeking part85
, gave another growl and retreated ehind the ush again to count$ (he was right$ , really
pre!erred the hunting part, not surprisingly$ , gave her lots o! ti"e, too, so she could !ind
the est spot and "ake it a real challenge$
As , waited, , stretched out in a patch o! "oonlight and closed "y eyes$ ,! , were in
hu"an !or", ,+d have een s"iling$ ,t !elt so good, so da"ned good, lying in the grass,
the night reeze ru!!ling "y !ur, Chloe+s scent still wa!ting around "e, her laugh still
echoing in "y ears$ <i!e wasn+t per!ect, ut Dad was ack and (i"on was sa!e and , was
Changing and Chloe was with "e and that was all good$
(o , lay there, !eeling pleased with "ysel!, until , realized ,+d given her "ore than
enough ti"e to hide$ <ast ti"e , did that, ,+d !ound her asleep in a thicket$ 6ot wanting to
wake her, ,+d curled up with her, still in wol! !or"$ 9.cept, when , woke up, so"ehow ,
wasn+t in wol! !or" any"ore, which "eant , was naked $ $ $ and it was "orning, and
(i"on and Dad were out in the !orest, yelling !or us$
,+d had to streak ack to "y clothing, while Chloe headed the" o!! and kept the"
distracted until , got ack, dressed$ :e+d still caught serious shit !or that one$ Dad had
insisted on taking Chloe+s place !or "y ne.t two Change atte"pts, which was proaly
the iggest punish"ent he could have co"e up with, even i! he didn+t "ean it$ :ithout
Chloe there, , didn+t Change, which "ade "e cranky and irritale and restless, until
Chloe convinced Dad that his punish"ent was doing "ore har" than good$ Dad had
agreed, ut said i! we ever spent the night in the woods again, , was going to have to
learn to Change without Chloe around$
(o , didn+t goo! around this ti"e$ , !ollowed her trail as est , could, winding through the
!orest a!ter it$ (he+d tried to trick "e'cli"ing a tree and #u"ping down at the end o! a
ranch'ut that only stalled "e !or a "inute or two, then , !ound where she+d carried
on$ , kept going, nose to the ground until $ $ $
Another scent dri!ted past$ Cologne$
:hen , s"elled it, , stopped, !ur ristling, a growl uling up$ %hen , swallowed it and
gave "y head a sharp shake$
, was i"agining things$ , had to e$ 0r picking up an old scent$
, sni!!ed the air$ 6o, , wasn+t i"agining anything$ Carter+s cologne was thick on the
reeze$ And it was co"ing !ro" the sa"e direction as Chloe+s trail$
Online Story Chapter Seven
(epte"er 13, 2011
:hen , s"elled Carter+s scent co"ing !ro" the sa"e direction as Chloe+s, , wanted to
tear over there, take hi" down and save her$ ,+" sure that+s what (i"on would tell "e to
do$ 7lay the hero$ (ave the girl$ :in her undying love$ 9.cept that racing through the
!orest "eant Carter "ight hear "e and gra her as a hostage, which would e a whole lot
less ro"antic$ 9ven i! , did "anage to take hi" down, , was in wol! !or"$ %hat would e
kinda hard to e.plain$ :orse, , could hurt hi", like , had that kid in Bu!!alo$ %i"e to
cal" down and proceed with caution$ ,! , could "anage it$
:hile , worked this out, , loped through the !orest, getting to Chloe as *uickly and
*uietly as , could$ (oon , was close enough to tease oth scents !ro" the air and realize
they weren+t actually together$ %hey were #ust co"ing !ro" the sa"e direction$ Carter
was a lot closer to "e$
, slowed and crept through the undergrowth until , could see hi"$ -e was standing
ehind a ush, peering over$ , could tell y Chloe+s s"ell that she was aout a hundred
!eet away'in the direction he was looking$
-e was watching her$ (pying on her$ (talking her$ , !ought a surge o! rage y telling
"ysel! that Chloe was sa!e$ , could get to her e!ore he could$ 6ow , needed to rela. and
work out a plan$ As , worked on one, so"ething kept distracting "e$ -is scent$ , could
still s"ell cologne, ut now, when , was in wol! !or", , picked up "ore o! his natural
s"ell$ ,t see"ed $ $ $ !a"iliar$
%he other day ,+d wondered i! there was a reason Carter was wearing so "uch cologne$ ,!
he was covering his scent$ ,+d thought he "ight e a "e"er o! the 9dison /roup$
Maye so"eone , hadn+t seen that day we destroyed the la, ut that , "ight have
s"elled there$ , had !inally decided , was eing paranoid$ But now , knew , hadn+t een$ ,
recognized his scent$
9.cept $ $ $ , didn+t$ ,t s"elled !a"iliar and yet it didn+t$ -ow was that possile8
Didn+t "atter$ , could work all that out later$ ?or now, , #ust needed to get this guy away
!ro" Chloe$ :hile "y gut still urged "e to take hi" down'#ust #u"p hi", pin hi", let
Chloe escape'"y rain said that wasn+t necessary$ , could sneak around and warn
Chloe, and we could escape$
, could go ack to the house and tell Dad and we could go a!ter Carter together as ,
tracked his scent$ %hen ,+d let Dad handle hi"$ ,t was the s"art thing to do$ :hen Dad
realized ,+d walked away !ro" a con!rontation, he+d !inally understand that , was still "e
in wol! !or", capale o! rational thought$ &ore capale o! rational thought than ,+d een
when ,+d attacked that guy in Bu!!alo$
, started circling around Carter$ , "ade a wide circle, so he wouldn+t catch a gli"pse o!
