Basic Proficiency Quiz

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1. In the next VI, which will be the execution order (5 points)
2. The error cluster contains: (5 points)
a. A nuber, a strin! and a "oolean
b. An arra# o$ nubers, "oolean and %trin!
c. A nuber, a "oolean and an &nu T#pe
d. 'one o$ the pre(ious options
). *hich VI will #ou use to read an ia!e(5 points)
c. d.
+. &(er# ,A- VI is re$erenced b#: (5 points)
b. .e$nu
c. Tas/
d. *a(e$or
e. 'ode
5. In the next VI, nae the output data T#pe(5 points)
b. &xtended
c. ,ouble
d. I0+
e. I)2
0. 1oparin! a I10 and a 210 which stateent is true (5 points)
a. The I10 starts at 3)2,5)0 and the 210 at 4.
b. The I10 starts at 4 and the 210 at 3)2,5)0
c. The I10 has 15 bits, one o$ the $or the si!n and the 210 has 10 bits
d. "oth can represent the sae aount o$ nubers
5. *hat is the result $or the next VI: (5 points)
a. 1,3Arra# containin! 674,+4,24,14,3048
b. 1,3Arra# containin! 6124,)4,3048
c. 1,3Arra# containin! 6124,)48
d. 2,3Arra# containin! 674,2486+4,14,3048
7. *hat is e(er# VI coposed o$ (circle all that appl#)9 (5 points)
a. :ront ;anel
b. :or loops
c. 1ase structures
d. "loc/ ,ia!ra
e. %top button control
<. Is used to displa# a brie$ description o$ a VI(5 points)
b. 1ontext =elp
c. >abVI&* =elp
d. &xaple :inder
e. 'one o$ the
14. ?odularit# is related to which concept(5 points)
a. Ac@uire =elp easil#
b. =andlin! se(eral ,ata T#pes with the sae VI
c. 2sin! %ubVIAs into other VIAs
d. ?odi$# an# control or indicator dependin! on the application
Practical Application
"uild an analo! calculator to Add, %ubtract, ?ultipl#, ,i(ide two analo! si!nals. The user ust be able to
select between operations and use a constant instead o$ one o$ the controls in case the user needs it.
This VI ust be con$i!ured to be used into other VIAs.

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