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Jl. Setia Budi Gg Rambutan II

e-mail : syahut!aimam"#$yah%%.&%m
M%bile: '()**+)*+,,+

Attention to:
Human Resources Department
PT. Pertamina
Dear Ms / Sir,
Please consider my qualifications. I is! to apply for any a"aila#le positions in your company. I
ould li$e to #e considered as a serious candidate. I am sure it ould #e an e%cellent career opportunity to
&oin in and or$ for t!is respecti"e company.
After 'raduated from Polite$ni$ (e'eri Medan diploma in Mec!anical )n'ineerin' on Septem#er
*+,* it! -PA .,,/. (o I am "ery interested in 'ainin' an opportunity to use my s$ills in your ell
$non 0ompany. I #elie"e t!at my personality as a !ard or$er and fast learner type person ill #rin'
'ood contri#ute to your company. I !a"e 'ood communication s$ill, a#ility to or$ in a team, !a"in' s$ill
in )n'lis! #ot! ritten and oral and also a#le to operatin' computer. I ta$e pride in or$in' !ard and en&oy
c!allen'es and demands.
I ould 'ladly elcome an opportunity to !a"e an inter"ie it! you at your con"enience. I !ope
my s$ills can #e one of your company1s assest. I am loo$in' forard to !earin' from you in t!e near future.
Please see my resume for additional information on my e%perience. T!an$ you for your consideration and
Sincerely yours,
Imam Sya!putra
Curriculum Vitae
Education Backgrounds
2ear Institution Remar$
*+,* 3 until no
4ni"ersity (ort! 5f Sumatera
6ac!elors In Mec!anical )n'ineerin'
*++7 3 *+,*
Polite$ni$ (e'eri Medan
Diploma In Mec!anical )n'ineerin'
Passed 8 0ertified
*++/ 3 *++7 SMA( * Dumai Passed 8 0ertified
*++. 3 *++/ SMP( * Dumai Passed 8 0ertified
,779 3 *++. SD( +*/ Dumai Passed 8 0ertified
Skill and Languange
S-ill Yea!s P!a&ti&ed
Ms. 5ffice More t!an 7 years
Autocad More t!an . years
.anguange Yea!s P!a&ti&ed
Indonesia : 5ral And :ritten ;an'uan'e Spo$en
)n'lis! : 5ral And :riitten More t!an 7 years
Personal Data
<ull (ame : Imam Sya!putra
Place / Dater of 6irt! : Dumai, =anuary ,/
Se% : Male
Reli'ion : Moeslem
(ationality : Indonesian
Marital Status : Sin'le
Address : =l. Setia 6udi, -' Ram#utan II Tan&un' sari
0ontact (um#er

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