"e$ %hat shouldn+t e hard, considering ,+" a lack wol! and it was night)ti"e$ (till, ,
stayed close enough to keep an eye on hi" and "ake sure he didn+t go a!ter Chloe$
, passed parallel to hi", "aye !i!ty !eet away$ As , did, , heard hi" inhale sharply$ ,
stopped and , turned to peer over at hi"$ -e was still ehind the ush, ut he wasn+t
looking in Chloe+s direction any"ore$ -e was looking in "ine$
, eased ehind a low ush$ Carter wasn+t looking right at "e, though$ &ust in "y
direction$ -ad he heard a twig crack8 , didn+t think ,+d "ade any noise$ (o what had'8
-e tilted his head and his nostrils !lared$ (ni!!ing8 6o, that wasn+t poss'
,t hit "e then$ :hat ,+d s"elled in his scent$ :hat "ade it !a"iliar$ %he underlying scent
o! a werewol!$
,+d s"elled it once e!ore, with two guys who+d co"e a!ter "e$ ,+d !igured out !ast what
they were$ :ith Carter, even a!ter , detected his real scent, the cologne still tainted it$ But
now there was no dout in "y "ind$ Carter was a werewol!$
-e sni!!ed again and his lips parted in a 1(hit$5 -e peered into the darkness$ %hen he
looked toward Chloe$ Back toward "e$ More cursing$
, knew then what , had to do$ /et hi" away !ro" Chloe$ 'hase hi" away !ro" her$ And
when she was sa!e, , had to take hi" down and hold hi" until she could ring "y dad$
Because i! a werewol! had !ound us, we were in real troule, and , couldn+t let hi"
escape until we+d !ound out what the hell was going on$
, continued toward Chloe !or another twenty !eet$ %hen , cut on a diagonal, heading !or
Carter+s position, creeping along silently until , was aout !i!ty !eet away$ , paused,
hunkered down$ then shot !ro" the rush and arreled straight !or hi", "aking all the
noise , could$
-e stu"led !ro" ehind the ush and see"ed ready to run !or Chloe$ But he was too !ar
away$ And , was etween hi" and her$ 0ne last regret!ul look her way, e!ore he turned
and ran$
, let out a snarl$ ,t was the loudest sound , could "anage without stopping to howl$ ,
heard Chloe scra"le !ro" her hiding place$ , glanced ack and caught a gli"pse o! her$
, didn+t stop$ (he could see , was running the other way$ -ope!ully, she could see who ,
was chasing$ (he+d get to sa!ety and ring help$ , continued a!ter Carter$
,t wasn+t a !air race$ -e was !ast, ut in the !orest, having !our !eet and running lower to
the ground gave "e the advantage$ -e kept having to duck low hanging ranches$ %he
gap etween us closed with each stride$
:hen , heard the undergrowth crackle so"ewhere in !ront o! "e, , thought it was a deer$
%here were so"e in this patch o! !orest and they+d race o!! in a panic when they s"elled
"e co"ing$ (o , ignored the sound $ $ $ until a dark shape leapt etween "e and Carter$
,t was a wol!$ A grizzled lack wol!$ -uge'at least as ig as "e$
Carter+s grand!ather$
, skidded to a stop$ ,+d !aced adult werewolves e!ore$ %wo o! the"$ 6either had een
anywhere near this one+s size, and ,+d still een outclassed$ Dad said that werewolves
protect the"selves y gaining a reputation that wards o!! others $ %hey gain that
reputation through !ighting$ %hat "eans even the s"allest adult werewol! was "ore than
a "atch !or "e$ (o when , saw Carter+s grand!ather, , had the sense to turn in "y tracks$
But as soon as , veered to race ack the other way, , !ound "y path locked y another
werewol!, nearly as ig as Carter+s grand!ather$
, dove into the ushes$ As , plowed through the", , could hear the two wolves !lanking
"e, angling in to cut "e o!!$ , hunkered down, eyes slitted, ears ack, protecting "ysel!
against the ranches and ra"les as , ran through the"$ , kept going, ignoring the
crashing o! the wolves on either side o! "e until one !aded$ (till running, , swiveled "y
ears to e sure$ %he wol! on "y le!t'Carter+s grand!ather'was gone$ -e "ust have
!allen ack, too old to keep up, leaving "e to the younger one$ ,! , could #ust !ind a
clearer path $ $ $
(lightly to "y le!t the undergrowth cleared up enough !or "e to get ahead$ , #ust needed
to steer that way'
A lack shape shot !ro" the trees #ust ahead o! "e$ Carter+s grand!ather$ , tried to stop,
ut he was too close and as , skidded, he pounced$ -e hit "e hard, knocking "y legs
!ro" under "e as , went down$ , tried to scra"le up, ut his #aws cla"ped on the ack
o! "y neck$ -e pinned "e as the other wol! ran over$
A "o"ent later, , heard a voice$
1, thought they said you were smart$5
,t was Carter$ , tried to twist to see hi", ut his grand!ather kept "y head pinned to the
ground$ , !elt a prick in the ack o! "y neck$ A rush o! cold$ , linked$ Blinked again, as
the !orest see"ed to wole$ %hen it went dark$
Online Story Chapter Eight
(epte"er 2D, 2011
, woke up !eeling groggy, linking and clearing "y throat$
1%here+s soda there,5 said a voice , didn+t recognize$ 1Coke and E)37$ , wasn+t sure
which one you liked$5
, !ollowed the voice to a "an$ -e was older than Dad, with so"e gray in a "ane o! dark
hair that !ell to his shoulders$ ,+d seen his !ace e!ore and , linked again, trying to clear
"y !uzzy rain, ut the answer wouldn+t co"e$
, turned "y gaze to the pop ottles$ , i"agined taking a gulp and "ade a !ace$ %he sweet,
syrupy drink wasn+t going to clear "y throat or "y head$
1, sent 6ate out !or urgers,5 the "an said$ 1Do you like urgers85
, looked around$ , was in a edroo" with no windows$ %he only was a door'past
the "an$ , sized hi" up$ -e looked even igger than "e and so"ething aout his s"ell
told "y !oggy rain , shouldn+t even try getting past hi"$
Da"n it, , knew this "an$ , knew why , was here$ %hink, think $ $ $
12ou like chicken instead8 0r tacos85 he said$ 1, can call 6ate, tell hi" to gra so"e
!ried chicken or so"e tacos$5
1,+" not hungry$5
1(ure you are$5
%he "an laughed, ut it was a weird laugh, kind o! nervous$ , pulled the covers ack$ As
, sat up, , stared down at "ysel!$ , was wearing sweat pants and a %)shirt, ut they
weren+t "ine$ %hey didn+t s"ell like "ine$ %hey s"elled like $ $ $ :hat did they s"ell
%he "an pushed the pop ottles at "e$ 1/o on$ -ave so"e$ %hey haven+t een opened$5
:hy would he say that8
, looked around the windowless roo" again$ Because ,+" a prisoner here$ ,+ve een
captured, and he+s telling "e the pop is sa!e$ , opened "y "outh$ My lips stuck together,
gu""y, and "y "outh tasted like ,+d eaten cotton$
1Do you have water85 , asked$
-e looked con!used$
16ever "ind$ ,+" not thirs $ $ $5
, didn+t !inish the word, #ust le!t it hanging there as the gears o! "y rain !inally started to
turn$ , looked at the "an and , re"e"ered who he was and what he was and e.actly
what , was doing here$
, leaped !ro" the ed, landing on hi" and knocking his chair over ackward$ , ran to the
door and yanked it open to see Carter standing there$ , pulled ack "y !ist, ut his
grand!ather was already on his !eet and had the ack o! "y shirt$ -e yanked, and , !lew
ack$ -is ar" went around "y neck in a headlock and when , tried to !ight, , couldn+t
1&ust stop !ighting, Derek$ ,+" not going to hurt you$5
1Chloe,5 , rasped$ 1:here+s Chloe8 %he girl , was with$ :hat did you'85
1:e didn+t touch your girl!riend$ (he+s !ine$ /one ho"e$5
, heaved !or reath$ %he "an+s ar" loosened around "y neck$
12ou etter lay ack down,5 he said$ 1-ave a soda$ ?ood is co"ing$ 2ou+ll !eel etter
once you+ve eaten$5
No! Ill feel better once you let me out of here.
