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Holborn, Notng Hill, Manchester and Croydon

VQ Day 2014
Vocatonal Qualifcatons are essental to both the economy
and the individual. As well as delivering the trained, talented
employees that businesses are seekingthey also ensure that
people have the skills needed to succeed in educaton and

The 4th June is the seventh annual VQ day, led by independent
educaton charity Edge.

Pitman Training has always championed the importance of
practcal skills and we see from our students how they have
helped them to boost their career, or get that dream job.

For more informaton, you can visit the website:
We have now launched the fnal two modules that make up the
Level 2 Certfcate in Accountng!
These are:
Basic Costng
Working Efectvely in Accountng & Finance
If you are an AAT student and would like to upgrade your Diploma to
include these two new modules, please speak to a member of the
Team fore more informaton.
Congratulatons to Shilpa, Hanna and Agnieszka who completed
the Race for Life.
So far they have raised 115 for Cancer Research.
There is stll tme to donate!
htp:// @PitmanHolborn

We are delighted that Emilienne will be taking over the role of
Training Team Leader in Croydon from the beginning of June.
Emilienne is an experienced Trainer from the Holborn ofce so
we look forward to building the Croydon Team!

Our new Trainer for Holborn is ex-student
Erika DiotWelcome on board! Here are
some of Erikas favourite things...
A trip to dover!
Our lovely Holborn Trainers took a trip to Dover for
the day and we thought we would share some of
their beautful snaps from the day!
From the beginning of June we are teaming up with City of Westminster
College to bring you 24+ Loans. We are launching our brand new
DiplomaLevel 3 in IT User Skills which will include advanced Microsof
Ofce Suite, along with a BCS Level 3 qualifcaton.
If you are not already studying Microsof Ofce and would like to see if you
could fund a course with a 24+ Loan, come and speak to a Course Advisor
to fnd out more informaton.
Place in the world: Salento, Italy
Movie: Django Unchained
Food: Chocolate Brownie/Cake - anything with chocolate!

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