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Standard 1: Learner Development Jennifer Jankowski

1(C): The learner collaborates with families, communities, colleagues, and other
professionals to promote learner growth and development

Scenario Discussions
During my Behavior Management course, I
worked in small groups to discuss scenarios that
took place in a K-12 setting. The scenarios helped
with practicing collaboration to solve problems
with students. The scenarios covered what we
would do if students were being disruptive in the
classroom and how we could implement the
strategies in our future teaching. We collaborated
together to come up with strategies that we
already had learned and found some new
strategies in our textbook. We did this to figure
out how to respond if we were in that teachers
After discussing the scenario in small
groups, we then discussed with the whole class.
We talked about a specific scenario and received
input from other classmates on how they might
solve the issue if it were them. During this
scenario discussion I realized that as a future
teacher we need to collaborate to solve problems
and gain input on different situations. I may not
always have the perfect answer but by working
together with my classmates, I was able to find
different strategies that I did not think of and add
them to my tool belt if this situation were to
happen to me in the future.
I believe that the scenario
discussions were beneficial in this
course. By doing scenarios that
involved K-12 classrooms, I have
learned that working together
with others to come up with a
solution to a problem can be very
successful in teaching in all grade
levels. By collaborating together
with my classmates, I was able to
find strategies that I did not know
about before. It has helped me to
grow and develop as an educator
by learning how I can collaborate
with others to solve problems with
I have recently used this
technique that I have learned in
one of my field placements and
am going to continue
collaborating with others to
continue developing and growing
into the best educator that I can
be. The scenario discussions will
also help in my future teaching
because I now have background
knowledge on different strategies
that I can implement with

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