, didn+t say that, #ust nodded$ -e released his grip$ , acked onto the ed$
1Might help i! we gave hi" another shot,5 Carter said !ro" the doorway$
16o,5 his grand!ather said$ 1(ee"s like he got too "uch the !irst ti"e$5 A look toward
Carter$ 1More than , "easured out$5 -e turned to "e e!ore Carter could answer$ 1Do
you know who , a", Derek85
12ou+re supposed to e his'5 , nodded at Carter$ 1'grand!ather$ 0r that+s what you
were pretending to e at the "all$5
1, a"$5
(ilence$ -e kept studying "e, like he was waiting !or "ore$
12ou know what , a", though, don+t you85
1A werewol!$ <ike hi"$5 Another nod at Carter$
1Anything else85
, shook "y head$ -e looked disappointed$
1My na"e is %heodore$ %heo$5
1%heo Cain$5
, sti!!ened$ , didn+t "ean to, ut when he said that na"e, , heard the other werewolves'
<ia" and ;a"on'this spring in the park, talking aout "e$
(es a 'ain.
12ou know that na"e, don+t you, Derek,5 the old "an+s rough voice so!tened$ 1Cain85
1(o"eone told "e $ $ $5
, swallowed and took another look at %heo$ :hen ,+d !irst seen hi", ,+d thought he
looked !a"iliar, ut , couldn+t re"e"er ever seeing hi" e!ore$ %hen , thought Carter+s
scent was !a"iliar, ut , !igured it was #ust the werewol! s"ell$ ,t wasn+t$ , looked at
%heo Cain'his dark hair, his s*uare !ace, his ig uild'and , knew why ,+d recognized
hi"$ Because he looked like so"eone , saw in the "irror everyday$
1, heard $ $ $5 , egan$ 1, "et two werewolves$ <ia" and ;a"on$ %hey said ,+" a Cain
and ,+" guessing they told you$ %hey thought , was related to you ecause , kind o! look
like you$ But ,+" not$5
1Did those scientists say your daddy was so"eone else85
16o$ , $ $ $ they never "entioned "y parents$5
1%hen how do you know "y oy, 4ach, wasnt your daddy85
Because I dont want him to be. Because I look at you and I look at 'arter o$er there and
I dont want you to be my family. I dont want anyone to be my family e)cept my family.
*)cept +ad and %imon.
1,t wasn+t those two who told "e,5 %heo said$ 1, know who <ia" and ;a"on are, ut ,
haven+t run into the" in years$ (o"eone else told "e$ (o"eone who knows those
scientists and what they did to you and to "y oy$ %hey tricked 4ack$ -ad so"e girl trick
hi"$ (he got pregnant and he never knew it, ecause i! he did, he wouldn+t have le!t you
there$ -e would have co"e !or you$ :e all would have co"e !or you$5
, knew those words were supposed to "ean so"ething$ , was supposed to !eel so"ething$
A !antasy co"e true, "aye$ %he little oy, locked up in a la, drea"ing o! his !a"ily
co"ing to his rescue and giving hi" a nor"al li!e$
But , hadn+t known enough aout nor"al li!e to even understand the concept o! !a"ily$
0r that , should or could e rescued !ro" that li!e$ %hen , had een rescued$ By "y dad$
9ven i! we didn+t share a strand o! D6A, Fit Bae was "y !ather$ -e+d saved "e and he+d
given "e a !a"ily and the closest thing to a nor"al li!e he could$
,! these Cains were "y iological !a"ily, then "aye , should !eel so"ething, ut ,
didn+t$ A !ew "onths ago, , would have een happy !or the chance to speak to another
werewol!, ut Dad had already !ound so"eone , could talk to'a guy who knew a lot
aout the"$ (o now all , thought was that they could supply "e with a !a"ily "edical
history, which could e use!ul$ And proaly not the response they hoped !or$
10kay,5 , said a!ter a "o"ent$
%heo watched "e, then said, 10kay what85
, shrugged$ 1,! you say ,+" 4achary Cain+s son, then , guess , a"$5
1,+" your grandpa, Derek$5
, !elt ad then, seeing his disappoint"ent$ %here wasn+t anything "ore , could say,
though$ , couldn+t pretend , was thrilled to have a real !a"ily$ %he est , could do was
nod at Carter and say, 1And he+s "y $ $ $5
1Cousin$ ?irst cousin$ (o is 6ate$ 2ou+ll "eet hi" soon$5
1-e was the other wol! that attacked "e$5
%heo winced$ 1:e didn+t "ean'5
1:hatever$ And 4achary$ 2our son$ %he one you think is "y !ather$ -e+s dead, right8
Filled y the 7ack85
/rie! !lashed across the old "an+s !ace$ , had to ite "y tongue to keep !ro" saying
another casual 10kay$5 , tried to look like , was sad aout 4achary eing dead, ut the
truth is that , didn+t !eel "uch o! anything, e.cept "aye a little sorry !or %heo+s loss$ ,
hadn+t known "y !ather$ -e hadn+t known "e$
1(o now what85 , said$
%heo looked con!used$ 16ow what85
1:hat happens now85 , looked around$ 12ou kidnapped "e and rought "e here to tell
"e this$ (o now what85
%he con!usion deepened$ 12ou+ll co"e with us$ 2ou+re a Cain$5
16o,5 , said slowly$ 1, "ean, iologically, , a" ut $ $ $5 , wanted to say , already had a
!a"ily, ut "y gut warned "e it "ight not e in "y est interests to ring that up$ ,
shrugged$ 1, don+t know you$5
12ou will$ 2ou+ll co"e and live with us now$ :e+ll take care o! you$ 2ou+ll stay with
"e$5 -e "oved closer$ 1Don+t worry, Derek$ :e+re going to "ake this real easy$ 2ou
can even go to school$5
-e gave the sa"e con!used look as when ,+d asked !or water$ 16o$ -igh school$ Cain
oys are ho"e)schooled, ecause we "ove around a lot$ ut we know an education is
i"portant to you, so ,+ll "ake sure you go to a real school as o!ten as we can$ 2ou don+t
need to worry aout college$ 2ou won+t need that$ 2ou+re already s"art$5 -e s"iled$
1Don+t need a piece o! paper to prove it$5
, wanted to say 1Are you sure we+re related8 ;eally sure85 ut again, it didn+t see" wise$
, re"e"ered what else those werewolves said aout the Cains$
Three things e$ery 'ain has in common. Big as a house. ,gly as a mud fence. +umb as a
, didn+t "uch appreciate the second part, ut , knew , wouldn+t e trying out !or a
"odeling #o anyti"e soon$ As !or the last, , knew that was wrong$ At least !or "e$ But i!
