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Psychology 20 Chapter 5 True/False

Identify whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The absolute threshold is the minimum amount of physical energy required to produce
a sensation. ____
2. The psychological study of the relationship between physical stimuli and sensory
experiences is called psychophysics. ____
3. Senses are most responsive to changes and new events rather than to ongoing
unchanging stimulation. ____
!. "bout one#third of all amputees report phantom limb pain. ____
$. The process of adaptation occurs for all senses. ____
%. &'estibular( and &)inesthetic( are the internal senses. ____
*. The body+s sense of balance is regulated by the ,inaesthetic system. ____
-. The olfactory nerve is related to the sense of taste. ____
.. Sensation of pain in an area away from the actual source is referred to as phantom
pain. ____
1/. 0illing in the gaps in what our senses tell us is called intuition. ____
11. 1onstancy refers to how people can perceive ob2ects relatively accurately despite
changing physical conditions. ____
12. 3eceiving information through channels other than the normal senses is called
illusion. ____
13. The &whole( experience that comes from organi4ing bits and pieces of information
into meaningful ob2ects and patterns is called a 5estalt. ____
1!. 6uch of what is referred to as taste is actually produced by a sense of smell. ____
1$. 7ain does not easily adapt to stimulation. ____
1%. The combination of two images into one is called binocular fusion. ____
1*. " person+s two retinas actually have different images. ____
1-. 1olour deficiency occurs when some or all of a person+s rods do not function
properly. ____
1.. " person+s ability to detect a stimulus does not depend on her or his motivation.
2/. 8hen disagreeable odours seem to disappear after a while it is an example of
sensory adaptation. ____
21. &Subliminal( means &below threshold.( ____
22. " psychologist would test for a difference threshold by determining the lowest level
that a light is visible and the highest level that a light is not visible. ____
23. 8eber+s law suggests that it is more difficult to notice a change in a highly
stimulating environment. ____
2!. Signal#detection theory studies the mathematical relations between motivation
sensitivity and decision#ma,ing. ____
2$. There are four cues that people use to perceive distance and depth. ____
2%. "ctive involvement is not necessary for perceptual learning. ____
2*. 7erceptual inference often depends on experience. ____
2-. " possible explanation for some illusions is that two#dimensional patterns are treated
as three#dimensional. ____
2.. 0igure and ground are important primarily in vision. ____
3/. " stimulus and a sensory experience are the same thing. ____

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