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A Beautiful MindPsychology 20 Questions

1. The film A Beautiful Mind is based on the true story of John Nash. Who is John Nash,
and what are the accomplishments he is known for?
. What medical condition did John Nash ha!e to face? What are the symptoms of this
medical condition, and how did they affect John"s life?
#. $hoose % words that describe John"s personality& think of the impact that he has on the
people around him.
'. Why did John choose to stop takin( his medication? )hould he ha!e continued to take
it, or do you sympathi*e with his reasons for not takin( it?
%. +escribe the challen(es ,licia faced in maintainin( her relationship with John.
-. What purpose did the delusional characters .$harles, /archer, 0arcee1 ser!e for John?
Why did he find it so hard to i(nore them?
2. John says, 34!erybody is haunted by their past.5 +o you a(ree with this statement?
Why or why not?
6. Near the end of the film, John claims that he is 3cra*y.5 +o you a(ree with him?
What is your definition of insanity?

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