1not too right5 was a trade"ark o! a Cain, and these guys were Cains $ $ $
, evaluated the situation as , pretended to consider %heo+s words$ , was trapped in a
windowless edroo"$ /uarded y one werewol! who could take "e out and another who
proaly had a syringe o! sedative in his ack pocket$ %hen there was a third one'igger
than Carter and younger than %heo'who+d e ack any "o"ent$
, wasn+t getting out o! here y rute !orce$
, reached !or the Coke, twisted o!! the top and gulped it$ %hen , looked at %heo$ 12ou
said urgers85
-e s"iled and rela.ed$ 12ep$ Burgers, !ries, even onion rings i! 6ate can !ind the"$
:e+ll keep you well !ed, son$ 2ou don+t need to worry aout that$5
, !inished the ottle, set it aside and stared at it, again !eigning deep conte"plation$
1,t would e nice to e with "y own kind,5 , said !inally$
1Course it would$5
1Mr$ Bae is a nice guy and all ut $ $ $ he+s not a werewol!$5
1Course he isn+t$5
1-e doesn+t really get "e, you know85
%heo s"iled$ 1Course he doesn+t$ -e can+t$ 6ot his !ault$ ,+" sure he tried$ But he+s not a
, nodded, then scratched "y head and "ade a !ace$ 12ou think , could go have a shower
e!ore those urgers show up85
%heo chuckled$ 1,s that what you want, Derek8 A shower8 0r are you hoping there+s a
window you can cli" out85
1-uh8 6o$ , #ust wanted'5
-e leaned !orward$ 12ou+re a s"art oy$ ,+ve een warned aout that$ , "ight not have
"uch o! an education, ut , know a !ew things aout us$ Aout werewolves$ :e need
!a"ily$ :e need a pack$ 2ou+ve got that$ 2ou+ve got a daddy and a rother and now
you+ve got yoursel! a real cute girl!riend, and you+re going to do your da"nedest to get
ack to the"$ (o i! you want that shower, ,+ll take you, ut you+d arely get your head
out o! the window and there+s no one around to call !or help$5
-e pushed to his !eet$ 1,t+s gonna take a while !or you to co"e around$ , know that$ And
you+re not going to e too happy with "e !or a while$ (oon you+ll see that , did the right
thing and you+ll thank "e !or it$ But !or now, ,+" keeping a real close eye on you, Derek$
(o'5 -e "et "y gaze$ 1Do you still want that shower85
, looked at Carter, snickering ehind %heo, and , slu"ped ack into the ed$
Online Story Chapter Nine
0ctoer 1>, 2011
:hen the !ood arrived, , ate$ ,t see"ed the right response, one that "ight convince %heo
, was prepared to deal with this "aturely and reasonaly$ 6ate #oined us !or the "eal$ -e
see"ed okay$ Bigger and, yeah, uglier than Carter$ 6ot as right as %heo$ ,n other words,
when it ca"e to eing a Cain, he didn+t get a pass on any o! the three criteria$ But he was
nice to "e, which was "ore than , could say !or Carter$
:hile the rest o! the !a"ily could only change into wolves, Carter got a onus shape)
shi!ting aility$ -e was also an ass$ As %heo tried to regale "e with the wonder!ul li!e ,+d
have as a Cain, Carter kept !inding ways to "ake #as$ Aout "y looks$ Aout "y skin$
Aout "y size$ 9ven aout "y intelligence'i! , asked a *uestion aout werewol! li!e, it
only proved that , wasn+t as s"art as , thought , was$ And i! , was dating Chloe, it was
only ecause she was scared o! the 9dison /roup and wanted protection, ecause really,
what other reason would she have !or dating "e8 An ass, like , said$ ?inally, %heo
snarled and sent hi" away, and that only pissed Carter o!! "ore, as he "outhed ehind
%heo+s ack that we+d settle this later$
(ettle what8 , hadn+t done anything to hi"$ 2et so"ehow, , had$ , #ust didn+t know what$
A!ter %heo !inished his spiel, , egan "ine$ 9arlier, ,+d een reluctant to tell hi" how
attached , was to "y !a"ily$ 6ow, , realized was e.actly what , needed to do$ :hatever
"isguided ideas he had aout "e, he clearly understood the value o! !a"ily$ (o the goal,
then, was to e.plain the situation in a way he+d understand$
, said that , totally understood his position$ , appreciated that he+d co"e looking !or "e$
But , already had a !a"ily$ , had a !ather and a rother, and , had a girl!riend, and ,
wanted to stay with the"$ ,+d like to keep in touch with hi"$ , #ust didn+t need'or want
'a new !a"ily$
,t was a rational, respect!ul response$ Dad would have een proud o! "e$ %heo didn+t
care$ -e wasn+t angry or insulted'he #ust let "e talk, then ignored everything , said$ ,
was a kidB , wasn+t old enough to "ake decisions like this$ (o he+d "ake the" !or "e$
(o , argued$ , got "ad$ , got sarcastic$ , didn+t "ean to, ut it was like eating "y head
against a rick wall, trying to "ake hi" understand$ (till %heo didn+t get angry with "e$
-e #ust put "e on a ti"e)out, like a "isehaving puppy$
-e le!t and 6ate le!t, and , sat there$ As , did, , tried to !igure out how ,+d escape$ %he
answer see"ed ovious'let the" take "e ack to wherever they ca"e !ro", then run
away at the !irst opportunity$ %hey couldn+t watch "e !orever$ But where would , go
when , ran8 :hen Dad realized ,+d een kidnapped, he+d co"e looking !or "e, ut he
wasn+t a werewol!'he couldn+t track "e$ A!ter a couple o! days, he+d pack up the others
and "ove$ -e had toB he couldn+t risk having whoever took "e go a!ter (i"on or Chloe
or %ori$ -e had to protect the"$
:hen , ca"e ack, then, how would , !ind hi"8 , wasn+t even sure , could co"e ack'
%heo was right enough to know ,+d return to where he !ound "e$ And i! , got ack
e!ore Dad "oved the others8 %heo and 6ate and Carter would e right on "y heels, and
they+d proaly have called in others to help$ ,+d e putting "y !a"ily at risk$ ,+d never
do that$
But ,+d never go with the" either$ , couldn+t$ 9ven the thought o! it "ade "y heart
thu"p so hard , couldn+t reathe$
Maye , could'
(o"ething click-clicked to "y le!t$ , looked over to see a pencil rolling under the door$ ,
stared at it !or a "inute, like , was e.pecting it to e.plode$ 0! course it didn+t$ , slid o!!
the ed and padded over to pick it up$
&ust an ordinary pencil$ -ow did'8
A !aint noise sounded outside the door$ %hen a piece o! paper sailed underneath and
across the !loor$
1:hat the'85
%he pencil was plucked !ro" "y !ingers so !ast , didn+t even notice until , saw it
levitating and looked down at "y e"pty hand$ , walked over to the paper and ent as the
pencil egan scriling across it$
You look ./. 0re you ./"
1<iz85 A stupid *uestion$ <iz was the only poltergeist , knew$ But i! she was here, that
"eant$ 1Chloe85 My heart started thudding again$ 1:here+s Chloe$ Did they'85
%hes outside.
, took a deep reath$ 1/ood$ 0kay$ My dad+s there, too85
, watched the paper$ 6othing happened$
1<iz8 My dad is with her, right8 (he called hi", didn+t she85
1:hat do you "ean she couldn+t$ (he has her cell'5 6o, she didn+t$ :e hadn+t taken
the" into the !orest$ ,! Chloe had "anaged to !ollow "e straight !ro" there $ $ $
, swore$ 1%ell her to get to a pay phone$ Call collect$ /et "y dad and'5
No time. Theyre packing the $an.
1%hen you ride with "e$ 2ou can !ind out where we go, and return and Chloe'5
1ere getting you out.
1:hat8 6o$ Asolutely not$ %ell Chloe'5
2irls rule
, scowled, i"agining her laugh$ 1%hat+s not !unny, <iz$ 2ou tell Chloe that this is too
dangerous$ , asolutely !orid'5 , swallowed the de"and and tried again$ 1,+" asking
her not to do this$5
%he paper and pencil rose and "oved toward the ed$ <iz !olded the paper and threw it
under the ed$
1-eyA5 , said$ 1:e+re not done here$ 2ou have to'5
%he door opened and , stopped short as %heo walked in$ -e looked around$
1, thought , heard you talking,5 he said$
, cleared "y throat$ 1, was, uh, calling !or so"eone$ , need to use the athroo"$5
-e s"iled$ 1/ood ti"ing$ , was #ust going to suggest that$ :e have a long drive ahead o!
us and we+re al"ost ready to go$5 -e turned and called !or 6ate to take "e$

:e were in a house$ ,t had so"e !urniture, ut not "uch$ Maye a rental8 , couldn+t tell$
, only know that , had een, apparently, in a ase"ent edroo", one in the "iddle o! the
house, which is why , hadn+t gotten a window$ (a"e went !or the athroo"$ :indow)
!ree$ 9ven that wasn+t good enough !or 6ate, who le!t the door open and stood with his
ack to "e$ , didn+t really have to go, so , #ust stood there$
1(hy ladder85 6ate said with a laugh$
1Finda$ Could , get a "inute8 ,+" not going anywhere$5
1(orry$ 0rders are orders$ ,+" not supposed to let you out o! "y sight$ At least ,+"
turning "y ack$5
/reat$ , wasn+t sure what ,+d do i! he did leave "e alone, ut , would have liked the
12ou+ll get used to it,5 6ate went on$ 16ot a lot o! privacy in a werewol! pack$ %hat+s
what we are'the Cains$ 0ur own pack$ 2ou+ll like it$5
A chuckle$ 12ou don+t sound so sure$ Can+t la"e you$ %his "ust all e real con!using$
But you will like it$ Most o! us are spread all over the place, ut that+s kind o! nice,
traveling all the ti"e, "eeting up with cousins and uncles and nephews, hanging out,
hunting$ 2ou like to hunt85
16ever tried it$5
1:ell, you will$ (oon$ ,+ll tell %heo to set one up !or you$ ,t+s like a !a"ily reunion$
9veryone gets together, parties, goes !or a hunt$5
13sually$ :e went elk hunting last year$ Moose a !ew years ago$ +Course the est hunts
are the other ones$5
10ther ones85
12ou know $ $ $5
, stopped and looked over "y shoulder$ 12ou "ean85
-e grinned$ 1%wo)legged deer$5
My gorge rose$ 12ou' 2ou hunt'85
10h, not like that$ :e don+t #ust pick so"e rando" person$ ,! you do that, the 7ack
co"es a!ter you$ :e need to e care!ul$ ?ind so"eone that no one will "iss$ A #unkie or
, stared at hi", certain , was hearing wrong$
-e walked over and clapped "e on the ack$ 1Don+t knock it +til you+ve tried it$ And you
won+t try it !or a while$ %heo won+t allow it until you+re older$ 6ow, zip up and co"e on$
%heo+s waiting upstairs$5
Online Story Chapter Ten
0ctoer 31, 2011
, took "y ti"e washing "y hands$
:here was Chloe8 :hat did she have in "ind8 <iz telling "e Chloe was planning to
rescue "e wasn+t really use!ul'now , could "ake so"e "ove, like stalling, hoping to
help and screw up her plans$
+amn it! 3i4.
12ou scruing in !or surgery85 6ate said$
1(orry, ,'5
(o"ething hit the !loor with a crack$ 6ate turned and looked down to see his cell phone
on the !loor$ -e patted his ack pockets, as i! to e sure it was his, then swore and
reached down$ %he phone slid across the !loor$
1:hat the hell85 he "uttered$
,t slid !aster now, scraping and u"ping along$
1CarterA5 6ate growled$ 1%his is not the ti"e !or pranks$5
As he took o!! a!ter the phone, , looked out the athroo" door to see it rise a !oot o!! the
ground, then !all with a crack$
6ate swore and picked up speed, loping down the hall, "uttering$ 1,! you reak it,
Carter, , swear you+re uying "e a new one$5
%he phone #u"ped again, and shot into the roo" where they+d held "e$ %he door
sla""ed shut$ %here was an outside lock and , started running !or it$ %hen , heard a click
as <iz turned the lock$ , raced the other way, praying it was the right way$
Behind "e, 6ate pounded on the door$ %he hinges s*uealed$ %hey wouldn+t hold long,
not against a !ull)grown werewol!$ , ran !aster$
%he hall ended in what looked like a %= roo", though #ust a !ew pieces o! !urniture
re"ained, as i! so"eone had started clearing it out$ 0n the other side were the stairs
heading up$ , started !or the"$ As , did, , heard voices at the top$ %heo and Carter$
Co"ing down$
, looked around$ %here were a !ew windows at the top o! the walls$ %ypical s"all
ase"ent windows, which "eant there was no way in hell , was s*ueezing out one$ , ran
!or the couch'the only piece o! !urniture ig enough !or "e to hide ehind$
9ven as , dove, , knew it wasn+t going to work$ %he so!a was clear across the roo" !ro"
the stairs$ %oo !ar to run once they passed$ And they+d know it was the only place , could
As , dropped ehind the so!a, so"ething caught "y ankle$ , looked down to see Chloe
hiding ehind a tale'as est anyone, even her size, could hide ehind a tale$ :hen she
tried to tug "e down, , shook "y head$ %hen , realized the spot she was s*ueezed in was
too s"all even !or her$ -er legs were inside so"e kind o! hole$
%here was a cuy in the wall$ A crawlspace !or e.tra storage$ (eeing it, , re"e"ered
the last crawlspace we+d een in, co"plete with uried odies that she+d accidentally
resurrected$ , hesitated, ut her !ingers gripped "y pant)leg as she acked into the hole$ ,
nodded, dropped down and !ollowed, acking in$
0nce , got past the opening, the storage space was igger than , e.pected$ 6ot huge'ut
large enough !or "e to crouch in$
,+d arely gotten the hatch shut when , heard heavy !oot!alls on the steps and a crash
!ro" the ack hall$
6ate ca"e running into the %= roo"$ 1Did you catch hi"85
1:hat85 ,t was %heo$
6ate e.plained what happened$ 3n!ortunately, he stayed in the %= roo" while
e.plaining it, leaving us no chance to escape$
, twisted to look at Chloe$ 12ou shouldn+t have'5
1%oo late$5
, glowered at her$ (he glowered ack$ , could have laughed at that$ 0r kissed her$ :hich
was co"pletely the wrong reaction, ut , couldn+t help it$ , looked at her, crouched in that
storage space, her !ace lit y a penlight, dirt s"udged on her cheek, doing her est to
glower at "e, and , wanted to reach over and kiss her$ ;eally kiss her$ ?eel the heat o!
her lips and pull her against "e and drink in her s"ell and'
, linked$
1Are you okay85 she whispered$
, nodded$ 1But you shouldn+t have'5
(he leaned over and pressed her lips to "ine and , !orgot what , was going to say$ ,t
didn+t last "ore than a second, though, e!ore she pulled ack and whispered in "y ear,
1Are they still there8 , can+t hear the"85
, turned to listen, then whispered$ 16ate+s looking !or "e$ %heo+s staying right there$ By
the stairs$ , don+t hear Carter$5
, realized the na"es would "ean nothing to her$ But there was no ti"e to e.plain and she
didn+t ask, #ust nodded$
12ou should have called "y dad,5 , whispered in her ear$
1, did$5
1:hat85 , was too loud and she clapped her hand to "y "outh$
1,+" not stupid,5 she whispered ack$ 1, called collect !ro" a pay)phone$ But <iz
couldn+t !ind the address o! this place$ ,t+s #ust a house in the country$ ,t+s !or sale,
though, so , gave hi" all the in!or"ation !ro" the sign$5
1Did you really think'85 (he sighed and shook her head$ 1-e+s co"ing, ut we didn+t
have ti"e to wait$ :hen , got ack, they were already getting a van packed$5 (he looked
at the door again$ 1:hat are they doing now85
, strained to listen$ %heir voices had "oved away and it took a "o"ent !or "e to realize
they were heading upstairs$ 6ate had checked the ase"ent and reported it was e"pty$
%hey !igured ,+d slipped past and "ade a run !or it$ ,! it was "e, , would have !ollowed
"y trail and seen where , went$ , guess they+d do that a!ter, when they couldn+t !ind "e,
ut it wasn+t the !irst thing they thought o!, however ovious it "ight e to "e$
:hen , turned to tell Chloe they were gone, she was looking o!! to the side, nodding$
1<iz says they+re going outside to look !or you,5 she whispered$
, didn+t say ,+d already heard that', #ust nodded$ :e waited$ A screen door s*ueaked
shut upstairs$ %hen <iz ca"e ack to say they were all outside$ , eased open the hatch
door$ :e crawled out$
, "ade "y way to the stairs, straining to listen !or any sound aove$ 6one ca"e$ ,
whispered !or Chloe to hang a !ew steps ehind "e as we went up$ (he agreed$
%here was a side door at the top o! the stairs$ %he interior door was openB the stor" door
was closed$ , listened care!ully as , slid toward it$
1<iz says it+s clear,5 Chloe whispered, so low , al"ost didn+t hear her$
, stopped on the landing and peered out the door$ As , reached !or the handle, Chloe
caught up and touched "y ar"$
1:ait,5 she whispered$ 1<et <iz check again$5
,t see"ed to take !orever !or <iz to co"e ack and , rocked there, on the alls o! "y !eet,
staring out at the !orest less than a hundred !eet away$ :e #ust had to cross that stretch$ ,
didn+t hear anyone$ :e should #ust'
1%he keys are in the van,5 Chloe whispered$
, turned to her$
1<iz says they+re close y, ut the van is open and the keys are in the ignition$ %hat+s our
est et$5
, hesitated and looked out again at the !orest$
1, know you+d pre!er the woods,5 she whispered$ 1But , et they would, too$5
(he was right$ My instinct said to run !or the !orest, ut , had no advantage over the"
there$ ,n !act, i! one o! the" could Change !ast enough, ,+d e at a disad$antage$ 7lus ,
had Chloe to think aout$
1,+ll drive,5 , said$
(he "anaged a s"ile$ 1%hat+s what , was hoping, Ccause , can+t$5 (he pushed open the
door$ 1(o"ething tells "e it would e a good skill to have, though$5
1,+ll teach you$5 , "otioned her ack and leaned out the door$
1<iz says it+s !ine,5 she whispered$ 1(he can see oth'5
Chloe let out a yelp and wheeled$ As she did, , caught Carter+s scent$ , turned to see hi"
swinging out o! a doorway right ehind Chloe$ , lunged !or her and she lunged !or "e,
ut it was too late'he had her y the ack o! the shirt$ 0ne yank and she !lew o!! her
!eet$ Be!ore , could "ove, he had her pulled ack against hi", ar" around her throat$
-e looked at "e and s"iled, showing his teeth$ 1/oing so"ewhere, little cousin85
Online Story Chapter Eleven
, eased !orward, gaze !i.ed on Carter+s$
13h)uh,5 he said, tightening his grip on Chloe$ 12ou do know how easy it would e to
snap her neck, don+t you8 &ust ecause ,+" not Changing yet, doesn+t "ean , don+t have
"y !ull strength$5
-e was right$ , hadn+t had "y !irst Change until "onths a!ter ,+d thrown that kid against
the wall$ , took a deep reath and tried to slow "y pounding heart$ , tried to catch
Chloe+s eye to reassure her, ut she see"ed a lot cal"er than , was, #ust glancing !ro"
side to side$ <ooking !or <iz$
:here the hell was <iz8 :hy hadn+t she spotted Carter e!ore he graed Chloe8
Because she+d een !ocused on %heo and 6ate$ I should have een watching !or Carter$ ,
should have een watching !or all o! the"$
:as <iz o!! !inding a weapon8 7roaly$ But , couldn+t rely on her to !i. this$
1<et Chloe go,5 , said$ 1,+ll stay$5
1(tay85 Carter laughed$ 1:hy the hell would , want you to stay85
, linked and replayed his words$ 9ven then, , couldn+t see" to process what "y he was
saying$ All , could process was the sight o! hi" with his ar" around Chloe+s neck$
12ou want Derek gone,5 Chloe said$ 1%his is your pack$ -e+s an interloper, even i! he is
(o she+d !igured that we were related8 0! course she had$ ,! she+d gotten even a gli"pse
o! %heo or 6ate, she wouldn+t e wondering why Carter called "e 1cousin$5
12eah, , want hi" gone$5 Carter "et "y gaze$ 1/one !or good$5
12ou want "e dead,5 , said$
-e sputtered a laugh$ 1Dead8 2ou+ve een hearing too "any ig ad wol! stories, cous$ ,
"ean , want you out o! here$ Away !ro" us$ 2ou don+t elong$ 2ou know that$ , know
that$ ,t+s %heo who #ust can+t see" to !igure it out$5
Chloe tugged his ar" down a little$ 1And it+s %heo who+s going to return any second to
"ake sure Derek does stay$ (o i! you want hi" gone, let us leave$5
1M"", soon$ ,t+ll take the" a while to search the !orest$ Be!ore you go, though, , want to
"ake sure your oy!riend doesn+t have any crazy ideas aout keeping in touch$5
1:hat85 , said$
12ou "ight not want to live with us, ut ,+" thinking you "ight decide to "ake contact$
2ou know$ A phone call on Christ"as$ A card on our irthdays$5
1, don+t know your irthdays$5
Carter+s gaze hardened$ 1But you know what , "ean$ :e+re werewolvesB you+re a
werewol!$ :e+d e a good resource$ (o"eone to call when you have *uestions$ And
"aye, in a !ew years, you+ll start thinking you want to visit, too$ /et to know us etter$
A!ter all, we are !a"ily$5
1And you don+t want that$ 2ou want "e out o! your li!e !or good$5
1, do$ (o this $ $ $5 -e pulled Chloe ack, ar" tightening$ :hen , rocked !orward, though,
he released his grip$ 1%his is #ust a little warning$ 2ou co"e a!ter usB ,+ll co"e a!ter her$
0r your so)called rother and !ather$5
1, understand$5
1Do you85 -e held "y gaze$ 1Do you really85
, ristled under that stare$ , wanted to tell hi" to go to hell, that ,+d never had any
intention o! "aking contact$ But that would e a lie$ , wouldn+t e in any hurry to !ind
the" again, ut "aye so"eday, when , was older and %heo couldn+t #ust e.pect to
scoop "e up and take "e, ,+d want to get in touch$
Carter was right$ , would have *uestions, aout "y !a"ily and aout eing a werewol!$
:hile , was sure ,+d never e spending %hanksgiving with the", , "ight want contact at
so"e point$ But !ro" Carter+s glare, , knew that wouldn+t e an option$ 6ot until , was
prepared to deal with hi"$
1?ine,5 , said$
-e tightened his grip on Chloe$ 1Are you sure8 Because'5
Chloe elowed hi" in the sto"ach, hard enough to "ake hi" gasp$ -e loosened his grip$
(he ducked out !ro" his ar"$ , lunged and sla""ed hi" ack into the wall, #ust as a
plate hit hi" over the head$ -e staggered and stared down at the plate$
1:hat the hell85 he "uttered$
1Apparently, so"eone had troule !inding a proper weapon,5 Chloe "uttered$
(he was ehind "e now$ , locked her, tensed !or action, ut Carter wasn+t "aking a
"ove to do anything, #ust ruing his head and trying to !igure out where the plate ca"e
!ro"$ ,! he turned around, he+d see a ig shard o! it hovering in the air$ <iz, also poised
!or action, with an actual weapon now$ But when he didn+t "ove, we didn+t either$
, could turn this into a !ight$ %each Carter that , wasn+t so"eone to "ess with$ And i! ,
did that, %heo and 6ate could hear the co""otion and co"e running$
:as , sure , could 1teach hi"5 anyway8 -e was a werewol!, too$ , "ight e a lot igger,
ut he was a werewol!', couldn+t trounce hi" the way , could a hu"an$ , "ight only
piss hi" o!! "ore and "ake hi" "ore deter"ined to go a!ter Chloe i! , ever initiated
contact$ (o ,+d win nothing$
1:e+re leaving now,5 , said$ 1,+ll go away and ,+ll stay away$5
1/ood$ ,+ll give you a !ive "inute head start$ %hen ,+ll tell the" , saw you driving in the
opposite direction$5
, could thank hi" !or that$ Maye , should$ But he wasn+t doing it !or "e$ -e was #ust
eli"inating a threat to his position in his pack, and with his grand!ather$
(o , #ust nodded and grunted so"ething, then ushered Chloe out to the waiting van$

:e "et "y dad a "ile down the road$ Chloe spotted our van co"ing, and #u"ped out as ,
pulled over$ Dad al"ost drove y$ But he saw her'or heard "e shouting'and put it in
reverse$ :e cli"ed in, le!t the other van y the roadside and took o!! $ $ $ a!ter Dad
pulled out a !ew wires under the hood and disaled their ride$
1(o, can we "ove now85 , said as he pulled away$
-e looked at "e through the rear view "irror$ 1,+" sorry, Derek$ ,+" really'5
1:e+re "oving, right85
12es, we+re "oving$5

, e.plained everything on the way ack$ Dad apologized so"e "ore$ , let hi"$ ,t wasn+t
co"pletely his !ault$ , did have a tendency to get a little paranoid$ 7lus <auren hadn+t
helped$ But i! , let hi" o!! the hook now, he "ight not e so *uick to act the ne.t ti"e$
(o , kept "y "outh shut$ And when we got ho"e, we started to pack$

1, know we+ve "oved,5 Chloe said two weeks later, as we walked ehind our new house$
1But it doesn+t really see" like it$5 (he gestured around us$ 10ld !ar"house in the
country, a "ile !ro" the nearest neighor, orders on a nice sized patch o! !orest $ $ $5
1(ee" to e a lot o! the" !or rent$5
(he laughed$ 1<uckily !or us$ And this one co"es with an added onus$ A convenient
escape route$ 6ot a lot o! those on the "arket, , et$5
%here weren+t, oviously$ Dad got lucky, though , suppose that luck had co"e with a lot
o! work, !inding a place we could easily get out o! i! the Cains returned$ %his one wasn+t
e.actly advertised as co"ing with an escape route, ut it had a passage connecting the
separate garage to the house'ack !ro" the days when the 1garage5 had een a arn,
and they+d had a du"waiter !or lowering supplies into the cold cellar hallway elow$
%he !act that "y dad !ound this place showed how stressed out he was over the Cains$ ,+d
!orgiven hi" last week !or not "oving when , asked, ut it was still playing heavily on
his "ind$ -e wasn+t #ust worried aout the" !inding us'he was worried aout how ,
was dealing with !inding them$ Discovering "y !a"ily, then losing the", all in a !ew
-ow did , !eel aout it8 Con!used, , guess$ %here was no part o! "e that wanted to go
live with the Cains$ , wasn+t even sure ,+d ever want to "ake contact$ , kept thinking
aout what 6ate said, aout hunting hu"ans$ , didn+t care i! they only went a!ter guys
who should e locked up in a prison cell', didn+t ever want to do that$
But Dad said , was looking at it the wrong way$ 6ot that , should e okay with "y !a"ily
killing hu"ans, ut that , had to see i! !ro" a werewol! perspective, where restricting
the"selves to rare hunts o! cri"inals actually "eant they had developed a syste" !or
dealing with their i"pulses$ ,t wasn+t the syste" ,+d choose, ut at least they weren+t
"an)eaters$ Find o! depressing to realize that was the standard !or #udging "y own kind
'did they eat people or not8 Maye that+s what othered "e the "ost$ ,n the last !ew
"onths, ,+d co"e to realize'through the 9dison /roup and <auren'#ust how low a
regard supernaturals had !or werewolves$ Dad could tell "e it was #ust pre#udice, ut now
, saw a little o! where it ca"e !ro", and what ,+d have to deal with !or the rest o! "y li!e$
1Do you want to talk85 Chloe said, looking up at "e as we walked$
1Already done enough o! that$5 , had, too, until ,+" sure she was sick o! hearing aout it$
1,t+s never enough i! it+s still othering you,5 she said$
,t was going to other "e !or a while$ And no a"ount o! talking would cure that$ &ust
ti"e$ , wasn+t telling her that, though$ (he+d #ust !eel ad that she couldn+t help$ (o , said,
1<ater,5 and tugged her over to a tree where ,+d le!t a ag earlier$
1/ot so"ething !or you,5 , said$
1,t+s our three "onth anniversary$5
-er eyes widened in panic$ 1%oday8 , thought $ $ $ , was counting three "onths !ro"'5
1Doesn+t "atter$5 , paused$ 10r , guess it does or we+ll keep getting con!used$ Can we
use today'three "onths ack, , "ean85
(he s"iled$ 1:e can $ $ $ i! you don+t "ind getting your gi!t late$5
1, don+t care i! , get one at all$ &ust as long as , keep getting anniversaries$5
(he lushed and li!ted on her tiptoes to kiss "e$ 12ou will$ ?or as long as you want
:hich was pretty "uch the est present she could give "e, and , stood there, !orgetting
what , was doing until her gaze traveled down to the ag ehind "e$
10h, right,5 , said$ 1%he gi!t$5
, opened the ag and pulled out a s"all o. o! chocolates$ 1-appy anniversary$5
10h$ %hanks$5 (he !lashed "e a huge s"ile that would have looked totally real $ $ $ i! ,
didn+t know her etter$
1(i"on said that+s what , should get you$ %hat or !lowers$ (o you like it85
-er !ace went right red now as she sta""ered, 16)no, really$ ,t+s great$ ,t+s'5
1Co"pletely and totally i"personal$ <ike so"ething you+d uy in ulk !or all your
16o, , like this kind$ 2ou know , do and'5
(he stopped as , held out the ag$
12our real gi!t,5 , said$
(he looked in and let out a choking laugh$ %hen, still grinning, she reached in and pulled
out a penlight, a (wiss ar"y kni!e and a purse)sized can o! "ace$
(he sputtered another laugh$ 1%his is $ $ $5
17ractical85 , said$
1,n "y li!e, it is de!initely practical$ But , was going to say thought!ul$5 (he s"iled up at
"e$ 1%he "ost thought!ul gi!t ,+ve ever gotten$5
1And the "ost co"pletely unro"antic8 (i"on al"ost had a heart attack when , showed
hi"$ -e "ade "e get the chocolates, as a ackup$5
1,+" sure he did$ :hich , suppose e.plains why , ended up with you instead$5 (he rose
on tiptoes again and put her ar"s around "y neck$ 1Because uying "e gi!ts to keep "e
sa!e8 %hat+s my idea o! ro"antic$5
, ent and kissed her, li!ting her up, then lowering her to the grass ehind the tree$
1ChloeA5 %ori shouted !ro" near the house$ 1ChloeA5
, glanced over$ 1%hink it+s urgent85
10nly i! saving %ori !ro" oredo" is a li!e)or)death situation$ (he was trying to get "e
to go shopping with her e!ore we ducked out$ , say we "ake a reak !or the !orest$5 (he
pointed to the ag$ 1:e have survival gear$ And chocolate$ :e can stay out there !or a
, grinned, scooped up the ag, and we raced o!! to e.plore our new !orest$ 0r so"ething
like that$

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